
Address________________________, (Wisconsin)

CB Handle______________________

Neck Shade:______Light Red _______Medium Red______Dark Red

Number Of Teeth Exposed Full Grin: (Neither can exceed 3):
__________Upper _________ Lower

Mobile Home Color:
_________Two-Tone, Brown and White
_________Two-Tone, Pink and White
_________Faded Green and Gold

Model Of Pickup Truck:__________ Size Of Tires_________

Length of Right Leg________ Length Of Left Leg_________


Note: To be accepted, you must be honest and be able to check at least 20 items from questions below. Note that good Packer fans can sometimes check many answers for some questions.

1) My favorite music is:
____Country ____Western ____Anything played on an accordion

2) My favorite meal is:
_____ Head cheese and Old Milwaukee
_____ Cheese curd and Old Milwaukee
_____ Venison sausage and Old Milwaukee
_____ Kielbasa and carp (Surf & Turf)
_____ $5.99 Fish fry on Fridays
_____ 7 courses: brat and 6-pack
_____ Pickled eggs and turkey gizzards

3) Preferred Weapons:
_______ 12 Gauge
_______ Tire Iron
_______ Forehead
_______ Chain Saw
_______ Ice Auger
_______ Fishing Pole
_______ Empty Bottle

4) Primary Auto:
_________ '67 Ford Galaxy
_________ '67 Ford Galaxy with Transmission
_________ '73 Chevy Impala
_________ '67 Galaxy with '73 Impala Engine
_________ '67 Olds Delta 88
_________ '64 Chevy Belaire Station Wagon

5) I usually greet people by saying:
______ "Ya hey dere"
______ "Dem Packers is playing like a bunch of old women"
______ "Waddaya think a dem dere Packers"
______ "Dey should take da whole bunch a dem Madison Liberals and just line em up and shoot em"
______ "Ya, dat Lombardi is God"

6) I can count to:
____10 ____20 ___20 if I take my boots off

7) I am:
____Married ____Happy ____Waiting for Packer Season Tickets

8) My favorite reading material is:
________ Fishing Facts
________ Beer Bottle Labels
________ Guns And Ammo
________ Today's Mercenary
________ Polka Digest
________ Sausage Making

9) Things I have in my front yard:
________ Various kitchen appliances
________ Cars on blocks
________ Transmissions
________ Pink flamingos
________ Deer hanging from tree (in-season)
________ Bird bath
________ Deer hanging from tree (out-of-season)

10) I mostly wear:
_______ Polyester pants and leisure suit jacket
_______ Polyester pants with holes and hooded sweatshirt
_______ Green Bay belt buckle
_______ Blaze orange jacket

11) The most memorable event I ever attended:
______ Minocqua Moose Call Competition
______ Tomahawk Crew Cut Championships
______ Oktoberfest in LaCrosse
______ Evinrude Outboard Motor Finals
______ Salmon-A-Rama
______ Free Sample Day At Pick-n-Save

12) My favorite entertainment is:
______ Deer hunting while drinking
______ Watching Green Acres reruns and drinking
______ Snowmobiling while drinking
______ Drinking and burping
______ Drinking and Canasta
______ Drinking and Pinochle

13) Pick One:
________ Someone is helping me read this
________ Someone is reading this to me


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