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Trip back to Nam: Updates
(July 22, 1999-Forward)

Hi Guys,

This is the start of a Tour Of Vietnam by a friend of mine. FYI only....I am not trying to push this on anyone but if interested you have the info.

VR, Lee ---------------------- Forwarded by Lee Tyre on 07/22/99 10:25 AM ---------------------------

Fernando De Pierris
07/22/99 10:18 AM
To: Lee Tyre
cc: Subject: web sites

Lee, here are some sites you may wish to see. They are under construction but my wife is going to Florida for 2 weeks and I will have plenty of time to finish them up.

Would love for you to join us, and your friends.

Will keep you advise,



To All:

This is the link to the Vietnam tour that I am going to try to make. This is my friend's third trip and he absolutely swears by this tour. I would really like to go and I am in planning mode. Hopefully some of you may be interested in this information.

Bro. Lee

Click Here!

Forward, Rode The Three Hundred Spartans...