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Shooter's Gallery-3/17/03

First of all let me say hello to all of my adoring HBL fans, I know you've been waiting for THE most exciting player you've ever seen to give you a little taste... and that's all you'll get, until May 18!

To start, I've read the other "columns", (if you really want to give them that much credit) and I must say that I'm flattered that everyone thinks of me soooo much that I'm the man they want to take, that really makes me feel good...but ya' know what?


How it breaks down is I will walk up one side of you and back down the other. And, anyone who thinks that, "yeah, he is good, but Shooter and Pure won't be able to mesh well enough to win the title." HA! Well, get ready for the biggest, longest, ass-whoopin' you've ever taken. Sorry fellas but it's gonna be a long summer.

I'm happy to say that after this season I will have the most HBL titles of any player in history. And my teammate, the Pure One, will be tied for second.

The age of the Warriors passed many a year ago! If the Warriors ever did have a chance to win, it was when they had Shooter. Replacing him with R....L....P?! I'm sorry, but that won't get the job done. But what will is replacing the once great Domino with the greatest of all time....SHOOTER!

Oh, sorry, I haven't commented about the rookie team yet. Well..... right, i think I've wasted enough of my breath on them. Game on! Hehehehe!

To all the fans and groupies of HBL, I'm extremely excited to make your HBL experience a more excitng and fun one, as only Shooter can. If this comes off as a bit conceited, or cocky...well, I'm the best damn player in this league, and I'm on the best damn team, enough said!

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