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WARNING: We make every effort to be Un-Fair AND/OR Un-Balanced with our Comments in this Blog!

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The Weekly Roomer: Current Events II
Thursday, 11 October 2007

"Front Lobby!"

[NOTICE: We Want To Respect The Rights Of Everyone. Hotel Bravo And/Or Its Proprieters/Owners/Managers/Editors and/or Flunkies, Is Strictly A Not-For-Profit Site And Accepts No Compensation For Any Information, Image, Logo, Referral, Or Other Kind Of Reference Or Comment On Hotel Bravo. Contents of this site are for Entertainment/Education/Reflective purposes only and not for commercial use. This collection of MIDI files was gathered from various web sites on the Internet. All files are believed to be in the public domain. We do not offer them for download, and use them only for background to our pages. We Enjoy Complete Freedom Of Expression! Something Not Everyone On Earth, Or Even In The United States Enjoys Or Appreciates!!! Hotel Bravo Regularly Uses Logos Or Other Identifying Images From Sites To Anchor Our Link To the Site From Which We Have Obtained An Image So Visitors Will See Where They Can Go, So To Speak. If The Owner Of Any Site To Which We Link, Showing Our Interest In That Site, Has Something Against Free Advertising, And Would Rather We Not Use His/Her Midi, Image Or Logo To Augment Our Site Or Anchor Our Link To Said Site, Please Show Proof Of Ownership, And Tell Us In Twenty-five Words Or Less How Really Irritated It Makes You To Get All The Additional Visitors. The Best/Worst (?) Whiner Will Be Picked Each Month To Be Removed. Good Luck!]

"Ogres are like Onions!" --Shrek, in the movie, "SHREK"
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Help! I am being Stalked by
The Vast Middle-Of-The-Road Complacency!" --Dudley

WARNING! (updated January, 59 Anno Bombo)

A "G" rated site on experiences as an Infantryman in Viet-Nam and as a returnee in a Society that wished us extinct, would be grotesque and pointless (except as dissociation and denial reinforcement) to those who suffer unaware they have 'Patty Hearst Syndrome'. So, if an occasional cuss word said in existential grief offends you in the midst of discourse on the horrors of Man's inhumanity to Man, or the fact that US America may not be the unflawed universal/ultimate Divine good it supposes itself to be, or you cannot cope with paradoxical complex issues in which one might actually be Hero, Villain, Victim AND Rescuer all in the same moment, while performing the same act, or if someone quick and silent abruptly jumps out of a hole in the ground and does something violent to you that you think a phony pollyanna authority figure trying to take political advantage of public terror or sentiment, or sell a book, should fix so you won't become desensitized and numbed by your visit, you probably shouldn't be here. Thank you for coming anyway and have a nice day.

After Nam, what could possibly be in bad taste
except doing it again, and again, and again?

HOTEL BRAVO is created mostly with Navigator 4.72-9, on a seventeen inch screen,
at 832 x 634, 75Hz and millions of colors, to be experienced with same (or better for best results, though newer versions created by AOL
serve marketing goals and exclude the ideal of encompassing all previous versions, a decidedly exclusivistic approach to control of the internet for profit, no great surprise!),
HOTEL BRAVO is a creative, personal, NOT-FOR-PROFIT Web Site
and is not responsible for the Content on the Sites to which we Link as one means of exercising our right to Personal Expression!
This Site is being lovingly EVOLVED by the facility of fine Old World Craftsmanship,
a smattering of Exhibitionism, and perhaps more than just a dab of PTSD and OCD....

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Original "HOTEL BRAVO" Material Copyrighted 1999 - 2006, by E. Andrews, All Rights Reserved;
but if you like it, take it, with our blessings. However, all Unoriginal Material is someone else's Property,
so you're not supposed to touch it. HOT, HOT, HOT!

University of Dubuque (STD), Dubuque, Ia. 1976 - B.S.; 1978 - M.A.R.,

Editorial Disclaimer: As of May 58, Anno Bombo, there are over four thousand intra-site and inter-site links at Hotel Bravo, so logically some will be out of date. Further, it is the responsibility of each individual visitor to Hotel Bravo to determine for him/herself the accuracy, authenticity, personal,political, and religious bias, as well as factual basis, if any, of every site to which we link that the visitor might choose to visit, as well as of all statements on Hotel Bravo itself. The visitor must understand that in order to provide some information and accomplish our tasks, the art and facility of Fiction may be employed in Prose and Poetry, Technique and Concept, and that the bias of our own perspectives as well, may influence what is said. As a matter of fact, let's just call HOTEL BRAVO a work of Science Fiction; a Comic Book Commentary on our chaotic times, selves, and society, so everyone's ass is covered! (Attitude Check!) There is no such thing as "non-biased" and rarely anything resembling "balanced", no matter what "O'Rielly" at "The Ministry Of Truth" is selling you!

The key is becoming tuned to how to detect bias and what the bias is, to seek one's own balance in absorbing a variety of biases, analysing them, synthesizing them, and evolving an informed, questioned, and matured bias reality of one's own instead of just a parroting of someone's paid propagandizing!

Wingnuts continue to succeed in converting the US to their peculiar and unique forms of fascism because they learned from the former Soviet Union to take two steps forward and accept taking one step back and to never ever be gracious unless doing so can make the other guy look bad, then attack immediately, ruthlessly, and rip his larynx out. Meanwhile, the less "conservative" continue to use the philosophy, any landing you walk away from alive is a good landing and hope for the best. And they usually have good and right and the constitution on their side if they are patient enough to wait for the pendulum to swing back their way. We like the Green philosophy for building its own autonomous party, making hay while the sun shines and letting the dead bury the dead.

Before Democrats badmouth Greens for voting for Nader in the 2000 election, claiming this is what lost Gore's Presidency to Bush, they need to ask themselves WHY so many African Americans, Women, and 2-3 million Gay and Lesbian voters are voting for Outright Murderers, Planet-Raping-Anal Retentive Republicans, Fascist-Imperialists, Chauvinist-Racist-Homophobics, Mercenary-Corporate Stooges, Jingoistic Nationalists, Selfabsorbed-Opportunistic-Paternalistic-Analretentive Democrats, and Psycho-Theocrats!

Because we believe in free and open exchange of ideas
(Not the overwhelming bullying by those with the deepest pockets,
but also not the Lunacy of Dumbfucks who want to push stupidity like "Creationism" and "Intelligent Design" on us in a Strategy to Dumb Down our Population
and destroy the Public School System,
so a Diabolical Priesthood of Antichrists can take over
the fragile souls of our children...),
we provide a Forum for discussion. Feel Free to Share your thoughts there.
As well as with Friends
in our own private Chat Rooms,
(May Not Function With Some Browsers...)
--The Hotel Bravo Editorial Staff and Management]

Our 1999 Reunion, TSVVA Section, and Credits and Acknowledgements pages Continue to be in ongoing development and change.
Enjoy your Visit to HOTEL BRAVO!

The Legend


The content of Animation Factory and Animation Factory's Premium Memberships are the property of Animation Factory. All images contained within belonging to Aimation Factory are copyrighted (YOU CAN'T HAVE THEM WITHOUT SPECIFIC PERMISSION from ANIMATION FACTORY!). License to use these images is only granted within the use terms above. If you have questions on our use terms please contact Animation Factory. Animation Factory images are also available to license in quantity to clipart, software and OEM developers. Please contact a Business Representative.

The Video Tapes of you in your rooms are for sale at the front desk. It isn't any of our business, but most of you could do with a little more animation and histrionics instead of just lying there like beached jellyfish. How cool is that?
AND, BY THE WAY, The Hershey's Tropical Bars placed on your pillows are yours to keep! Take them with you, ...PLEASE!

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Dudley's Heroes
Hotel Bravo: The Long Way
Web Rings Pages
Hotel Bravo Map Rooms
"Very special long overdue gratitude and acknowledgment is humbly given to John 'Snoopy' Driessler, whose frequent contributions of himself without thought for himself in Nam and in The World, in the acts of vulnerable self-exposure and intimate personal accounts through articles, quotes, and treatments of nonfictional events, and of authentic events through his ability with fiction prose writing, have become integral and absolutely necessary to the totality and very existence of Hotel Bravo! Truly a Friend that is one of a kind...Hang in there, 'Snoopy!' May your brilliance ever shine!" --E. Andrews, 07/21/04

Posted by at 1:27 AM CDT
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