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"Resistence Is Futile!
You WILL BE Assimilated!"


Today Is:

Hope Dead at 100: Is The WORLD HOPELESS?

Did Bob Hope ever say anything funny?

By Christopher Hitchens
Posted Friday, August 1, 2003, at 12:17 PM PT

Click Here for "Reprise" of article linked to from CIB above...

"If THE Vatican and its clones (Fellow 'Christian' Ecclesiastical institutions in which power functions from the top - down, thereby meeting the basic criteria for Fascist rule of an enslaved people and supremacy of a 'Master Race') had a clue who "Christ" is and how to manifest him/her/it in The World, first of all they would cease using a fascist polity and free their people to become 'The Lord's' and western cultures would not have needed to suffer hundreds of years of heroic effort to rid ourselves of this murderously bigoted, racist, homophobic, chauvinistic, tyrannical, oppressive, monopoly in the name of Love that denies the people the intelligence to live lives oriented with the realities of enlightened understanding of the legitimate tools of criticism over simplistic literalism. Church Leaders seem easily prone to confusing The Church with "CHRIST!" Beware when those preoccupied with the obsessions of domination declare they are preoccupied with the obsessions of Freedom, even when they are Protestants, and especially when the are Protestants praying for the overthrow of the US Supreme Court for a decision in which it held that Equality should be extended to the Gay/Lesbian population who are our family and friends! Oppression is not a circumstance "Christ" can ever support! There is what is "Christ" and there is what is that other stuff and it isn't that hard to tell which is which!" --Dudley (By Nature, A Protestant, raised to know the differences between Power coming Down from The Top; Power coming Up from The Bottom; and Power Shared Equally in The Middle, and the Long Term Effects On Populations denied a voice, versus Populations Encouraged to Voice their Oositions Freely and Realize High Value In the Short term/Long term Ongoingness of Daily Religious Life and In The Mind of "God," or the Absence there-of, which is known as Hell!)
Human Shields Face Jail and Fines from "Fascist, Imperialist, War-Mongers"...

Is Bush "Psychopathic"...?
Is The "Amerika" He Represents "Psychopathic?...?

The Anti-War Movevment...

"American Splendor"...Harvey Pekar, the life and times...(does not suffer fools gladly!)
"American Splendor" --the Movie!
Action Figure Mayhem!

NO-NEW TAXES Mentality (through the Weasel-Politicians who manipulate them) Murders Seven Astronauts! Those responsible attempt to shift blame to NASA culture...
"Report Urges Major NASA Changes Debris from the space shuttle Columbia streaks across the sky over Tyler, Texas, in this Feb. 1, 2003, file photo, after it broke apart in flames 200,000 feet over Texas, killing all seven astronauts just minutes before they were to land Florida. The destruction of space shuttle Columbia and the death of its seven astronauts were caused by a NASA culture driven by schedule, STARVED FOR FUNDS, and burdened with an eroded, insufficient safety program (RESULTING FROM UNDERFUNDING), investigators said Tuesday, Aug, 26, 2003." -AP