*those who mean so very much*

This page is divided up into two groups: Guardian Angels, and Other friends. My Guardian Angels are those friends who have always been there for me. I have been to hell and back with most of them and they are still there. If you are mad that you are not an Angel and you feel you should be, just be glad to be on this page. *smiles* I owe a lot of who I am today to these people. Thank you all.

.....Guardian Angels.....

~Seastorm~: I honestly don't know what to say *shrugs*

~Dayna~: I miss our friendship, but I know it's my fault. All I can say is thank you for everything, seriously, and I really hope we can bring our friendship back, b/c I still care about you, I hope you don't forget that. We've come through worse times, right? *smiles* *hugest hugz* Love ya always.

~Chris~: We've gotten pretty close and I really love talking to you. (even though we always end up talking too damn long! *L*) I hope everything works out for you. Thanks for being such an awesome friend. Love ya! *hugest huge hugz and a kotc*

~Heath~: Ok so you call me a freak all the time. *smacks ya* *lol* You know you were my first Infinity friend and we have seen it all. I'm really grateful to you for your complete honesty all the time, even if it can be very blunt. *laughs* You're sweet. *smiles* *hugest hugz*

~AcE~: We've known each other forever, damn. *lol* You already basically know where you stand with me but I just wanted to remind you that you really mean a lot to me, and I can't wait to meet you, I know it will be an awesome experience. *s* Thanks for all the years of friendship, support, laughs, random babbling, etc. *L* and I promise to try not to call you so late all the time. ;) Someday everything will make sense. *s* *hugest huge huge huge HUGE hugz and a kotc*

~Morpheus~: You're one of the funniest people I have ever talked to. *lol* You've been there for me quite a bit lately and I always love talking to you, online or on the phone. I don't even mind all the insults against my Irish. *lol* Stay sweet. *hugest hugz* *SQUISH* :op

.....Angels In Training *lol*.....

~Mystic aka Clay~: We haven't known each other long but it feels like we have, doesn't it? You're one of the sweetest guys I've talked to, and someday you'll make some girl very happy. Thanks for listening hun. *S* *hugest hugz and kisses*

~Palmer and Brose~: You guys have been so nice to me, thanks for listening to me and just being there. Iowa sucks eh? *lol* Congratulations to the both of you. *S* *huge hugz*

~Eric~: I don't know what happened to you, we used to talk every night and then you just disappeared? Anyway I really miss you, come back! *huge hugz and kisses*

~Kev~: I don't know what happened to us, I can only hope that our friendship can be salvaged..........I miss you. *hugz*

~Nic~: Looks like something really doesn't want us to meet. *L* We have a really strange relationship, I can't figure you out half the time, but I guess that's what makes you special. *s* I hope we finally meet someday. *huge hugz*

~Ang~: You're how old??? *lol* j/k..........You have been a very good friend to me, even though we haven't been talking very long. Thanks for listening to all my problems and stuff, I promise to repay you! *L*

~Devon~: We are getting to know each other pretty quick, and you have been so sweet to me. Contrary to your beliefs, you're a really good friend and I love talking to you. Please take care of yourself. *hugest hugz*

~stEvo~: Steven you know I miss you. *L* Come back! ;) *hugest huge hugz n stuff*

~Licia~: I miss talking to you, I hope life is treating you well. *hugest hugz*

.....Other friends *in no particular order*.....


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