New York City
*August 24th- 27th, 2000*

*above photo courtesy of Evan Kresch, after telling a lady to please move so he could take a pic of this cow's ass for those girls over there *lol*
As most of you know, I recently went to New York to visit my cousin and see Sue and Evan. It was awesome, but the pics are self explanatory I do believe *lol* Here we go (I know my scanner sucks, I'm sorry):
Sue, my cousin Heather, and Ev by a random cow
Ev, Heather, and me, same cow
me, Sue, and Ev in the Irish Pub that doesn't card, so Sue and I got a little tipsy *ewg*
me and Sue, I love this pic
me and Sue again, eating ice cream in front of Madison Square Garden, drunk *lol*
me and Ev, same steps
me and Ev again, I was wearing his glasses and hat, and he's showing his true feelings about me *lol* dork
me drunk off my ass *lol*
random pic of Sue
random pic of Ev being a dork
Ev and Sue on top of the Empire State Building
random alien in the passenger seat of a Dodge gotta look real closely *lol*
pic of the cast of RENT outside the theater
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