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The Weekly Roomer: Current Events II
Wednesday, 24 January 2007
Vets suffering with PTSD are being SCREWED!
VA NEWS FLASH from Larry Scott at VA Watchdog dot Org -- 01-22-2007 #7

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BETTER -- Former Army officer / CIA analyst and

psychologist / minister offer their thoughts.

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Comment: GIs suffering stress disorder deserve better

Andrew Weaver
and Ray McGovern
Special to the Express-News

The California Nurses Association reported that in the first quarter of 2006, the "Veterans Administration treated 20,638 Iraq veterans for post-traumatic stress disorder, and they have a backlog of 400,000 cases." A returning soldier has to wait an average of 165 days for a VA decision on initial disability benefits, and an appeal can take up to three years.

This is unacceptable and reprehensible.

The saying, "War is hell," doesn't begin to describe how horrible it has been for tens of thousands in our military in Iraq and Afghanistan.

War inevitably involves witnessing and sometimes engaging in gruesome acts of violence. It is a shocking confrontation with death and devastation. It is normal for human beings to react to war's psychic trauma with profound feelings of fear, anger, grief, repulsion, helplessness and horror — or with emotional numbness and disbelief.

Trauma is the Greek word for wound. Just as a physical wound from combat can cause suffering in the body, psychological trauma can cause acute suffering of mind and spirit.

It is not surprising to find that an assessment of more than 220,000 military personnel returning from Iraq, published in the April 2006 Journal of the American Medical Association, found nearly one in five have significant mental health problems.

At the same time, we are hearing disturbing news reports that these traumatized soldiers are not receiving the mental heath care they urgently require.

In December, the award-winning National Public Radio journalist Daniel Zwerdling did an extensive story on the military's treatment of personnel returning from Iraq who suffer from emotional problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. Veterans coming home stated that their superiors have harassed and punished them for seeking help for psychological problems triggered by their service in Iraq. Several of the soldiers' supervisors acknowledged the callous treatment.

A recent national study by the Government Accountability Office found that most of the troops who show signs of PTSD were not referred to mental health professionals, despite Pentagon claims "that providing support to soldiers with emotional problems is a top priority" and "that resources are being made available to returning veterans."

If the same disastrous pattern unfolds that affected Vietnam-era veterans and these PTSD sufferers do not obtain appropriate and timely assistance, tens of thousands will become unnecessarily and tragically addicted to drugs or alcohol and may commit suicide. We lost more Vietnam-era military personnel to suicide and drugs than the 58,000 we lost in combat.

Americans must actively advocate and demand appropriate treatment for veterans who have been psychologically wounded by war.

Andrew J. Weaver of New York City is a United Methodist minister, research psychologist and author.

Ray McGovern of Washington was a Army officer before his 27-year career as a CIA analyst and is co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, or VIPS.


Larry Scott

Posted by at 11:18 PM CST
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