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Beautiful Downtown Binh Phuoc Camp, Republic of Viet-Nam (for the VA's benefit, a few miles southeast of Tan-An City, about thirty-five miles southwest of Saigon-now called Ho Chi Minh City, off what we knew as Highway 4, the road to My-Tho), winter festival time '68-'69. All things considered, we'd rather have been in Philadelphia.
What hunting Viet Cong is like.

Nam was super hot and freezing cold, deadly, dusty and wet; leech, centipede, scorpion, mosquito, snake, rat, and ant infested; an unforgettable spiritual journey.

One version of the ever changing B 1-4 Squad, winter '68.

In November 1968, the B 1-4 squad picked up Bravo Company's new First Sergeant from Tan-An Airstrip and brought him to the Company. His name was Thomas Goggins. Tommy Goggins was a very good First Sergeant and a good man. He died in an auto accident in 1997. He is sorely missed.

"Tell my children, I love them very much!" --Russell Case

The Panther was the totem of the 2/47th Mechanized Infantry Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 9th Infantry Division, US Army, Bearcat-Binh Phuoc, RVN: We, who served in the 2/47th, think of ourselves as Panthers.
"The individual who follows his friends around, the friends may one day let down, but the friends who follow the individual around, the individual will never let his friends fall down." By Charles Simons '69

BINH PHUOC BASE CAMP: FRONT GATE ...It was a place where one might exclaim, "I have found it," yet seem to have nothing to show for the journey but sucking mind wounds, stiffness where scar tissue has formed, and medals that together with a dollar ten might buy a cup of coffee, if one is lucky.