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The Weekly Roomer: Current Events II
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Thompson for Dog Catcher?

Potential candidate Thompson shuffles staff

By Steve Holland Tue Jul 24, 5:49 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Fred Thompson shook up the top management of his presidential campaign-in-waiting on Tuesday ahead of an expected announcement late this summer that he will jump in the race.

The move came amid signs of frustration among Thompson's devoted followers, known as Fredheads, that the former Tennessee senator and Hollywood actor has yet to say he will run for president.

Tom Collamore told CNN he had resigned as acting manager of Thompson's potential campaign while Linda Rozett, spokeswoman for the Friends of Fred Thompson organization, said he had been shifted to a senior adviser job on the team.

"He has not resigned," she said. "What he has done is put together an organization and a structure and we are preparing to move on to another phase. We are adding some new, experienced political strength to the organization."

Taking over Collamore's duties will be Spencer Abraham, former energy secretary under President George W. Bush and a former Republican senator from Michigan, and Randy Enright, former executive director of the Florida Republican Party.

In telling CNN that he had resigned as campaign manager at Friends of Fred Thompson, Collamore said, "It was an honor to be part of getting things started and I believe I helped get things ready for the next level."

He told CNN he was prepared to stay on in an official capacity but that he was "very respectful of the desire of Fred and Jeri to make some changes as they move to the next level."

Jeri Kehn is Thompson's wife and is said to be playing a strong role in her husband's campaign.

Thompson has been flirting for months with a run for his party's nomination for the November 2008 election.

An average of recent polls by shows Thompson in a seemingly strong position, running in second place with 19.8 percent support behind former New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani at 25.5 percent and ahead of Arizona Sen. John McCain at 13.5 percent and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney at 10 percent.

But some of Thompson's grassroots supporters would like Thompson to get on with a race if he is going to do it.

"The time has come," said a July 11 posting on "Enough with the ambiguities. Enough with those around you being more decisive (than) you are. Let's hear it Fred. Take your hat off and throw it into the ring. We are behind you all the way."

But some Republican strategists see value in Thompson's delay, saying he is doing fine without having announced and is positioned well in the polls. They expect an announcement from him in late summer.

Posted by at 12:46 AM CDT
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