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["HOTEL BRAVO" was Best Visited by NETSCAPE 4.79, BECAUSE IT WAS MOSTLY MADE WITH NETSCAPE 4.72-9, on a seventeen inch screen, resolved at 832 by 624 by 75Hz, with millions of colors, and heard with decent audio programming and a killer sub woofer! Now? WHO KNOWS? 7.2 SEEMS TO WORK WHEN ZOOMED DOWN TO 90% Text Size, but Mozilla works better if you don't want to be ensnared by the Netscape Network Monopoly...and Turn off your (explicative deleted) Link-Underliner! Hotel Bravo is a "Quest;" "a Ride," not your ordinary "Steam & Cream!" NO Cheating!]
Entertainment Nightly the STARLITE LOUNGE!

Guests May Register At The Desk In The Lobby!

"Turn On The Television!
Someone Will Tell Us What To Do!"

--Homer Simpson

2/47 Inf Btn (Mech) 9 ID,RVN:
What the weather in "SAIGON" is...]
"You Can Fool Some Of The People All The Time
And You Can Fool
All The People Some Of The Time,
But You Cannot Fool All The People All The Time!"

-- A. Lincoln


The turtle crossing the dust blown road on the first page in John Stienbeck�s, "The Grapes Of Wrath"...foreshadows the wagons-westward saga of the Joads in search of...the promised land,

...a place where there is no trouble...(?)�then�

Much as the image might be of Saviors, it is of a Battalion of mighty invading Armored Personnel Carriers bristling with weapons outlawed by the Geneva Convention, turtle-like in that their men would withdraw their heads and legs under threat into the safer nether regions of the shell...or ride on top to avoid mines that kill men riding inside...

Roaring along, in a huge dust devil of their own making, a whirlwind not unlike the one which alternated with the pillar of fire in the story of Moses, roaring down a red dirt Delta Road, betting to beat the handclasp on the clicker, detonating the end of the war for the lucky few... Grimy faces blank, oblivious to the Juggernaut of Homeland Protectors heading their way�

The doom of knowing All the Universe is after you, not just a foreign enemy, but also two dimensional thinkers right next door and among the authorities sworn to protect and serve�who make policy and command you, while if you are not the Lead Dog, all you can see ahead of you are assholes!

This is serious fiction, a significant conveyor of Truth in Mythical form!


The First Person Narrator in Serious Fiction is used to reveal a psychological plot in which the Narrator Him/Herself is insane, hiding some kind of truth, or simply the 'evil' culprit everyone is looking for, but has been hoodwinking the readers, or something else about the Narrator of which He or She is unaware or which he purposefully contrives to conceal!

In pulp fiction, this is not normally true and is never the purpose for the story if it happens, a view that defines the difference between Serious and Pulp!

A First Person Narrator in Pulp Fiction, telling a FIRST PERSON story about him or her self as the self aggrandizing Hero of Probably COMPLETELY UNAWARE of HOW Psychotic/Psychopathic HE/SHE May BE and is probably revealing it to The World, but the telling isn't for this purpose, rather, it is for the purpose of hiding facts, for example, when retiring Commanders write their own promotional reviews for the record of the their own careers and the unit, and readers generally get completely caught up in the myth, identify with the protagonist and feel heroic themselves as a result!

The Purpose Of Pulp is to tell a Heroic, not an anti-Heroic saga; a Melodrama known as "Pulp," because such efforts historically mass produced on cheap pulp paper, and consistently leading vulnerable minds into believing such Fiction is �History� and is authentic in the sense of being truly balanced and fair as well as factual, is the mechanism by which many become "Pulp-Minded!"

"Pulp" is used to Thrill and Be Sold Cheaply in order to make money with only a wink to acknowlege that the Dollar is almighty over Dignity and Morality, was the Dime Novel, a Cheap Paperback printed on cheap paper made from wood pulp, ...hence the Name "PULP FICTION," also referred to as "Escapist Fiction," because it is two dimensional, about two dimensional characters, who don't really feel or experience consequences and who provide through costless violence, superficial interpersonal relationships, and adventure, an unrealistic universe in which so-called good guys win and evil is decimated. Though the story may be bloody, it is painless and artificial, becoming an amusement humans relish!

This shallow action/adventure "Pulp," created purely to Exploit Readers by entertaining shallow minds that don't want to do anything but be taken away from reality either because it is painful or because it is boring, with the exploits of disassociated, two dimensional heroic and villainous characters of day-dream, are a way of making unresolvable real life dilemmas seem to become resolved through vicarious participation in the plot struggle that resolves a similar fictional Epic struggle....

MUCH so-called "History/Reality" is written like Escapist Fiction in order to sell it to a Pulp-minded Public that won't read good fiction or serious history and selectively trusted by readers to be Objective Truth, according to what they want to believe that may not be true about themselves and others! Often, a voracious or addicted reader of such trash will call this kind of reading "research."

Then these same readers, believing they have stocked up on reality, make decisions as voters carrying their two-dimensional resolutions into the realm of Real Life, "John Wayne" History absorbed as Gospel now actively altering/revising factual History and the course of History themselves without realizing it, so we hear the voices of our Leaders saying what we want to hear them say in fulfillment of our Pulp Expectations of our Pulp Heroes we write for them in our Pulp Scripts, regardless of how our actions and ridiculous beliefs might effect anyone involved; regardless of whom it is our Leaders actually serve while pandering to our ideals or self interest, because huge powerful entities are smart enough to know this is what we do and to feed us accordingly as their desires and goals dictate!

Much of our culture's self-enforcing myth making takes place through the mediums through which "PULP MYTH" is disseminated like an opiate, so that we are actually now living inside our own virtual "PULP MYTH" Reality, populated with stock "PULP HEROES" and "PULP VILLAINS," wondering why other cultures don't see us as we see ourselves and in fact, seeing us through much the same kind of simplistic filters OF SIMILAR MAKING...they seeing us as Villains (of course, Right Wing Propaganda denies this by saying it is a few outlaw leaders who brainwash their people to believe this, as though millions of human beings are incapable of comprehending what happens right in front of them when their families die and their houses burn, or their economy dies, and US corporate Contractors get drunk in their bars, or making outrageous overtones toward their woman, or otherwise insulting the sanctity of custom and religious rights and freedom, and boast of their immunity to any kind of authentic Justice the locals might hope to receive...)!

...So it goes...

..."Nowhere Man" in us all, In the Absence of Humility, is Arrogantly, Sanctimoniously, and Self-righteously DOOMING our Posterity to cycles of Fear, Hate, and Violence without end...! We live in a World, in which if you declare your belief that Palestinian Muslims who may have their own faults, but who nevertheless recognize when they are being denied equality, are human and have equal rights to their own land along side �Israelis,� you are considered an �Anti-Semite� by some who have forgotten or never learned that we are all the same, yet they consider themselves to be superior as �God�s Chosen,� much as Catholics, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists, etc. all do.

Aren't our better educated and more enlightened Children's Children going to be Grateful and Proud when they remember Us..., the Ignorant, Cowardly, Self-serving, Morally Corrupt Generations, that made Protecting Property, Wealth, and Power more vital then Prizing above all, the Struggle for Equal Justice for ALL Humans, because Dignity and Freedom depend completely on it, the pathetic purposes around which our entire existence's rotate, while real problems grow up to become huge catastrophes because no one did anything truly constructive to change themselves or their conditions and chose instead to blame media outlets and entertainment mediums, or the Legislature for not being better parents, and there will always by smug politicians who will lead such pointless hunts for purification to get votes and claim victory and become heroes themselves in the supposed war against exploitation! Hahahahahahahaha!

We told a good friend of ours, today a Professor in a University in Nam, but in 1968, his father an ARVN officer, he barely escaped the Marines total destruction of Hue with his two younger brothers on his back as he swam the Perfume River, "Tell your people to turn off their televisions! Throw them away! The advertising media is the subverting poisonous and corrupting source of destruction of your noble culture. My God, FLEE, Save Yourselves!"--"The Weekly Roomer" Editorial Board

Eat the Rich!

Want PEACE? Work For EQUAL JUSTICE For All Human Beings!
Hate, Greed, Bigotry & Revenge Beget Only Hate, Greed, Bigotry & Revenge!

Today Is:

H. B. WORLD - SPAN: A Service of "The Weekly Roomer"

FAIR is the national media watch group that offers well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship. We seek to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater diversity in the press. We scrutinize media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints. FAIR believes that independent, aggressive and critical media are essential to an informed democracy. But mainstream media are increasingly cozy with the economic and political powers they should be watchdogging. Mergers in the news industry have accelerated, further limiting the spectrum of viewpoints that have access to mass media. With U.S. media outlets overwhelmingly owned by for-profit conglomerates and supported by corporate advertisers, independent journalism is compromised.

You can get more information by going to FAIR's web site at:

Who Needs It?

...or the Killer Ape, driven by insatiable lust for it, but the Killer Ape?

VVAWAI has the following points of unity:

1. VVAWAI is an anti-imperialist organization which is open to veterans of all eras, reservists, and active duty GIs.

2. VVAWAI has vowed to bring the lessons paid for in blood into direct opposition to any wars or war preparations by the U.S. and all imperialist powers, East or West.

3. VVAWAI upholds all resistance to imperialist war by GIs, reservists, veterans and the anti-war/peace movement.

4. Just as we upheld the righteous struggle of the people of South East Asia fighting for their liberation, we uphold the just struggles of people around the world as they fight for their liberation today.

5. As veterans, we know that racism and the subjugation of women are twin pillars of crimes against humanity. We vow to oppose these and all other forms of oppression.


The Prisoner
of Conscience...

Hear the hissing!

"Just When We Finally Reach The Age
When We Actually Understand
Why We Shouldn't Accept Candy
From Strangers Holding Car Doors Open,
We Start Voting, And Seem To Completely Forget
What We Learned As Children, Or Worse,
We Become The Seductive Strangers!"