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["HOTEL BRAVO" was Best Visited by NETSCAPE 4.79, BECAUSE IT WAS MOSTLY MADE WITH NETSCAPE 4.72-9, on a seventeen inch screen, resolved at 832 by 624 by 75Hz, with millions of colors, and heard with decent audio programming and a killer sub woofer! Now? WHO KNOWS? 7.2 SEEMS TO WORK WHEN ZOOMED DOWN TO 90% Text Size, but Mozilla works better if you don't want to be ensnared by the Netscape Network Monopoly...and Turn off your (explicative deleted) Link-Underliner! Hotel Bravo is a "Quest;" "a Ride," not your ordinary "Steam & Cream!" NO Cheating!]
Entertainment Nightly the STARLITE LOUNGE!

Welcome to The Bravo R.O.N.
Home Page!

Rendezvous Over Night Here!

(Claymores out!)

Bravo 2/47 R.O.N. is created for nonprofit purposes and includes only Sites created for nonprofit purposes. There is no promise these Sites are what you want your kids viewing, but you will let them if you want them to grow up in the so-called Real world, knowing there are choices to be made and not all choices are good ones.
We do the best we can and try to do better.

Spec. 4 Mitchell W. Stout,
with friends in R.O.N.
(Winter '68-'69)

KIA March 12,1970

Welcome Home, Everyone!
All Men Of BRAVO Co. 2/47M-3-9 RVN!
According to our dictionary, "Bravo", heard as a spirited cry from the lips of the impressed, means, "Well Done!" And derives from the Italian word which means,"Brave"!

Bravo R.O.N. is a Web Ring designed for Sites created by men who were in Bravo Company, 2/47 Mechanized Infantry, 3rd Brigade, 9th Infantry Division, RVN, or men or women who are associated with men who were in the unit and are supportive of the Ring's mission. Over time, we expect there will be many former members of Bravo Company who will try their hand at homepage building. We want to offer what support we can to our brothers and sisters and provide this Ring Home for each.

No two stories are exactly alike. No two Nam Vets can sit down to seriously talk about issues for more than two minutes without discovering at least one topic about which they disagree passionately, but getting everyone to think the same is not what we killed, died, and defiantly continue refusing to die in the Aftermath for. Having our own Ring affords us opportunity to work and communicate more closely as we continue the tasks of locating and reuniting with one another in the 21st Century, as well as presenting a united, but diverse and honest face to The World, which by all insightful accounts, has lost contact with who we really are, in favor of who it needs us to be, as maybe we have also lost touch with some parts of who we were/are, which we are rediscovering as we engage the unknown through our efforts to live fully in the present.

We recognize that there are many needs we can try to fulfill by creating this Ring and inhabiting it, that doing so is just a beginning step, both for ourselves and for The World that is just now getting to know us and what it can learn from us as survivors of U.S. America's longest WAR, which some say will not end until all the "lies" have been dispelled.

Though we original Ring Members were in Nam during 1968-1969-1970, or are closely associated to one or more who was, we hope that eventually those from other eras with Bravo, 2/47 Mechanized Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, US Army, RVN will join us. Bravo Company and the whole 2/47th, was in The Nam a long time and not just in Viet-Nam. The Battalion was invited to go along as a point unit in the Invasion of Cambodia in Spring 1970 and was included in an article in Life magazine that year.

We encourage the other 2/47th Mech. Inf. Companies to develop their own sites and Rings and to join us in a united effort.
(EA-March, 2001)

Webring has left Yahoo. While Transferring Our Hub Page, It Got Lost. Therefore, "Bravo R.O.N." Web Ring Will No Longer Exist!
Ring Master: E. Andrews
Thankyou For Your Patronage!
(Nov. 2001)
Bravo RON (B-2/47M-3-9 RVN) Web Ring Homepage!
[ Previous 5 Sites | Previous | Next | Next 5 Sites | Random Site |
List Sites] Ring Master: Ed Andrews
>We welcome member created banners that express the "Bravo R.O.N." identity. Send us yours. We will put them up here for Ring Members to use. Feel free to use the banners below to place in your html fragment on your site. If you are not a Ring Member and are not eligible to be one, but want to locate a link to "BravoR.O.N. WebRing" from your Site, feel free also to take any banners you like for an image from which to link to us.

Your Banner Here...!

"Panthers fear no evil,
in the valley of Reaper's Shadow,
the Jungle Cat stalks,
with The Walking Dead."

-by E. Andrews '68-'69
(Pictured is Tim Holt, Bravo 1-1 M-60 Man)

"Our Special Gratitude To John Spizzirri, For Building The 2/47 Inf (Mechanized) Battalion Home Web Site, On Which We Link To Two Features He Labored Especially Long And Hard To Construct! I Must Speak For MANY, John, When I Say We Are Eternally Grateful And Awed By Your Creativity And Stamina! Where You Have Taken Point, We Can Only Humbly Try To Follow! BRAVO JOHN!

"Visit John At His Own Site, "SGT FATS' LINKS", By Clicking On His Banner Here, Or Hop The Slow "Bravo R.O.N." Frieght Below And See The Countryside Along The Way!" --EA, June 2000

(VISIT The Battalion Web Site For The Full Tour!)

2/47th Inf. (Mech) MESSAGE BOARD

2/47 Inf Btn (Mechanized): "FOUND VET LIST"

2/47 Inf Btn (Mechanized): "KIA LIST"

2/47th Inf Btn ( Mechanized) 9th Div US Army; RVN: "HOME"
(Now Maintained and Facilitated By Bob Pries)

"Mobile Riverine Force Association: "HOME"

Check out the weather in "Saigon" now.


Viet-Nam Research Site...Indispensable Advice!

V.A. Tips Page

Vietnam Veterans of America
PTSD Claim Guide!

Department Of Veterans Affairs, On Line Application Service (VONAPP)

Compensation and Pension Forms

(After Action and Morning Reports:)

(How to Initiate a Request for Military Personnel Records:)

Most Excellent Personal Site For Information!

Forward, Rode The Three Hundred Spartans

(...had he survived, Al would have loved this Site, but he would have been Paranoid about it disclosing personal information!)

Coping with

A Guide For Families - by C.A. Roberts

"What happens if you get scared half to death twice?"
-- Steven Wright

Original "HOTEL BRAVO" Material Copyrighted 1999 - 2002, by "HOTELBRAVO.ORG"

Our deepest Gratitude for the Sounds used on Bravo R.O.N. pages and to TSGT James R. Pearson and the DOD, for the photo taken 1 April '86, from which the background image for this page is made.