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The Weekly Roomer: Current Events II
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
Sometimes Satire writes itself!
Bush buys 100,000acres in Paraguay?
Submitted by WhitesCreek on Thu, 2006/10/19 - 2:53pm.

This one is way too weird! It's cropping up in way too many places to be ignored. And is Little Drunken Jenna now an operative like Condi? Why are 500 American Troops in Paraguay? Why did Reverend Moon buy even more land next to Bushes new ranch?


Mr. Bush, could you please tell us what your intentions are and whether these intentions are hostile toward the people of the United States, or do you just intend on retiring to Paraguay?

The story is popping up in the loveliest places:

Wonkette mentions Nazis and Bush...But in the nicest possible way

I mean they retired to South America, too, didn't they?
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This is the weirdest story
Submitted by Bbeanster on Fri, 2006/10/20 - 7:49am.

This is the weirdest story I've seen in awhile. Jenna Bush?? LOL! Maybe there's a career in the diplomatic corps in Julia Coker's future. Paris Hilton could head up the new division.
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Jenna and Paris do Paris!
R. Neal's picture
Submitted by R. Neal on Fri, 2006/10/20 - 7:53am.

Jenna and Paris do Paris! Love it.

I remember back during the 04 election when Jenna and Not Jenna did that stupid testimonial, and I think Jenna said something about how she'd like to go into diplomacy and something about Colin Powell's job. I joked that Powell just got fired on live national TV by Bush's daughter. And look what happened shortly after that. Maybe Condi is mentoring Jenna?

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Hey, now...Let's not be
WhitesCreek's picture
Submitted by WhitesCreek on Fri, 2006/10/20 - 8:11am.

Hey, now...Let's not be dissin' Paris. That girl pulls in between 20 and 30 million a year in hard earned cash. Jenna? Not so much.

This story is being reported in Spanish language papers but not in the English press. I'm wondering if there is a connection between a new law allowing Bush to take over the State Militia's (national Guard) and the C5 A landing in Paraguay near the new Bush Ranch. I'm no conspiracy buff but this has got me wondering.

Too Weird...The cover story for Jenna? Unicef! Huh? Jenna was trick or treating for Unicef in Paraguay? (Could I get a shot of the costume for my hard drive?..ok, sorry...caffein O.D.)

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This one keeps getting more
WhitesCreek's picture
Submitted by WhitesCreek on Fri, 2006/10/20 - 8:22am.

This one keeps getting more interesting:

Oh, and both the Moonie and Bush land is located at what Paraguay’s drug czar called an “enormously strategic point in both the narcotics and arms trades.” And it sits atop the one of the world’s largest fresh-water aquifers.

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100K acre compound in
redmondkr's picture
Submitted by redmondkr on Fri, 2006/10/20 - 11:08am.

100K acre compound in Paraguay for a man called by God for service? Has anybody noticed a run on grape Kool Aid?

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