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Mr_Soze's House Of Pain

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Ahhh ok here we go im a 24 year old male native of california! Im half norwigen and half cherokee indian so as you can guess i have a bad temper but all in all im a pretty good guy for me you gotta laugh if ya dont laugh you might as well die! i spend my days doing whatever comes my way (update im jobless)i dont really have any prefrences just gotta be fun! im a man so as you can guess i enjoy the company of ladies i said ladies people not bitches this is my first page here at angelfire but i got one on talk city its a bit more elaborate. i like music (as long as you can call it original with a strait face) movies pretty much all movies! i like my friends ill try and list a few silky_smoooth(friends) lq12395(even though you have those days for the most part i luv ya) LICKEN(one of the best people i have ever come across she is very open and very outgoing that explains why we get along) NET_STRANGER(my best bud online he's a bit odd but he's da man never the less jee i wonder if he will ever come back to chat?) smoothie242(a real sweet heart but carefull fella's she bites) sabrina--(i hope to chat with her agian however as it stands we wot be seeing her for about 6 months) sweetstuff98(the little sis i never had) ambrosiaa(been a friend forever) dk-lamf(one f my best buds even if he dont like faggy creamers bstofseven(we kid eachother alot but the guy is downright hilarious could be one of the coolest people in buffy but shhhh keep that hush hush) aldebaren(mom nuff said) spidey13(the man even though he never shows up anymore) djsp(where the hell are you?) grab83(my ace forever i know 2 things abour grab 1 he drinks 7&7's and 2 he hates the eagals) sharklord(quite a persistent bloak but he's allways there for ya) scorpio75(another great bud even though his morning emails get a bit tiresome) toymachine33(like the little brother i never had to beat the crap out of) spankit2(he's been my ace for as long as i been on here) nasterdamous(very cool i think me him and 7 would go well with a 24 pack) uncle-scam(he's a big time ace i hope he gives me some kid of props for this page?) raychael(a sweetie) cottoncandi(another sweetie) blasin(some punk kid who is funny as hell he cracks me up) totldestrction(hella funny and another ace) ra--(came from nowhere like a mormon messiah...lmao...jk....another ace) secretagent15(the man with the plan hes sorta like macguyver) zacarina(threatend my life if i didnt mention her so there i did i think she might be my sis allways nagging and (juan valdez A.K.A. johnathanperez(a funny guy and due to his spanard roots the but of alot of my mexican jokes) kendra_2276(been around long enuf to get a space nice girl however mysterious) tpau(a pleasure to talk to and very attractive) catwoman71(a sweetheart) mrmoistchew(da man or as he call's me ponta) summerhoney(a very nice lady with many flattering remarks for the soze man) irwin98( da man flicked a booger at im the first time we met he laughed it off still got my finger's crossed for that CD) fuzzybones(the wise™) thats it for my peoples ill be updating all the time so if i forgot you relax you'll be in the update!

My SHit List. well its kida short at the moment only one person eurosnob lydon some forgien peace of shit homo he envy's soze kinda pathetic to envy me but hey what did you expect he's unamerican! ~~~~THE END~~~~~

Ok the basic idea behind the house of pain is to have an open forum! In witch ill post a idea "topic" and you can post responces ect! This works for everyone being we can talk about whatever we like and for me my page get's more hit's ill be posting any number of subjects and just to make sure everyone come's here to check it out ill be posting some thing's about other user's ect. mabye even stuff about you this will ensure that everyone comes back to The House Of Pain being you dont want me to be talking about you and you not having a chance to speak on behalf of yourself or your friends ect. so enjoy and remeber to post something!

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