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(The Elevators Stop At The Revolving Logo!)


In the shade of the poncho, Richard Huff, Bravo 4-5, the true heart and brain of Forth Platoon, with Durfee and Fields, at Rach Kein in February '69.
The View From The Top Of The Rope!
Some of us arrived by Carabou, some by Chinook, and some were trucked in.


The scenery wasn't much from the Tan-An Airstrip Turnaround. And the shade wasn't any better. Fortunately it wasn't a wet month, when it would have been full of water, as it was when first we saw it at the first of November '68, as we deplaned from the Carabou that transported us from Bein Hoa, maybe the one pictured above.
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Calm, delegating, extreemly competent Mortarman, and easy going, Bravo 4-6 SFC Donald Stuart catches a few rays.

All things considered, to be a Mortarman in the Bravo Support Platoon in the Delta, was probably the best job one could have, unless one felt he needed desparately to return to be with his own in a Line Platoon, where souls were geared to a somewhat higher pitch and where he felt he was needed, but to most sane draftees, a man would have to have been a fool to want to leave the laid-back life style of the Mechanized Mortar Platoon. Dudley longed to return to First Platoon.

Our deepest Gratitude for the Sounds used on Hotel Bravo. See the H.B. Credits page.