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H. B. WORLD - SPAN: A Service of "The Weekly Roomer"


"My Peace I Give Unto You!"

"Forgive Everything And Move On! Forgive Everything And Move On! S**t!
I Was Married To That Pollyanna Foolishness For Five Years!
It Is A Propaganda Slogan Of Those Terrified Of Punishment And Pain,
For Whom Success Lies In Mindless Obedience To An Ethos Of Positive Cheerfulness,
For Whom Personal Success And Happiness Are The Most Important Things
Requiring VERY HIGH Maintenance From Their Attendants, Associates And Partners!
There Are Many things More Vital Than Personal Success And Happiness
That Forgiveness Can't Buy', But It Sure Can Sell Them Out!"


"We Will Always Remember" (4)

- original graphic by John Spizzirri
w/fiddling by E. Andrews

"For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit; for each tree is known by its own fruit....The Godly man out of the Godly treasure of his own heart produces Godliness, and the Godless man out of his Godless treasures produces Godlessness; for out of the abundance of his heart his mouth speaks. Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I tell you?" --Luke 6:43-46

"And this is eternal life, that they KNOW thee the only true God...." --John 17: 3a

"He who does not love, abides in death. Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for our brethren." --I John 3:14b-16

"The greatest enemy of the truth is not the lie
--deliberate, contrived, and dishonest
--but the myth--persistent, pervasive, and unrealistic."
--John F. Kennedy

Revenge Is Not JUSTICE! Revenge Is MURDER!


May 'God' have Mercy on we who insist on calling those [however misguided or exploited by those who may be misguided by their own faulty humanity, mystakenly calling such guidance Divine] who sacrifice their lives for their beliefs 'Cowards,' apparently thinking this cuts their “kind” down to a killable size so revenge can look like Justice!

May 'God' have Mercy on we who refuse to give their purpose serious consideration, apparently thinking that denying there can possibly be 'just purpose' [a relative concept in anyone's mouth] in the root of such hate and destruction somehow makes it easier to call names, and makes us feel like better persons for having refused to listen to why so many of us have died.

May 'God' have Mercy on we who have not tried to recognize that maybe there is a board we might need to remove from our own eyes before taking up the arrogant task of removing the speck from our brothers' and sisters' eyes!

May 'God' have Mercy on those transient Politicians who manipulate our grief driven rage with simplistically unenlightened phrases like, 'We are the Good, and They are the Evil,' parroting the exact sentiments and words of those who plan, arrange, and announce purpose for killing us! Such Leadership cannot lead The World to reasonable solutions or resolve the issues that lead to hate. They can only lead us either to continuous conflict or to the complete annihilation of all dissent, as when a Dictator SILENCES the opposition!

May 'God' have Mercy on us for presuming that our pain and might give us the right to be the only right and to destroy others simply because they hate us, calling them names that declare them subhuman and beyond redemption and human or Divine compassion!

May 'God' have Mercy on we who kill for money, power over the poor exploitable masses, and in the service of the goals of Imperialism, believing naively the propaganda claims it is for a Nobel Cause!

May "God" have Mercy on we who do not regard others with equal respect for their concerns and needs as well as Dignity, while we expect respect for ourselves!

-- HOTEL BRAVO Chaplain's Office

Campaign Finance Reform Passed and Quietly Signed...
"AARP salutes our hundreds of thousands of members who contacted their Senators and Representatives in support of this legislation. We promise to stay vigilant against any attempts to weaken this important reform." --from AARP.ORG
[Editor's Note: "A compromise bill is a watered down version of what might actually be effective, but it is a step toward one day realizing a World in which Business will exist to serve Humans, instead of Humans existing to serve Business!" ]

June 2002 Messages from Jan Scruggs: