Ok. Well, this is a page where I tell you some of the things that piss me off. I may sound like a whiner, but who cares. Some of you need to look at this page because chances are you do some of these things. If this page offends you, go to my "Things that make me feel all warm and squishy inside" page. There now, feel better? Oh yeah, and if you disagree with something, so what? Make your own damn page. Thank you and have a nice day.

Some of the things people do to piss me off:

1) TALK BEHIND MY BACK. I am a very strong-willed person. If I did something you don't like, tell me. Not the whole world. That is the biggest thing you can do to get on my bad side.
2) Judge me before you know me. I have been known to be a flirt, and I like to go out and party. Don't assume, however, that I am a slutty alcoholic. I have a hard time forgiving people who think that. Especially when they are hypocrites.
3) Compete with me. Some people just have to one-up everyone. I hate that. Why must you always be better than everyone else? You can come in 2nd sometimes, it's ok.
4) Try to tell me what to do with my life. I am 19 years old. I am an adult. I don't listen to my mom, so what makes you think I'll listen to you?
5) Make gay-bashing or racial comments. People seem to think it's cool to be homophobic or bigots. I get extremely pissed when they do this, especially about Mexicans. If you are ignorant enough to think you are better than them, look at yourself in the mirror. You need help. There is NOTHING wrong with being gay, and absolutely nothing wrong with being of a different race. Take your ignorance somewhere else.

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