..My random and personal thoughts..

I got a new Live Journal so check that for updates!

Monday, December 18th, 2000
Today's not a good day for me. Better yet, this weekend was terrible. Saturday was really one of the worst days of the year for me. I'll start at the beginning. I was supposed to be at school at 8 AM, and we have until 8:10 AM to clock in before we're considered late and we have to go home. Well, the weather was worse than it looked and the roads were terrible and I was like 2 minutes late to school. Even though I wasn't the only one late, I had to go home. Just me. Bitter bitch. Anyway, so I went home, called Paul, and went over to his house. It was all good until he got in a bitchy mood and we started arguing again, so I left and went over to my friend Travis' apartment. Well I had to take him to work at 3 so I went back over to Paul's to try to talk it out, and we were arguing again and I just lost my temper and told him I couldn't take it anymore and I broke up with him. I am such a dumbass..............so needless to say I am not good at all right now, considering that I really really like him............and he acts like he doesn't even care, so the chances of getting him back aren't good right now. I dunno what to do...........

Monday, December 11th, 2000
Well, I'm snowed in today and pretty pissed off about it. Today is my last day to see Paul until Friday b/c I work late the rest of the week, and my fucking mother won't let me drive over to his house, and his car's stuck so he can't come get me. I could just kick shit.
But anyway, on to happier things. Last night was the concert, it was Papa Roach with Linkin Park and Hed PD opening up for them. It rocked! I've never had so much fun at a concert. It's just in a dance club place so there are no seats, you just pile in and stand. So naturally, Paul and I ended up in the middle of a big mosh pit. *L* It ruled.
Today I went to the mall with my mom and her friend from Matrix and I got Paul and his kids almost done for Christmas, and I bought myself some new black leather boots (the kind that zip up the side) and my mom got me my present early, I got a leather coat! It's so cool, I got to pick it out and everything. I'll have to scan pics when I fix my scanner.
So anyway that's my weekend, I'm gonna go finish pouting now. :( Bye.

Saturday, December 9th, 2000
I have so much to update but I'm lazy so I'll just talk about some of it. *L* Ummm...........today's Paul's Birthday. He's 27. (yes, I know it's old) He's having a huge party tonight so I'm getting ready to head over there now. I had to go with him to pick up the keg. BEEEEEEEER. ;) hehe. Anyway, it should be interesting to say the least. Tomorrow night I'm taking him to see Papa Roach in concert, so I'm excited about that. It's sold out and it's general admission so I'm kinda nervous about getting trampled to get a seat. *L* But anyway it should be a good time. Paul and I have been together like 2 months now, but if any of you know me well that's a hella long time. *L* I have pics to scan once I get my scanner fixed.
That's about it, school and work have been the same. I get my review at work coming up this week with my $.10 raise. *lol* I'll try not to spend it all in one place. Anyway, gotta go help my baby drink all that beer. ;) Toodles.

Tuesday, November 28th, 2000
Last weekend was pretty busy, I met Paul's kids for the first time. They are so adorable. We took them on Friday night to see Christmas lights and stuff, it was fun. Then on Saturday Paul got really sick and ended up in the hospital with a really bad flu and I took care of him all night. So on Sunday he brought me flowers to work. :) He's so sweet...........I dunno what I did to deserve him. Whatever it is, I hope I keep doing it b/c I've really fallen for him. *happy smile*. But enough of the mushy stuff. Today kinda sucked, a lot of financial shit, but I don't wanna get into it right now. It'll all work out. Anyway I gotta go to bed. Such is my life. *sigh* Can't wait for the weekend so I can see my baby. *G*

Tuesday, November 14th, 2000
What a month. My computer died and they had to replace the hard drive and some other stuff, and of course Gateway took their sweet time so I was without my computer for about a month. To top it all off, I lost everything. ICQ, Napster, pics, files, etc. So I have to re-download everything and I am not happy about it. *grr* At least I have it back now. I had like 80 new messages in my Hotmail from people wondering where the hell I had been. *lol* sheesh. So anyway, where the hell have I been you ask? Mostly with my amazing and wonderful boyfriend Paul. Yes, we're still together. For those of you who know me well, that's a big deal. I just feel like I've known him forever, I can totally be myself around him. I even puked my guts out the other night at his house. *L* (too many long island ice teas) I really wanna take some pics of him to put up here, the only ones I have now are of him as a drag queen (Halloween, no he wasn't a pretty girl and no he's not gay *L*). I could go on about him forever but I'll spare you.
Other than that, it's just been all school and work for me. I hit my one-year at my job on November 8th, so that was exciting. School is awesome, I'm doing appointments starting tomorrow. I highlighted Paul's hair, it's too cute. ;)
Ricky Martin's new CD came out today, so of course I went and got it. It's fabulous! Go get it!
Well, that's all I have for now, gotta sleep! Talk to ya later.

Saturday, October 14th, 2000
I don't usually update this often but things have happened so I had stuff to write in here *L*. Well I guess the biggest thing is that last night I went out with Paul again. We went to the Funnybone Comedy Club to see a stand-up comedian. It was my first time there but it was awesome! Anyway I just feel so comfortable around him, it's really cool. Last night we were talking about how we're hitting it off so well, etc.........and the subject of "us" came up (for once I didn't bring it up *L*) and we decided that we like each other a lot and we wanna be together, so we are. *S* So now I can say I started dating my boyfriend on Friday the 13th *scared look* is that a bad sign? *L*
And what else? Oh yeah I went to the doctor yesterday b/c my right gland on my throat has been swollen but I don't feel sick, so he said it's a reactive gland and he gave me antibiotics and told me if it doesn't go away then to call him immediately. *L* So that's kinda scary. Other than that, my life is great right now. *s*

Sunday, October 8th, 2000
Ya know how they say that things happen when you're not looking? Well I think one of those things just happened to me. *L* His name is Paul. I'll start at the beginning. I work with a guy named Dean and his new wife Renee, and I was looking at their wedding pics and I noticed a guy and said he was hot. (like I tend to do hehe) So anyway it turns out it's Dean's brother who just happens to be single. Well to make a long story short, Dean gave Paul my # and he called and last night he took me out and I had a great time. I met both of his parents and his dad's girlfriend, who all happen to be really cool. Paul was so sweet, he paid for everything, held open all the doors, etc. I'm not used to that. *L* I just felt so relaxed and comfortable around him and his family, it didn't seem like we just met. So anyway Dean came into work today and told me that Paul had a great time too, so I have a good feeling about this. We'll see. ;)
In other news I'm getting a haircut tomorrow, so I'll take some new pics and scan them soon. See ya!!

Monday, September 25th, 2000
Well, I'm using one of those rare moments of free time to update a little. Beauty school is going awesome, I've already done two haircuts and I've done rollers and pincurls and stuff like that. This week we're learning perms, and the chapter in the book is long and confusing, so I'm scared. Oh well.
We've been hella busy at work too so I've been pretty bitchy. I had a party on Friday night but some of my friends pissed me off and I just dunno if I wanna make the effort to have another one. People don't seem to respect other people's hospitality, ya know? I mean, I didn't have to invite them! Oh well. Sorry to bitch a lot. *L* Ummm other than those things, nothing new has happened. I'm pretty frustrated in the love department. Kinda wondering if I'll be single forever...........*shrugs* Bye for now.

Sunday, September 10th, 2000
Look at me, I'm updating again. Yay. Ummm, this weekend was pretty cool. Friday night I decided to drive 2 hours to Cedar Falls (where I used to go to school) to visit Robert. Well, when I got there, his roommate was there and a friend of Robert's, but Robert was nowhere to be found. So, I hung out with his very cool roommate for 2 hours, Boe, until Robert finally came home. But, it wasn't his fault. So, after 5 hours of sleep I drove 2 hours back home. Then I went to see Riverdance with my dad, which is now my 2nd favorite show (next to RENT of course). Then I was in bed by 10:30 PM. Today I went to work, came home, and here I am. I am so boring. *lol* Anyhoo that's my life. I start school on Tuesday so expect to hear less and less from me. See ya!

Monday, September 4th, 2000
Ever notice how much more difficult it is to go back to work after a vacation? Yeah. Pretty much sucks. I need another vacation now. *L* As for latest news on me, I got in to beauty school. Yep, I start a week from tomorrow. So, I'll be working 31 hours a week and going to school full time. Can you say BUSY?? I don't care though, it'll be something new and exciting for me. And, I'll graduate next November if I play my cards right. So anyway, that's about all I'm saying in this thing. Ya never know who reads it. ;) See ya.

Monday, August 28th, 2000
Wow. Being home sucks. *L* I had such an awesome time in New York, check out the pics here if you haven't already. I flew in on Thursday night and my cousin and I just ordered Chinese takeout and went to bed. Friday we went into the city (she lives in the Bronx) to go shopping, etc. We went to the Gap and then we wandered around Times Square and ended up in front of the MTV studio. There were people in line for TRL so we figured we'd give it a shot and get in line too. Well, for some reason, we got on the show. *L* That's right, I was on TRL. Fun times. That night we (and her boyfriend Craig) went to see RENT on Broadway. I cannot stress enough how amazing this show is, really if you ever get the chance to see it, DO! Find out about it here. After that we went to the Times Square Brewery and ate. Then we went to a night club called Joy, and even though I'm only 20, they let me in. We had a blast.
Saturday we went to Madison Square Garden to meet up with Sue and Evan. I don't think any of us expected to hit it off so well, and to top it all off I was so nervous! But we had so much fun! First we went to the Empire State Building and that was ok, but Sue and I had a hard time climbing the 6 flights of stairs to the top. *lol* (we need to get in shape Sue! hehe) Then we walked around a lot, went out to lunch, then Central Park, then to a couple of bars, where Sue and I proceeded to get drunk. *L* (Cosmopolitans really do rule!) And Sue and I bonded even more then, it's amazing how the truth really comes out when you're drunk eh? *L* Then we went and had hot dogs that I couldn't bite and Sue couldn't chew *lol*, then ice cream, and then I had to go back to my cousin's place. I hated saying goodbye to them! We really had an awesome time. I know we'll do it again though. (your turn Sue! hehe) Ummm, then I had to leave NYC at 6 AM yesterday. Fun times. That's it for now. *L*

Saturday, August 19th, 2000
I've been so busy I dunno where to start. *L* I saw Christina Aguilera in concert on the 10th at the Iowa State Fair. It was a pretty good show, it could have been better but I think she was sick so it wasn't a very long show. But, we did drink a little so it was better. *lol* But anyway...........
I guess the biggest news is that I'm going to New York City this coming weekend! Wohoo! My cousin lives there so I'm gonna stay with her and we're gonna do all kinds of fun shit, like go to shows and stuff. We're definitely going to see RENT, which has been my dream to see it on Broadway for the last 3 years, so I know that will be awesome. The other cool thing is that Sue and Evhan are coming on Saturday! (HI SUE hehe!) I haven't met Sue yet and I haven't seen Ev in over a year so it should be awesome. I'll take tons of pics!!
Other than that, not much new to report, so nos vemos entonces!

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2000
Well, I've been so busy lately I don't know where to start. I'm gonna have to leave some things out b/c they're too personal, but I'll tell what I can. :) Last weekend rocked, I was supposed to go to Omaha but Brad and I had a fight and we all just said screw it. So, instead of that, I took my money and got 2 tattoos on Saturday. That's right, two. *L* I have a pic of one of them up on my new pics page, but the pic of the other one didn't turn out. The other one is the Japanese symbol for the word "Destiny" in blue ink on my right ankle. So, right now I'm kinda sore but not too bad. And yes, it hurt. ;)
I have tonsilitis right now, which sucks, but it could be worse. I have medicine so my throat stopped hurting but it's still disgusting to look at...........I'll spare you the details. *L*
I'm excited b/c my best friend Liz just moved to Ames, which is pretty close to me (about 45 mins). She used to live an hour and a half away, which sucked, so now we'll see each other a lot more hopefully.
Well, there isn't much else to report that I can think of right now. Other stuff happened but like I said it's too personal, so until next time...........

Friday, July 14th, 2000
Last night I went with Brad and Chris to see Scary Movie. It was so funny! It was really really gross though and I definitely wouldn't take kids to it. *lol* WASUUUUUUUPPP! hehe
Anyway, today me and Brad (and maybe Chris) are going to Cedar Rapids to meet some guy Brad met on the net, and we're gonna go to Iowa City and party b/c we can get into the bars there. *L* BEING 20 SUCKS ASS. But, it should be a lot of fun. I love Brad. *L*
Annie comes home in like a week. Some of you know about her and some of you don't, but she and I dated last summer and we've already decided to hook back up while she's here. *s* So, I'm really excited to see her. We're gonna take her to Omaha to some rave and stuff. Fun times!

Sunday, July 9th, 2000
I'm really bad about updating this thing eh? Well, it's not like anyone really reads it anyway. *shrugs* Anyhoo, I had a blast last night. Cameron came down for the night and we went to the mall to get our friend Brad, then to the Gay Loop to find people. We picked up Eric (the new hottie from one of the last entries) and we went to Java Joe's to get some coffee. There is a bar named Bugsy's nearby that is 16 and older on Saturday nights, so we decided to go as a joke and laugh at the teenagers. *L* We ended up having an awesome time, we danced soooo much. We even got up on the catwalk. *lol* Anyhoo, then we went back to the Loop and just hung out. I got home at like 4 AM and I had to work at 2. So, I am pretty tired.
I'm excited b/c we're planning on going to Omaha in a couple weeks to this rave that my friends love, but I've never been there. It should be fun!

Friday, June 23rd, 2000
Well, I had a blast in Colorado. It was a much needed vacation. I don't want this entry to be huge, so I'll just give bits and pieces. Me, my mom, 2 aunts, uncle, and cousin Erin went to Telluride for the Bluegrass Festival. We had so much fun, I didn't even mind the 17 hour drive each way. We basically just spent the weekend lounging in the sun listening to music. Some of the people I got to see were: Bonnie Raitt, Natalie Merchant, Susan Tedeschi, Bruce Hornsby, Mary Chapin Carpenter, and Tim O'Brien. They were all very good. I hated going back to work but I guess everything comes to an end sometime!
Last night I went out with Tim. It was our first official date, but I dunno if there will be any more. I don't know if I like him or not. *L* I mean, he is brutally hot but (I can't believe I'm saying this *L*) looks aren't everything to me anymore. He's so full of himself that it bugs me. But, just when I was getting irritated he'd do something sweet like hold the door open or kiss me or whatever. So, I'm intrigued I guess. I may or may not call him...........stay tuned. ;)

Saturday, June 10th, 2000
I'm kinda sad today. My friend Robert left to go to Japan for the whole summer, and he won't be back until August 27th. It really sucks b/c we've been hanging out a lot lately, and now I won't have a life. *L*
Last night Robert and I went to the Gay Loop and hung out until like 3 AM. It was pretty cool, we made some new friends and I set my friend Brad up with this new hottie named Eric. Daaaaaaaaaaaamnnnnnnnn he's fine. *L* Ya know, it's such a waste, the hot ones are always gay. *L*
Anyhoo, I've been lazy all day. I really need to get out and do something. My mom's out of town tonight so I might go to the Loop or whatever. Not much is new to report, I really have no life. *L* As far as guys go, nothing really has happened but things will hopefully be looking up quite soon. *wink* That's all I have to say about that.

Thursday, June 1st, 2000
Hmmm............where to begin. I've been pretty busy at work lately, they're cross training me to magazines, so I've been pretty swamped there. I don't mind it but it's just lots of stuff to cram into 3 weeks. I got my 6-month review today, which was only about a month late. *L* I only got a $.15 raise, which irritates me but hey every little bit helps.
As far as personal life goes, I don't wanna say too much and jinx it but I did meet someone. *L* His name is Timmy and there's a pic of me and him on my party pics page. I met him at a gay party which was weird but cool. We might be going out this Saturday, if I don't go out of town, so I'm excited about that. :)
Not much else to report, well there is but I'm bored and hungry and I'm gonna go eat. *L* word.

Saturday, May 6th, 2000
This entry might be kinda long. I had a long weekend. *L* Let's begin with Friday. I woke up early to go to Ramsey Pontiac to supposedly pick up my new car. Well, it wasn't cleaned or something yet so they had me sign everything and then handed me the keys to a $20,000 Grand Prix to drive to my dentist appt. *lol* I was like orgasming all the way there. *L* Anyhoo, turns out I had 2 cavities (my first ever) so I had those filled. I thought the drilling and stuff was fun, and being all doped up was awesome. *L* (I know I'm nuts) But my jaw hurts like a bitch from being open so long and the shot they put in it to numb me. Anyway, I went back to Ramsey and picked my car up, I will take pics soon I promise.
Anyway, later that night I was on the phone with my friend Karen, and I get kinda silly so I was doing twirls. I had forgotten I broke a glass last week and I guess I didn't clean it up enough b/c a small but kinda long piece ended up lodged in the ball of my foot, and since I was doing twirls, it was REALLY in there. This was about an hour before my party was supposed to start. *L* So I went to the doc and he took tweezers and (without numbing it at all) yanked the glass out. Let me tell you that was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life! DAMN! *L* But my foot is fine now. :)
Today I woke up at like noon (hungover as hell, not to mention the fact that I didn't get to bed until 5 AM) b/c I was supposed to meet Kenny (who I have been talking to for a couple of weeks now) at the Kum & Go down the street. I sat in the parking lot for about 2 and a half hours before giving up, I still don't know what happened to him, I'm kinda worried and pissed all in one. So, I'm tired, bitchy, and I have a headache. BUT I have a spankin-new sweet ass car. :)
I have to work tomorrow and then there's a drag show at the Garden (the gay bar in Des Moines) so I'll have a good day tomorrow I hope. :)
By the way, one year ago today I was on a plane back home from Mexico. Today has been kinda hard b/c I left a lot of good memories and great friends behind, and now I haven't seen some of them in a year..........If any of you are reading this I miss you guys!

Thursday, April 20th, 2000
Lots of things are going through my mind lately, I feel like I am coming to the point in my life where I need to start making major changes, ya know? I am seriously considering moving somewhere completely random, really I mean what's keeping me here in Iowa? I can go to beauty school anywhere. *shrugs*
I may seem a little down but really inside I am content. I have a lot of great things going on right now, and I might be going to the car dealer with my mom on Saturday, so I could have a new car by the end of the month. *S*
Today is Andy's 21st B-day, he went to The Garden to get sloshed with our friend Kim tonight. I wish I was 21. *L* But anyway, it'll be cool now that he can buy for me. ;)
That's about it for now, I'll write more soon I'm sure.

Tuesday, April 11th, 2000
Well, today I was in a bad mood until I got off work, I almost got fired but luckily they like me so they kept me. *phew* So anyway, when I got home, I got a call from the collection agency on my ass, I was planning on sending them a check for the full amount after I got paid this Friday, but they said they wanted to offer to settle for 25% less, and it just so happens I had that amount now, so it's PAID OFF! Yeah baby yeah! Thank gawd for check by phone. ;) So anyhoo, just 2 more paychecks to pay my mom off and then it's OVER! Oh yeah, and I might be getting my car a lot sooner than I thought, like by the end of this month. *G*
My party was awesome, hopefully I have another one soon. I don't remember all of it, but let's just say we had a drag queen and TONS of stuff to drink. ;) It rocked. Maybe I'll have a birthday party next month.
Did I mention I know a porn star? *lol* Ask me for details.............anyhoo that's the summary of the past week, there's more but I don't have room, so bye bye for now.

Wednesday, April 5th, 2000
Life has just been amazing lately. I am doing good at work, I should be getting a raise soon. My mom is out of town so I am having a party this weekend, I'm sure it will be awesome. *s* I am gonna be getting my new car pretty soon, hopfully by my B-day (May 21st), I'm getting a 2000 Sunfire. *s* Oh yeah, and last but not least, I am now a taken woman and a very happily taken one at that. *G* It pretty much rocks to be me right now. *smiles*

Friday, March 24th, 2000
*eating Hershey's kisses* *G* Hey! Life has been going awesome lately, I've been so busy with work and hanging out with friends I haven't had much time to update this thing. (Not that anyone really reads it!) I've got almost all my bills paid off, so I should be going car shopping soon. :) Also, I am planning a couple of trips, one to Indiana, the other out East to see my cousin and meet Sue. *s* I'm excited about all of it. This summer should be interesting........
My friend Kim is getting married on Sunday, so I went shopping yesterday and bought a new dress, it looks awesome on me. I'll take lots of pics. My best friend Liz is coming up with her baby, so that's really exciting. I don't see them enough but they are moving to Ames in May so then I'll only be like 30 minutes away. Speaking of Ames, GO CYCLONES! I watched the game last night and they were unstoppable. I'm proud of them. :) They're gonna have to really work hard to beat Michigan State tomorrow, but I think they can do it. :)
Anyway, I need to go now, I'll scan pics from the wedding asap. C-ya!

Monday, March 6th, 2000
Believe it or not I've been a lot happier lately. I've made a ton of new friends and I've been so busy, I haven't had time to be depressed. I found out that the guy I like feels the same way about me, but right now we're not sure what we're gonna do, there's a few reasons we aren't sure about getting involved right now. But, it's cool to know he likes me, I still got it. ;)
I saw one of my friends from Mexico this weekend, and I am hoping to see the rest of them soon. Andre might be coming out here next month, so that's exciting. Not much else new to report. Basically the same old shit, just busier.

Wednesday, March 1st, 2000
Well, life has dealt me some pretty bad blows lately, and I'm really having a difficult time..............anybody that needs to know what's going on does. I just wanna thank all my friends for being there for me. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger right?

Saturday, February 19, 2000
Things have been going downhill lately so I don't have much to write about. I am pretty depressed, but I don't really wanna get into it on here, nobody reads this shit anyways. I'm still alive at least................barely.

Saturday, January 29, 2000
This week has been boring, but eventful. *lol* My mom was outta town, allowing me to skip outta work one day, which sucked but they didn't care. It finally snowed today. I know I'm nuts but I wanted it to snow! Everyone else was getting snow, hell even Florida and shit. This is Iowa, we're supposed to be the ones digging out of snow drifts! I mean, it's almost February and we've only had 9.6" of snow total this season. Makes me wonder if winter's gonna extend into March and April. I friggin hope not! ;)
Anyhoo, I am going to Indiana in a couple weeks to meet Nic. Kinda excited, it should be fun. *s* It was a very random thing but I had the voucher with American Airlines that I had to use up, and I had that weekend free, so I figured why not? I just pray that the weather won't be bad that weekend, especially on the way back, b/c my mom doesn't know I'm going! She thinks I'm going to Cedar Falls. Anyway, she'll be on her cruise until that Saturday so at least I don't have to worry about her wanting to call me. Cross your fingers that nothing goes wrong! *s* I'll take lots of pics to put up.
Anyway, that's it for today. Gotta go be lazy some more! By the way, GO RAMS!

Sunday, January 23rd, 2000
Riiight. I keep forgetting to update this damn thing. *L* I haven't been doing anything new, just working my ass off. I decided that being single sucks, so I need to start dating again. I have some prospects so I'll keep ya posted on that. ;)
I was gonna go to Mexico for spring break, I had the ticket and everything, but my mom found out and made me cancel my flight. So, I'm stuck here but I still have that ticket to put towards another one within a year. Hopefully I can go back soon. :) I miss everyone so much, sometimes it's not so bad but other times I really get upset. I even have dreams about Mexico almost every night...............
Anyway, I could say more but that would be way too personal so I'll just continue later. :)

Friday, January 7th, 2000
Hey! I know it's been a really long time but I've been working my ass off to pay my bills. I got a huge ass cell phone bill, but luckily I am making some good money now so it shouldn't take too long. I really wanna try to take a couple of trips this year, I wanna go to New York and visit my cousin and some friends, and I also really wanna go back to Mexico and visit. It looks like it could happen, I should have this cell phone paid off sometime in March or so, and my credit card after that, and then I can start saving money. It's looking up for me finally. *s*
I didn't make any New Year's resolutions, but maybe I should. I am gonna try to stop calling International on my cell phone and start buying phone cards! *lol* I think that's a smart idea. It really costs a lot to call Mexico on a cell phone, ya know? ;) Anyhoo I'm getting it together and I'm glad. Hopefully my credit rating can still be saved.
Ok, well I need to go now, I'm getting New Year's pics developed and I wanna get them back and maybe scan some. ;)

Tuesday, December 21st, 1999
I have been so busy, but since I am hella sick today, I decided to work on my page. *L* I lost my voice, which sucks, but I am going to the doctor later so at least I'll know what's wrong. I need to go back to work so I can get more money, I'm thousands of dollars in debt!
Enough of that, I quit my job at the Gap so I could work more overtime at my full time job. The company Christmas party was Saturday night, I never thought I would be bumping hips with my boss! *lol* But she's cool like that so I had a blast and I got to know some of my coworkers a lot better.
Other than all that, my life is pretty much normal. I sent out like 40 cards this year so I had a lot of envelopes to lick! *makes a face* But, I love sending cards and making people smile when they open them. :) I have gotten a few cards as well, so thanks to all of you who sent me one. :)
I hope everyone has a Happy Holidays, I know I will. *G*

Sunday, November 21st, 1999
Ok, so it's been awhile, gimme a break. *lol* I've been really busy with both of my jobs, which by the way have been going really well. I am hoping to go car shopping this weekend. I desperately need a new car. I don't really have much to say as far as anything new in my life. Oh yeah. My friend Liz had her baby, I went to visit them yesterday. She was the most adorable baby! I wanted to take her home with me. *lol* But seriously, she is sooooooooo cute and I can't wait to spoil her rotten with Baby Gap clothes! ;)
That's about all I have to say, I will write more soon.

Sunday, November 7th, 1999
Ok, so just to let everyone know I am alive and well, I decided to update this thing. I broke my computer, and it is in the process of being fixed at Best Buy, so who knows when I will be back online. I am at a friend's computer now.
Tomorrow I start my new job, I am working full time at CDS, doing customer service. Not only did I get hired there, but also at the Gap! *s* I start there in like a week. So, I'm gonna be pretty tired but I will have money so it's all good.
By the way, I do have ADD, for those of you who keep up with my life. *lol* And that is pretty much all I can think of right now. I will write more when I get my computer back.

Friday, October 29th, 1999
Well, I have made a few "minor adjustments" to my life the past week, to say the least. *lol* After a quite unpleasant battle with my roommate yesterday, and some financial advising from my parents, I decided to move back to my mom's house this Sunday. This way I won't have to worry about rent and utilities and all that fun stuff for awhile. I have applied at a few places for a job, but the one I want the most is at the Gap. It looks pretty hopeful, so cross your fingers for me. *s* I had a doctor's appointment today. Well, sorta. At the advice of my mom and all my friends, I went to see a shrink to talk about my stress and all that shit. It went very well actually, and she thinks I might have ADD. I would be very happy to finally have a diagnosis and some medication, maybe then I can finally finish school and have a happy life. *s* So anyway, she's testing me next week.
Ummm, I am looking for something to do this weekend, considering how broke I am. I'll probably find a party or stay home and watch scary movies. Who knows.
So anyway, I'm gonna stop there. Today's kinda an off day but I hope tonight will be better.

Sunday, October 24th, 1999
Ok, so I didn't keep up every day. *lol* This week has been pretty uneventful for me. I went to my job interview, but I won't know if I got the job until early in the week, hopefully tomorrow. I need the job, considering I have no money. I have started to think about where I'm gonna live when my lease is up in January. I think I'm gonna move in with my friend Melissa. We just need to find an apartment, and I need a job. *lol* I decided I'm gonna finish my AA at a community college, then go to beauty school. I wanna work in a salon for a couple of years and then work for Matrix with my mom. I'm pretty sure this idea is gonna be the one to last. I would love that job, and I only have at most 3 years of school left to do it, probably only 2.
As far as my personal life goes, nothing really new there. (Nothing I wanna put in here, anyway hehe)

Wednesday, October 20th, 1999
Well, today has already been pretty interesting. I stayed at my mom's the last couple nights b/c she was out of town, and it was all fine and dandy until she came home and started yelling today. *lol* So, now I am at my apartment hiding........hehe.
This weekend was an interesting one. Dayna came here to meet me, and I will try to summarize our experiences. *lol* She flew in Thursday night, so Gary came with me and we only had to wait for about 15 minutes b/c I am always late. ;) Anyway, it was good seeing her, and we went back to my place and after Gary left, I took her to Hy-Vee to get groceries. THAT was a laugh, she had plenty of fun making fun of Hy-Vee and embarassing me, but it's all good. *lol* After loading up on alcohol and goodies, we went home and stayed up until 4 AM talking and watching Skinemax. Those pornos are so cheesy. ;) Friday I took her dancing and we had a little bit to drink and overall had a great time. I taught her how to merengue and we had a blast. ;) Saturday I took her to a "Good Ol Iowa home cookin" restaurant called the Machine Shed, and then I took her to the airport.

Right after there, I drove an hour or so to Albia to see my friend Liz that I went to Mexico with. I stayed there and on Sunday we drove to Ames to see one of our friends from Mexico play in a soccer game. We got to see three other girls that we went to Mexico with, and that felt really good to see them again. Then I drove back to Albia to drop her off, and then back to Des Moines. Needless to say, I was tired of driving but it was a GREAT weekend. Too bad it's over.
I have a job interview tomorrow, so hopefully I can get some paychecks coming in again. I'll keep y'all posted. *s*

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