My Real Life Friends

If you're not on here, then you're either on my Mexico Friends page, or I'm a a dumbass and I really did forget you. I'm sorry. :op By the way, I know that the words I use to describe these people are random and don't make much sense. That's the point. HA! Anyway, on with it:

This is Robert, he knows too much about me and he needs to friggin stay home more. He's always running off to places like Japan and Europe and shit. But, when he's home, he always drives me home when I'm drunk and flirts with me incessantly. No, I will not make out with you Robert. I might marry you, but you have to do the dishes.

This is me and Andy being ourselves. Andy likes to hang out with my mom, mix cocktails, and tell people how stupid they look in that shirt. He works at Structure and I've known him since Kindergarten. He used to beat me with sticks and drive his car too fast to scare me. He was the brother I never wanted. But, I'm glad I have someone to make fun of everyone with, and I love his Long Island Iced Teas. We've watched Mystery Science Theater way too many times together. "Don't Open Cal's Tube". And keep him away from the tiki torches at 3 AM.

This is me and Brad. We were gonna get married but then we realized that we fight too much and one of us would end up dead. I love Brad though. He's really hot and he likes to touch my boobs too much. He gives me kisses and his boyfriend has awesome hair. (hi Michael!) I like him because he says "Ok" way too damn much. He's "selective" just like me. He can be a big bitch too, so don't ever call him Shenaynay. Gay boys hate that.

This is Cameron. He's dumb because he doesn't think he's hot. He looks like a friggin model. He's the kinda guy that will go out and buy Krispy Kremes in the morning when everyone else is too hungover to do it. I like his town because it's like Dawson's Creek, only with lots of hicks. Don't worry Cameron, we'll move you to the big city real soon. We're gonna live together once he graduates from high school. He's the sweetest guy I know, even if he did announce to the whole Loop where I was and why he had my car. I know what you said Shrimp Boy! HA! :op

This is Brian. (far left) We met up at college, and for some reason we have this strange chemistry, where we can barely keep our hands off each other but yet we would kill each other if we tried to date. So, he went and found someone else and got married. But seriously, he's a great guy and I'm very happy for him. Even though I still think he shoulda married me instead. :op hehe. ;)

This is Chris and Jon. Chris likes to grab my boob. They just moved to D.C. and I miss them too much. I liked going to their apartment after work and smoking a lot of cigarettes with them. They always tell me I'm beautiful and they're so sweet. :( I hope they come home soon.

This is the other Chris. He looks like Ricky Martin, so of course I love him. He likes to embarrass me by yelling out my car window at people. He's gonna get us beaten up one of these days. He makes me laugh because sometimes he is the biggest dork. I want his necklace back. He gives really good backrubs. he calls me at noon every day, even though he knows I have a job. That's just the kinda person he is. hehe.

This is Annie. She's adorable. I love hanging out with her, and she came with me to get my new tattoos. She likes to go to Raves and I think I'll go visit her in D.C. someday so I can go to a rave with her. I hurt her I think, but I hope she knows that I care about her a lot.

I know there's more of you but be patient so I can get a pic up and stuff.