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Feb. 25, 2003

"It's Been Too Damn Long!"

Finally...Dee HAS COME BACK--to HBL Onliiiiiine!

That's right, you read the front page right. After nearly three years, three agonizing years without the summer bliss of the Happy Basketball League, it's finally back. I think we would all agree (well, those of us who have been in the league already anyway) that the HBL has been sorely missed and it's great to be able to finally look forward to another season.

And of course, I had to be the first one to be able to run my mouth about it. Some things really DO never change!

There are a number of issues to look at as far as this year's league. First: the current rosters.

The plan was to get a three-team league and possibly four teams to play, if possible. Myself, along with Shooter and Pure, we all pretty much run things as far as trying to get everything together. When I want input on things I always check with them. Me and Shooter have played every HBL season and Pure missed only the 97 season...and even then he was a commentator. So around last November we began throwing around ideas for players and teams.

Of course, some things have changed since then...Jay all of a sudden became a pussy-whipped ass clown incapable of removing his head from his wife's posterior, and in all likelihood, would not play this year unless we renamed the league the "Trevor Basketball League" complete with a guaranteed minimum of 30 minutes of Trevor-on-camera time per 30 minutes of actual game footage. Don't get me wrong, you should love and provide for your son, but he has crossed the line into having a "child fetish", and's not healthy. As far as the league goes, it's not a huge loss because honestly, the guy has cause problems sportsmanship-wise since he came into the league in '98. I hate to talk bad about him, but he's called phantom fouls (I have the tapes, lol), argued with about anyone who's played in the league, and acted like a baby when he didn't win awards.

Starting around December, I started to realize that if Jay and Shooter (and to a lesser extent, myself) were not even on speaking terms, there was no way he would end up in HBL. So with Ryan a pretty-much definite, myself, Shooter and Pure confirmed, and Lee likely to play, we had to think of who would be sixth. A couple of people were considered, but recently we've started stalking none other than Dirty B, Brian Burmeister. Brian's a great guy that me, Chris and Ryan know from Mt. St. Clare College, and Lee's known since high school. From what I remember he's a pretty good player and more importantly, is a fun guy to be around. So here's hoping he'll team with Lee and that'll be the Lightning.

The SabreCats as of now are MIA. There are only enough players for three teams, and I really couldn't see the SabreCats without Jay. It wouldn't be the same. I figure it's best to retire that team until we get more players or until/if Jay gets his head on straight. We'll see.

Another change is that games will more often be played in Cedar Falls. I really don't think this will be a problem. There is always the modern wonder of "car pooling", and I will also be more than willing to help facilitate transportation from the Quads to Cedar Falls if I need to. It'll work out fine. There are lots of nice courts here and NO ONE ever plays on them. It'll be good.

As far as predictions and stuff, I'll leave that for later. I'm sure the shit-talking will commence very soon, as it always does at about this time of year. For now, let me just tell you that myself, I'm about fifteen pounds lighter than I was in my MSC days, and that will only continue to drop in the next couple of months. I've been working out consistently and ask's only helped my game. All I can say is, whoever's playing the Warriors this year better be ready. :)

But crap-talking aside, I'm just happy to have HBL this year. I think the guys who will probably play are great, and it should be a lot of fun. For those of us who have played before, this will be a lot better year with no controversy and no stupid arguments. Just fun and good-natured competition...or something like that. Let's just say I'm really looking forward to it, and hopefully 2003 will be the best season yet. With that assholes better get on the courts and start shooting!

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