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["HOTEL BRAVO" was Best Visited by NETSCAPE 4.79, BECAUSE IT WAS MOSTLY MADE WITH NETSCAPE 4.72-9, on a seventeen inch screen, resolved at 832 by 624 by 75Hz, with millions of colors, and heard with decent audio programming and a killer sub woofer! Now? WHO KNOWS? 7.2 SEEMS TO WORK WHEN ZOOMED DOWN TO 90% Text Size, but Mozilla works better if you don't want to be ensnared by the Netscape Network Monopoly...and Turn off your (explicative deleted) Link-Underliner! Hotel Bravo is a "Quest;" "a Ride," Not your ordinary "Steam & Cream!" NO Cheating!]

No One Can Show You The World! You Have To See It For Yourself! -- Morpheus, in The Matrix

There's No Place Like Home! There's No Place Like Home! There's no Place Like Home!
"Lithium is no longer available on credit!" - asylum intercom voice in Buckaroo Bonzai

Want PEACE? Work For EQUAL JUSTICE For All Human Beings!
Hate, Greed, Bigotry & Revenge Beget Only Hate, Greed, Bigotry & Revenge!

"Tell my children I love them very much." - Character Russell Case in Independence Day...

Today Is:

H. B. WORLD - SPAN: A Service of

Body Count

Since May 6, 1999

Freudian Mood Elevator In Disorder

The Jungian Mood Elevator

Penthouse (Private) Elevator


Hotel Bravo is a member of WebRing.
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We are not supposed to come back and turn into Jiminy Cricket.
We are supposed to die so we can become names on a list of noble martyrs
to inspire other kids to want to be insipid recruiting poster "Heroes!"


"What happens if you get scared half to death twice?"
-- Steven Wright

VA WATCH DOG dot ORG (Watching The VA, Because Somebody Has To!)

Check Out: Viet-Nam Research Site
...For Indispensable Advice!

V.A. Tips Page

Vietnam Veterans of America
PTSD Claim Guide!

Department Of Veterans Affairs, On Line Application Service (VONAPP)

Compensation and Pension Forms

(After Action and Morning Reports:)

(How to Initiate a Request for Military Personnel Records:)

Most Excellent Personal Site For Information!

Forward, Rode The Three Hundred Spartans

(...had he survived, Al would have loved this Site, but he would have been Paranoid about it disclosing personal information!)

Coping with

A Guide For Families - by C.A. Roberts
(quick-search by author's last name)

...or if you prefer the hair of the dog...

"...Oh, I dunno, is murdering indiginous persons so we can feel superior the best way to get them to leave our encroaching wagon trains, rail roads, trading posts, telegraph lines, Pony Express Stations, and settlers alone???? ...or, short of changing, should we lie to them again?!" - Dudley

Posts tagged Christian Embassy per day for the last 30 days.
Technorati Chart
Get your own chart!

"Let all the souls here, rest in peace,
for we shall not repeat the evil."

-- Inscription on Hiroshima Memorial

"The VA has killed more of us since WW II than the Pentagon or any combat opponent during our various, wildly un-American Wars, NOT by design, but mostly because our WEASEL Legislators' and the dummies who put them in Office fail to realize appropriate priorities! If you are gong to require the lives of our youth for unconstitutional wars and private vendettas, you MUST accept the burdens of that requirement, or STOP REQUIRING THEIR LIVES!" - Dudley

The Platters: "Twilight Time"

Heavenly shades of night are falling, it�s twilight time
Out of the mist your voice is calling, it�s twilight time
When purple-colored curtains mark the end of day
I�ll hear you, my dear, at twilight time

Deepening shadows gather splendor as day is done
Fingers of night will soon surrender the setting sun
I count the moments darling till you�re here with me
Together at last at twilight time

Here, in the afterglow of day, we keep our rendezvous beneath the blue
Here in the same and sweet old way I fall in love again as I did then

Deep in the dark your kiss will thrill me like days of old
Lighting the spark of love that fills me with dreams untold
Each day I pray for evening just to be with you
Together at last at twilight time

Here, in the afterglow of day, we keep our rendezvous beneath the blue
Here in the sweet and same old way I fall in love again as I did then

Deep in the dark your kiss will thrill me like days of old
Lighting the spark of love that fills me with dreams untold
Each day I pray for evening just to be with you
Together at last at twilight time
Together at last at twilight time

(In Memorium for all the Southeast Asians and others who simply wished the INVADERS/"SAVIORS" would just go the hell home
or at least drop dead, because "Being Saved" was costing way, WAY too much!

Keep your eyes peeled for Shoeless Joe...when in Season...