While it was true, some unscrupulous adult could
put a kid up
to dropping a grenade among us, shooting us
with a pistol,
measuring off a grid pattern of our base
camps by dragging
lengths of magnetic recording tape, steal our
frequencies if we
didn't watch them (as though all frequencies the
weren't already known to the "enemy"), or sell
us soda with
broken glass in it, but we loved the kids
and mostly, they
loved us. There was something magical about
the hours we
spent with them that made the war go away, for
them perhaps
as well as us. Maybe today, thirty years
later, we have more
friends in Nam than we know. Although, we did
try to get rid
of the Hershey's Tropical Bars, by throwing
them to the kids
from our tracks as we passed them. The kids
were onto this
immediately and threw them right back,
hard. Those kids
might remember they couldn't always trust us.
The Pentagon
permitted the Bars to be given to us by way
of the Sundry
Packages we got every month, but we hear there
are actually
still die-hards out there who continue to
trust the Pentagon.
Who is smarter? (Charles Simons and "Peaches",
back row,
center and right...please help us put names to
these men)
The View From The Top Of The Rope!
For our brothers and sisters who served North of the Delta, who say they have witnesses it was a
Lizard. We have witnesses it was a Frog, but maybe up North, it WAS a Lizard (?). Stranger things
have happened. What it said to us all was the same.