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Ok my last update. Im going to just tell it how it is thats what im good at anywayz! THE STORY i met Yvette 4 year's ago. We became best friend's and partners very easily. we had alot of fun built a great deal of trust and love. We got word that she was pregnant with my child. We had our doubt's but in the end we decided that we loved eachother enough to have a child. A long hard 9 months it was but in the end we had a beautiful baby girl. She was so great a bit tempermental but hey she's my kid what did you expect? In the next few year's me and Yvette had alot of troubles as all couple's do! My problem i didnt grow up i couldnt hold a job i went out and partied i did alot of bad things to her. However my love for her never dicapaited but rather grew. She as well did some thing's that were bad! We went through alot in 4 years but i think our love for eachother is evident when you think about how long we were together and what we overcame! I purchased webtv and made alot of friends however in that time i lost a good job. I never recovered from that! i was unhappy as was Yvette and someone asked to come see me at this time me and Yvette were having problems and we were split up to an extent we still talked and loved eachother very much i said it was ok for this person to come out and meet me. About a week before i realized what i was doing and called this person to tell them not to show up cuz i loved Yvette very much. This person cried and all that i gave in and said ok! The day before she got here i told Yvette i wanted her back and i loved her! we got back together! This person arivved and we went to dinner and then to her hotel room where i made the biggest mistake of my life i kissed her! Yvette who didnt trust me and rightly so came knockin on the door. I was cought i just came out and took what i so rightfully desirved! The next day i shared a special moment in my life with Yvette. But then again i went out with the person again that night! We went to a club where she again kissed me. Now i did not know at the time that a friend of mine was telling Yvette what was going on. So Yvette knew and was at the club. She saw me kiss this person. She confronted me i had nothing to say i was a god awfull bastard and i knew it. Even so out of pure love she took me back and i vowed never to stray from Yvette again. A promise i kept and will keep untill i die. It was really hard for Yvette as you can imagine. Well turnabout is fairplay and i had it coming. Yvette was miserable and met someone online as well she kissed him and i found out about it! As of now Yvette left me i am unable to sleep eat and my day's are full of tear's! She is the love of my life and i ruined it! I had to realize something that hurt me very much. I didnt lose her to another man. I lost her because i wasnt a man! I dont blame any-1 for telling Yvette what happend she had a right to know! So im setting out to be the man i can be for not only myself but for my daughter and hopefully if i ever get another chance my future wife. So im getting rid of my internet access. Im getting a job and im setting out to right the wrongs in my life. My only hope is that she 1 day realizes that im a changed man a good man and a worthy companion! She is the love of my life more then that she is my life. Yvette i hope you dont mind me telling the story i just had to set the record straight! Here is a poem i wrote for her a couple day's ago. i find that when i think of poem's for a split second im not thinking about how much i miss her.

"A poor man's prayer"

As heartache decended apon me all i thought about was myself. I was miserable i was unhappy i was upset! I was selfish! In one moment with a lack of faith destroyed the only love i had ever known! It was inevitble that the favor would be returned to me. Was i prepared? No! Was i scared? Yes! In a world where little thing's mean everything but big thing's get the attention we often forget what it is that makes us smile that makes us laugh makes us happy! I never had faith in a trinket of christianity. I had faith in someone far more prescous! Her name is Yvette my sin? Mistreating what god gave me! He bestowed apon me a woman who believed in me! God gave us a child! His thank's? We cheated on eachother and much more! I feel i owe god as much of an appologie as i owe her. God took this from me as i knew he would! God gave me a chance to win her back. I swear to try my best for the love of my life my child and my god. I will be a good man and treat her with the respect that is becoming of such a wonderfull person! I will never give up it's not my nature. I vow to my god and my love to never look back but rather construct a future that's becoming of my child my love and my god! So to Yvette this i say. I think of you every day, And with all my heart....... i pray to god for a new start! =Devoted lover father and son of god!

I have 1 last thing to say to RIPPY__800 i dont blame you for this. She made the choice. But do you know what it's like to love a woman so much that no matter what you can forgive her? I want Yvette to be happy and i know i can make her happy. To you she is just someone you know. To me she is god's greatest gift and she is not only my love but my soulmate my heart my life and my strength!

as soon as i get it up there will be a friend's page dedicated to every-1 i knew or know!   Read & Post Messages in the House Of Pain   Beseen.com

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This site was created with alot of love and emotion for dearest Yvette!®