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The Weekly Roomer: Current Events II
Friday, 18 May 2007
...about so-called "conservatives;" resistence fighters who don't think they are fascists...
Methodist leader equates U.S. flag to swastika
Suggests symbol inappropriate in denomination's churches
Posted: May 18, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

? 2007

A leader in the United Methodist Church has equated the U.S. flag to the Nazi swastika, drawing the criticism of a watchdog organization that says it is an example of the church's "contemptuous" attitude towards the nation and its heritage.

The comments came from Rev. Clayton Childers, of the Washington-based United Methodist Board of Church and Society, who said, "The presence of a national flag in worship can imply endorsement of national policies which often run counter to the teachings of Jesus Christ and our Christian faith. … One need only recall the way the swastika flag was displayed prominently in German churches during the Nazi era."

Mark Tooley

He was discussing on the organization's website the propriety of having Old Glory in Christian churches, but his condemnation drew the ire of Mark Tooley, the executive director of UMAction, which monitors the eight-million member church and its activities.

"The United Methodist Church, under its liberal leadership, is losing over 50,000 members a year, and this church lobby official is oddly worried about getting American flags out of our churches," Tooley said.

"Unlike the blood-soaked swastika flags that the Nazis forced upon German churches, American churches voluntarily display their country's flag as a reminder of the country in which God has providentially placed them," Tooley said. "Typically, American flags stand against the side walls of American churches, quietly and [un]obtrusively. They are hardly the idolatrous object of imperialistic worship against which the United Methodist lobby official warned."

(Story continues below)

"Religious Left figures, like the United Methodist official, are hardly concerned about idolatry when their politically correct, rainbow paraphernalia and peace banners are woven into church worship services," he added. "They oppose the United States flag because they are contemptuous of our country, its history, its institutions, its culture, and its leadership role in the world," Tooley said.

Childers wrote that he, in fact, is "fond" of the flag.

"On the other hand, I do not believe in blind loyalty. I cannot affirm the idea of 'my country, right or wrong.' There are times when the United States has been very wrong in its actions, even outrageously wrong, and until we are able to own the hard truth of our failures, dare we say 'sins,' we will never be able to experience the full and abundant life God would have for us as a people and as one member in the world community of nations," he wrote.

He noted according to the denomination's director of worship resources, Rev. Dan Benedict, there is no church-wide policy on the use of the flag, but "the use of flags in worship has been discouraged over the years."

Childers said he believes it is inappropriate to continue displaying a U.S. flag in denominational churches, a tradition begun to encourage the preservation of the Union during the Civil War, because the "Church's confession 'Jesus is Lord' was actually a political statement and a direct challenge to both the Empire and Emperor."

He also noted 20 percent of Methodists live outside the U.S., and Old Glory sends "a message which limits our global vision and sense of oneness with the global community."

He cited another church leader, Hoyt Hickman, who concluded, "An American flag used in the worship of the universal church is no more appropriate than hanging a cross in a civil courtroom used by Americans of all religions."

"Most United Methodists, and most religious people in America, display the flag as a symbol of God's blessings upon our nation," said Tooley. "Following the commandments of Christ, all Christians are called upon to love their nation, wherever they live, and to render unto Caesar his due, even as they render their worship only to God."

"For the Religious Left, forever frustrated that more Americans do not share its views, the American flag is an angry 'sentry' that pollutes the church, glorifying imperial crimes, and blocking the stateless utopia about which the Religious Left dreams. But most religious Americans simply see the American flag on the side wall of their sanctuaries as a quiet reminder of their own history, civil duties, and cultural blessings, for which they give thanks to God," Tooley concluded.

On a blog run by Childers, a clergy member of the South Carolina Conference and director of annual conference relations for the General Board of Church and Society, church members didn't have too many objections.

"Appropriate to worship, NO. Appropriate in the sanctuary and present for worship, ABSOLUTELY," said Steve Nelson. "We periodically do a pledge of allegiance to the flag during our service, as requested by various members in the congregation."

Posted by at 12:47 AM CDT
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