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Alright everybody. Here it is at long last...the first column from Lee "Sir Swish" Eberhart. Now, most of you know me as the person in the league with the most imagination. But let me tell you, imagination won't win titles folks. Imagination won't score points. And imagination will not get you women (though with a good imagination, you can pretend you have women and have yourself a good time.)

So with that, imagination takes a back seat. Not with just me, but with everybody.

So, after many failed attempts at playing ball with y'all, it looks as if I will finally make it. The closest I came was playing ball at the Ericksen Center with most of you. Well, that and playing Happy Hockey League for a total of maybe one day or so. Which was fun while it lasted. So I look forward to finally getting out there on the court so my (many) adoring fans can see me. And now what you've all been waiting for....


I'm not much people. I have some talent, but I'm no Michael Jordan. NO, I am not Jordan, I'm just a simple Kobe Bryant. BOOOOO YAHHHHH! If you all think that when Brian and I get on the court it'll be cake, then my friends think again. Because the Lightning strikes hard, and it strikes fast. Most of the time in the basket.

You heard me. Now do something.

Lee "Sir Swish" Eberhart

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