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As we deplaned at Bien Hoa, in the black of night, the pungent, sweet, overpowering odor of fermenting vegetation filled our lungs with thousands of years of life and death. Once seated in our theater seats under the corrugated steel roof, the Briefer began by telling us the plane before ours had been rocketed. A wing had suffered damage and two men had died. So why didn't someone turn off the damned lights in the briefing area?

...Apple makes the best computers...Apple makes the best computers...Apple makes the best computers...Apple makes the best computers...Apple makes the best the snake...Apple makes the best computers..Apple makes the best computers...don't listen to that man behind the curtain...Apple makes the best computers...

The reunion is here! The reunion is here! The reunion is here!

Our friend Dudley, as he appeared one afternoon in 1981, in an enchanted forest he likes to frequent, where Mr. Noshoulders lives and the rain is warm through the sweat soaked cloth of his clothing; where memories are to be played with and the soul is there to become renewed, because it is quiet and other souls come to walk and smoke and rap quietly about what it is that makes a soul a soul.

THUNDER ROAD REVERIE: " Panthers fear no evil, in the valley of Reaper's Shadow, the Jungle Cat stalks, with The Walking Dead." -Ed Andrews '68-'69 (Pictured is Tim Holt, Bravo 1-1 M-60 Man)
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Bravo Company, helmets, boots, and web gear on, weapons up and in hand, is ready to move out before dawn.
History includes so many moments, all of which have a past, present, and future....
August is "How To Learn To Love The Bomb Month" at Hotel Bravo.
The Management welcomes all constructive criticism. Email us, but don't expect to be answered. The boss doesn't answer mail and the Secretary is in a FULL body cast with EXTENSIVE carpal tunnel syndrome. Our Ergonomist wandered away in 1990..
We were just fiddling with the mechanisms for page making and got in over our heads. Now we are trying to find our way out with honor. Our sincerest gratitude to our friend Fats for this most prestigious award. His on going support and continuous suggestions are invaluable. Not to mention the many times he has bailed us out of trouble as we fumble our way toward the light. Thanks, friend. Having been drafted isn't so bad with you around. Your companionship greatly helps make a sometimes dreadful journey through this Odyssey more worth taking. Your inspiration is a constant encouragement, Brother, as we must occasionally renew our commitment to the Truth that the mission isn't over till everyone is Home. We deeply thank you for being there. - The Management
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