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The Weekly Roomer: Current Events II
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Arnold unfocused?

Schwarzenegger accused of being MIA

With the budget and other big issues unresolved, lawmakers cite 'wanderlust' in saying the governor isn't engaged. An aide denies the claim.
By Evan Halper, LA Times Staff Writer
July 15, 2007

SACRAMENTO — The state budget is overdue. California's crisis-plagued prison system is on the brink of a federal takeover. The agency charged with putting tough new global warming regulations into effect is in turmoil.

Nonetheless, last week closed with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's attention thousands of miles east as he ventured to Florida for a turn before the cameras and a $25,000-per-table Republican party fundraiser.

To Capitol insiders, the trip was the latest troubling evidence that despite the many big issues before him, the governor's interest in the nuts and bolts of governing has ebbed. Splashy announcements remain his trademark, but after the cameras pack up, Schwarzenegger has often not followed through. As a result, key parts of his agenda are foundering.

The difficulties are most pronounced with the state budget, which was supposed to be signed by July 1. In moves that raised eyebrows in the Capitol, Schwarzenegger has left the state twice since the budget stalemate began late last month.

Travel is not the only problem. The governor waited until July 9 to bring the four legislative leaders into his office for a "Big 5" budget meeting — the forum he and other governors have used to keep negotiations moving. The leaders from both parties emerged to announce that little got done. No more meetings have taken place.

"We're all starting to say, 'Mr. Governor, phone home,' " said state Senate Majority Leader Gloria Romero (D-Los Angeles). "We've got a budget impasse. We need you to engage."

Republicans too are warning Schwarzenegger that his legacy is at stake.

"He clearly has a case of wanderlust," said Bill Whalen, a Republican political consultant. "While it is good and swell to go around the world and talk about global warming, being governor of California is very much a pothole job. It is about dealing with matters both large and small."

In Schwarzenegger's political career, glitz has often superseded potholes. He announced his candidacy on "The Tonight Show" and his recall events were tailored to swooning fans of his blockbuster movie persona.

Early on, the Legislature reacted with starry eyes as well. But now, as he closes in on the fourth anniversary of the recall, the novelty appears to have worn off. For adulation, he has had to turn elsewhere.

The contrast on global warming has been striking. Schwarzenegger has been celebrated on magazine covers and in national and international appearances for his call for aggressive action to curb global warming. But at home, with the governor largely unengaged, his own aides derailed efforts by the state Air Resources Board to push through global warming regulations.

The recently departed chairman of the air board, Robert F. Sawyer, learned he had been fired when Schwarzenegger's chief of staff handed him a curt letter signed by the governor. In his 18 months on the job, Sawyer said, Schwarzenegger had not met with him once.

The air board leader, according to state law, is the governor's "principal advisor" on "major policy and program matters on environmental protection."

Administration officials say Schwarzenegger is as involved as ever in the finer points of crafting policy. The trips and photo opportunities, they say, are crucial to maintaining public support for his plans.

"The governor is very engaged with every detail of his administration," Schwarzenegger communications director Adam Mendelsohn said. "He is a unique individual who loves to be out campaigning and talking to people and selling his agenda, while at the same time spending hours focusing on the minutiae of governing."

Mendelsohn argues that the meltdown at the air board was the result of regulators failing to follow through on the governor's instructions — ones conveyed by his advisors. When Schwarzenegger aides warned the board to go easier on industry, Mendelsohn said, the governor had signed off on the moves.

Mendelsohn also disputed charges that the governor's inaction was contributing to the budget stalemate. He said the Florida trip, which included an appearance at a global warming event and a fundraiser for the Florida Republican Party, would keep him out of the state less than 24 hours. He also said the governor has been meeting one on one with legislative leaders on the budget.

Others, however, say there is a clear perception in the Capitol that the governor is unfocused.

"It used to be that he was a lot more into arm-twisting and cajoling and cutting deals over cigars," said Barbara O'Connor, director of the Institute for the Study of Politics and the Media at Cal State Sacramento. "Now he's more interested in doing the global rhetorical visioning thing, which is a lot more fun. But he has some critical issues that require his presence. Not the least of which is the budget."

Her advice: "I would cancel everything, stay in town and put my shoulder to the wheel."

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