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To The 1999 2/47th Mech. Infantry
at Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky!
JULY 4, 1999

Entertainment Nightly the STARLITE LOUNGE!

The Jungian Mood Elevator


Ed and Mike
Reunion 1

Jerry and Harold


BR-Harold and Augie; FR-Bob, Jimmy, Stan, Randy, and Gary


BR-Harold and Augie; FR-Randy, Gary, Scott, and Tony

Jim and Charles

To Dudley's Album Pages...
Original "HOTEL BRAVO" Material Copyrighted 1999 - 2002, by E. Andrews
[Editorial Disclaimer: It is the responsibility of each individual visitor to Hotel Bravo to determine for him/herself the accuracy, authenticity, and factual basis, if any, of every site to which we link that the visitor might choose to visit, as well as of all statements on Hotel Bravo itself. We are not responsible for the information on any site but our own, and the visitor must understand that in order to provide some information and accomplish our tasks, the art and facility of Fiction may be employed in Prose and Poetry, Technique and Concept, and that the bias of our own perspectives as well, may influence what is said.
We hope you enjoy your stay. --The Hotel Bravo Editorial Staff and Management]

Our deepest Gratitude for the Sounds used on Hotel Bravo.