New pics

Don't blame me if ya puke as a result of looking at me *lol*

New pics of me and friends *updated July 31st, 2000*

me and Chris

one of my new tattoos (the pic of the other one didn't turn out)this one is on my lower back

Chris practicing his future boyband pose *lol*

Annie in my car

my friend Andy and I goofing off at my house

me and Andy again

yet another one of me and Andy

Cameron (he doesn't think he's hot) ugh *lol*

Cameron again with our friend Tara

Mexico Pics

Bernardo again

Me and Juan, one of the doormen at the Belisaria

Me and Paco, one of my ex boyfriends

From L-R: Pepe, me, Amy, Beto...........Pepe and Beto were my favorite waiters

me and Fabian *drool*

Tracey and me

Pics from Dayna's visit and New Years 2000 pics

Me, Liz, and Laurie (and baby Livi) on New Years

A really stupid pic of me demonstrating my new talent *lol*

Liz and her baby *G* how cute

Nice boob shot of Dayna *lol*

Me and Dayna, pic 1

Me and Dayna, pic 2

Me and Dayna, pic 3

Me and Dayna, pic 4

I love this pic of Dayna *lol*

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