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"According to popular Myth, the great Power of the Right is that they can shoot their enemies with their Constitutionally protected guns, while the great Power of the Left is that it shows up the Right for who they really are when the Right slaughters Unarmed Civilians from a safe distance, using surrogates to wield the weapons and push the buttons, then tries to hide what they are doing with clever semantics, Self-Justifications, and layers of plausible unaccountability while managing to appear righteously brave in pubic!"
...Quoted in the H.B. In-house Newsletter, "The Weekly Roomer"

No One Can Show You The World!
You Have To See It For Yourself!

"Soldiering For The Sake Of Glory Is An Unforgivable Sin,
Against One's Fellow Soldiers, And Against All Humanity!
It Reduces The Value Of Everyone's Effort Who Is Killed,
And Cheapens All Life Everywhere, As Well As Twists Worthwhile Goals,
For Which One Risks, And Gives Up One's Innocence When One Must Kill!" --Dudley

[NOTE: Hotel Bravo does not support the use of Drugs, Legal, Illegal, or Metaphorical for coping with reality/unreality unless prescribed by a properly certified Medical Doctor! Representatives of Government, Insurance Companies, or other special interest groups are not qualified to prescribe or restrict the prescription of medications in a "FREE SOCIETY" in which there is trust in professionals to be responsible for decisions in their own areas of expertise, though the Unqualified claim to be Qualified every day of the week, and Get Away With It because the higher value is EVERYONE WHO CAN MAKE A BUCK FROM SOMEONE ELSE'S WEAKNESS, IN THIS CASE PHYSICAL OR MENTAL ILLNESS, GETS TO MAKE THAT BUCK, WHETHER IT IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PATIENT OR NOT, but by far the worst nemesis of the patient is the patient him/her self, who diagnoses, then "prescribes" without expertise or knowledge, problems that would be far less severe than after they are compounded by his/her ensuing remedies that are usually carried out for years!]

"WITNESSES SAY HE WAS A NORMAL, MILD MANNERED, ORDINARY BOY (Class Clown) BEFORE HIS FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS DRAFTED HIM (Abducted by Squares)! IDENTITY DESIGNED BY PENTAGON (Brain Washed); CONVERTED BY PSYCHOTIC BREAKS ("Damascus Road"); CUSTOM MODIFIED BY BORDERLINE OWNER (learned skills [programing left running] put to use in escaping the seductive clutches of an 'Evil Lord' and 'Lady of Darkness')...ELEVEN HOTEL (original MOS): ELEVEN BRAVO (adopted MOS)...inclination toward obeying oaths taken, desire to be honest, kind, reverent, and prepared, and tendency to be driven by terror of eternal damnation (parents, The Boy Scouts of America, and The Church, and a series of biographies read facing the back corner in second grade about Great US American Heroes, while the rest of the class faced the teacher and did regular assignments)...OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK FOR THE 'GOOD' OF HUMANKIND...!" --Dudley, from his unpublished autobiography, "Clown's Road"


The Old Fall Out Shelters:
Built under the Hotel in the fifties...