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["HOTEL BRAVO" was Best Visited by NETSCAPE 4.79, BECAUSE IT WAS MOSTLY MADE WITH NETSCAPE 4.72-9, on a seventeen inch screen, resolved at 832 by 624 by 75Hz, with millions of colors, and heard with decent audio programming and a killer sub woofer! Now? WHO KNOWS? 7.2 SEEMS TO WORK WHEN ZOOMED DOWN TO 90% Text Size, but Mozilla works better if you don't want to be ensnared by the Netscape Network Monopoly...and Turn off your (explicative deleted) Link-Underliner! Hotel Bravo is a "Quest;" "a Ride," not your ordinary "Steam & Cream!" NO Cheating!]
Entertainment Nightly the STARLITE LOUNGE!

90 Day Wonder School/Viet-Nam Version

Return To Lobby!

Eat the Rich!

Want PEACE? Work For EQUAL JUSTICE For All Human Beings!
Hate, Greed, Bigotry & Revenge Beget Only Hate, Greed, Bigotry & Revenge!

Today Is:

H. B. WORLD - SPAN: A Service of "The Weekly Roomer"

FAIR is the national media watch group that offers well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship. We seek to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater diversity in the press. We scrutinize media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints. FAIR believes that independent, aggressive and critical media are essential to an informed democracy. But mainstream media are increasingly cozy with the economic and political powers they should be watchdogging. Mergers in the news industry have accelerated, further limiting the spectrum of viewpoints that have access to mass media. With U.S. media outlets overwhelmingly owned by for-profit conglomerates and supported by corporate advertisers, independent journalism is compromised.

You can get more information by going to FAIR's web site at:

Who Needs It?

...or the Killer Ape, driven by insatiable lust for it, but the Killer Ape?

VVAWAI has the following points of unity:

1. VVAWAI is an anti-imperialist organization which is open to veterans of all eras, reservists, and active duty GIs.

2. VVAWAI has vowed to bring the lessons paid for in blood into direct opposition to any wars or war preparations by the U.S. and all imperialist powers, East or West.

3. VVAWAI upholds all resistance to imperialist war by GIs, reservists, veterans and the anti-war/peace movement.

4. Just as we upheld the righteous struggle of the people of South East Asia fighting for their liberation, we uphold the just struggles of people around the world as they fight for their liberation today.

5. As veterans, we know that racism and the subjugation of women are twin pillars of crimes against humanity. We vow to oppose these and all other forms of oppression.