Name: Andrea
Nickname: Drea, hermanota, hermy, etc
Hometown: Ankeny, Iowa
Born: Des Moines, Iowa
Current Residence: Des Moines, Iowa........yes I have led an exciting life *lol*
Croutons or bacon bits: croutons
Favorite Salad Dressing: ranch
Do you drink: only when I'm thirsty ;)
Shampoo or Conditioner: anything by Matrix (usually Amplify)
Have you ever gone skinny dipping: not yet *winks*
Do you make fun of people: only if they deserve it *lol*
Favorite color: royal blue
Have you ever been convicted of a crime: not yet
Best on-line friend(s): AcE, Chris, etc
One or Two pillows: two
Pets: a dog named Maxwell (jingle Max *lol*) he's a Shih Tzu
Favorite types of music: Latin pop (RICKY), and just about anything else unless it sucks--- aka anything but country!
Dream Car: Volkswagen Bug, apple green with pink and blue flowers painted all over it. Don't laugh, I'm serious ;)
Type of Car you drive now: 2000 Pontiac Sunfire SE Coupe, silver with a sunroof and power everything *s* it's nice
What type was your first car: an '84 Pontiac Sunbird........I'm still not sure what color it was........kinda brownish tan
Toothpaste: whatever I buy
Favorite food: Italian, Chinese, Japanese, steak and potatoes, pizza, etc
Do you get along with your parents: sometimes
Favorite town to chill in: New York!
Favorite Ice cream: Hagen Daazs mint chip
Favorite Soft drink: Diet Coke
Favorite Type of Family Game to Play: family game? what family game? *L*
What is Your bad time of day: anytime before 1 PM
Adidas, nike, or reebok: I really don't care
Favorite perfume: Cool Water
Favorite Website: mine! ;)
Favorite Subject in School: chorus and free periods, or any random period I skipped
Favorite Movie You Have seen Recently: American Beauty
Least Favorite Subject: math
Favorite Alcoholic drink: tequila and Squirt
Favorite Sport to watch: Football
Most Humiliating Moment: uhmm.......I plead the 5th
Craziest or silliest person you know: that would have to be myself *lol*
What do you look for in the opposite sex: eyes, sexiness, hair, honesty, sense of humor, body
Click here to see a pic of my old tattoo
Well, I can't think of much else right now. Keep checking back for new stuff, and if ya have any questions just ask and I might tell ya. ;)
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