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H. B. WORLD - SPAN: A Service of "The Weekly Roomer"

One special endearing aspect of Mets Reality,
is that despite incompetent management and fickle, disloyal fans,
the Mets just keep coming back,
sort of like us in The Nam,
until we were either killed,
maimed, DEROSED,
or withdrawn,
and marched down main street in Seattle
for the Public Relations cameras....

Back in The World,
our ability to survive outside reality,
has become invaluable again!

No One Can Show You The World!
You Have To See It For Yourself!
End the killing and maiming of innocents NOW!



" Panthers fear no evil,
in the valley of Reaper's Shadow,
the Jungle Cat stalks,
with The Walking Dead."

-"Dudley" '68-'69 (THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES!)

[REGISTER or DON'T REGISTER; VOTE or DON'T VOTE! Whatever! If We Are Eligible, And We Use Our Eligibility Up And Waste It, By Becoming Felons, Or Simply By Not Bothering, It Is All The Same. We Have Expressed An Opinion On How We Value Having The Freedom To Vote! In This Way, More Votes Are Cast To Destroy Our Freedom In Each Election, Than Are Cast To Save It! THESE ARE VOTES WE ALL MUST ENDURE!]
- Message run on this site during election season 2000...

Do you LOATHE Dubya?

Do you think the right wingers stole the election? Do you believe that Gore should be in the White House? Do you have a website (either parody or serious) that is anti-Dubya? If so, this ring is for you!

"It's probably supposed to be a secret, but don't G.W.Bush and company and an unseemly high number of assimilated Democrats SEEM A LOT LIKE Borg drones! COULD IT BE WE'VE BEEN INVADED BY FICTIONAL ALIENS DISGUISED AS FICTITIONAL HUMANS? Shhh...Don't tell anyone!"
- quoted in the HB inhouse news letter, 'The Weekly Roomer'

This Anti-Dubya Webring site owned by Hotel Bravo

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"Some Publishers to whose sites we have linked, in order to disseminate more widely the view points of authors they have displayed, are apparently in the habit of expiring articles in a short period of time. Fortunately, most sites are not so short sited! Sorry about those links that seem to be controlled by the Machine Collective. May they rest in Peace!" -The HB Editorial Board
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The Greens (USA)

"Right Wing Extremists rationalize themselves as Conservatives, but they are not. They are psychopaths who are still rationalizing a belief system based on justifying the use of atomic weapons on Japan to save lives when Japan was already devastated by carpet bombing and had been trying to surrender for two months and how everybody who got surly because that use scared the crap out of them was unreasonably driven to murder all of us! Right Wing Extremists have no clue what is Conservative or Liberal, only how to hate what threatens their narrow minded, self-serving, unstable equilibrium without accepting responsibility for their own "Evil" and how to scare more and more gullible people into buying into their paranoia in order to fullfil their hidden agendas against the Constitution and freedom-loving People of the US! Fifty percent of us at any given time seem think this behavior is being patriotic!" - A Responsible Liberal Voice quoted in the H. B. in-house newsletter, The Weekly Roomer