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John Von Taylor was usually able to keep his good humor under the most difficult conditions. More than any other man from this time period, John is asked about by men we talk to as we try to find everyone, but he has made himself scarce somehow. We hope we find him soon and everything is going well for him. John was a rock!

The View From The Top Of The Rope!
Originally titled Veterans For Peace, now called Mankind For Universal Peace, this banner leads to a webring that is worth browsing and a hope that is worth holding tight to as we enter a new millennium. The banner is from Mankind For Universal Peace and was created by Sgt. Fats. Visit Sgt Fats' web site.


All "Hotel Bravo" gif Banners, advertising Hotel Bravo, are made by PTSD Nam Vets in dank workshops below ground. Banners are free to anyone who wants to display them and link to the old flea bag, if you know how to peel them off the page. However, to get them to restick, you may want to apply new glue. Caution! May disintegrate in rain, BUT LOOK GREAT ON BUTTSTOCKS! Be the first in your neighborhood!

Ray Ellis, of the 1-2 Squad, hunkers down next to a tree for a needed break.

Beating hooves, a cloud of dust, and a hearty, "Hi-o Silver."
History many moments each include a past, present, and future....
The VetWives Home Page

Having dropped off the empty flat beds at Check Point 39, we head South to Ben-Luc for supper and Bridge guard duty through the night. Another one hundred and twenty miles under our belts. Sunny days were not bad, but when it rained, riding on top of the tracks down the highway at fifty miles an hour, became bizarre. With needle spray drops of rain driving themselves into us horizontally, the load thrum of the engine, and the vibration from the treads on the road, we were cold and miserable, but found that we could actually sleep in this peculiar condition, and did, sitting balanced on boxes with our rifles across our knees, frozen to the bone. Sometimes men would argue strenuously over who would get to sit in the fumes of the warm exhaust, just to be warm. Once in 1981, as we were caught in a construction zone, we pulled up slowly next to an asphalt paving machine. Suddenly their were the thrumming sounds of a big V-6 diesel and exhaust fumes blowing in our drivers window and just as suddenly, we were no longer in 1981, caught in a construction zone in Iowa. God, we love the smell of diesel exhaust fumes in the hot afternoon humidity. They smell like.......The Viet-Nam War.

Our deepest Gratitude for the Sounds used on Hotel Bravo. See the H.B. Credits page.