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The Weekly Roomer: Current Events II
Sunday, 25 February 2007
"Last time I saw that monkey, he was trying to put the cork back in!" Famous punch-line
Indonesia drops balls into mud volcano

59 minutes ago

SURABAYA, Indonesia - Indonesian engineers temporarily halted an attempt to plug a fissure that has been gushing mud for nine months, after a steel cable hoisting cement balls into the crater broke Saturday, officials said.

The hot, noxious mud has displaced 13,000 people and covered dozens of factories and thousands of homes. The mud has blocked major roads into the country's second largest city, Surabaya.

Over the next few weeks, authorities plan to drop nearly 1,500 concrete balls, weighing up to 500 pounds each, into the geyser. A string of four balls was successfully lowered into the hole Saturday in heavy rain and wind, said Rudi Novrianto, a spokesman for a government task force handling the disaster.

"Thank God, we have managed to drop one chain, equipped with sensors to monitor pressure and depth," he said. "We had to halt the process because of the broken steel cable. We will continue tomorrow after repairing it."

Officials had hoped to drop between 5 and 10 strands of balls into the mud volcano on Saturday.

If successful, the project will decrease by up to 70 percent the volume of mud now being channeled by a system of dams into a nearby river and out to sea. The mud has been surging at a rate that could fill 50 Olympic-sized swimming pools a day.

Critics, however, doubt it will succeed and warn it could be dangerous or that deep underground pressure could push the mud up elsewhere.

Mud fissures occur naturally along volatile tectonic belts like the one running below Indonesia, the world's largest archipelago. But opinions differ about the cause of the latest rupture.

Independent geological studies suggest it was triggered by faulty gas exploration techniques by operator PT Lapindo Brantas, which created fissures in a bed of porous limestone.

Other research supports the company's assertion that it was a natural disaster resulting from increased seismic activity following a major earthquake two days before the mud began flowing.

Posted by at 4:49 AM CST
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WHY must these persons be NOT FREE!?
Thousands protest separatist's jail term

Sat Feb 24, 11:33 PM ET

MADRID, Spain - Thousands of people waving red-and-yellow Spanish flags protested in Madrid Saturday against a court ruling that shortened the prison sentence for one of the Basque separatist group ETA's most notorious killers.

The crowd screamed "murderer, murderer, murderer" and accused the Socialist government of being soft on ETA.

Jose Ignacio de Juana Chaos has been in prison since 1987 for the deaths of 25 in a series of ETA attacks. With time off for good behavior and other benefits, he was on the verge of release last year when he was charged anew over newspaper articles he wrote from prison that were deemed as threats of new attacks.

De Juana Chaos was convicted and got 13 years, and he resumed a hunger strike that had begun months earlier. But on Feb. 12 the Supreme Court reduced the sentence to three years, saying the articles could be considered apologies for terrorism but not terrorism threats in themselves.

As he has already been in jail 17 months since the new charges were filed — more than half the sentence ordered — he is eligible for a furlough program. It is up to the government to decide whether to grant it.

His case has become a lightning rod for deep political divisions in Spain over the Socialist government's dealings with ETA. The group ended a nine-month cease-fire with a Dec. 30 bombing that killed two people at Madrid airport.

That caused the government to ditch plans for negotiations with ETA, but it refuses to rule out trying again at some point in the future. ETA and its political supporters have cited De Juana Chaos' case as an example of the kind of judicial harassment they say derailed the peace process.

ETA has killed more than 800 people since 1968 in its bid for an independent Basque state.

Posted by at 4:21 AM CST
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Hey, how is living under the curse of Texas Neo-Cons any better?
Leader: Russia's grasp on Ukraine rising

By MARA D. BELLABY, Associated Press Writer Sat Feb 24, 5:35 PM ET

KIEV, Ukraine - Ukraine's main opposition leader, on the eve of a trip to the U.S., warned Saturday that the former Soviet republic is at risk of sliding back under the influence of Russia.

Yulia Tymoshenko said she will reassure U.S. leaders on her visit starting Sunday that the Orange Revolution team which set Ukraine on its pro-Western path has reunited and will provide tough opposition to Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych's Russian-leaning government.

"Our union today is not due to circumstances, it is not a spontaneous decision," Tymoshenko told The Associated Press after signing an agreement Saturday to rejoin forces with President Viktor Yushchenko's party.

"It is a decision dictated by those Ukrainians who want to see Ukraine European."

Tymoshenko was one of the driving forces behind the 2004 Orange Revolution, which helped bring the pro-Western Yushchenko to power. The Kremlin had backed Yanukovych, and his defeat was a major blow to Moscow's efforts to keep Ukraine under its sway.

But Yushchenko's hesitant governing style proved to be a disappointment for many Ukrainians who expected quick change and a strong embrace from Europe. He also split with Tymoshenko, a widely popular politician in Ukraine. Last year, Yanukovych's party triumphed in parliamentary elections and he returned to power as prime minister, governing jointly with Yushchenko.

Yushchenko has since become sidelined, and Tymoshenko said that under Yanukovych, Russia's influence was growing.

"I don't want to be silent about this," she said, noting that Moscow's pressure was particularly strong in the energy sector.

"Really, there is energy pressure on Ukraine which ... is used today for political control of the country," she said. "All this forces us to confront a new challenge: to protect the independence of our country."

Russia temporarily cut off natural gas supplies to Ukraine last year, a shut-off was widely seen as punishment for Ukraine's pro-Western policies. This year, both sides agreed to a price widely seen as a gift to Yanukovych's government — nearly half the price Russia is demanding from Georgia, another West-leaning ex-Soviet republic.

Russia has increasingly used its huge energy supplies to wield influence in other former Soviet republics and Eastern Europe. Last month, Russia stopped pumping oil to Belarus in a trade dispute. The stoppage affected Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary — all of which are dependent on Russian oil.

Russia is also trying to exert pressure on Poland and the Czech Republic to turn down requests by the Washington to host parts of a U.S. missile defense system. Both countries have expressed interest in the system, which Moscow says could disturb the balance of power in the region and fuel a new arms race.

Tymoshenko's visit to the U.S. comes after Russian President
Vladimir Putin gave a speech in Germany earlier this month blasting U.S. foreign policy — his harshest criticism of the Bush administration since he came to power in 2000.

Tymoshenko is scheduled to meet with Vice President
Dick Cheney and Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice in Washington.

Posted by at 4:15 AM CST
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From the Whatnot Shelf...
Report: Thousands plotting U.K. attacks

Sat Feb 24, 11:43 PM ET

LONDON - The threat of homegrown terrorists attacking Britain is greater now than any time since the Sept. 11 attacks, a British Sunday newspaper reported, citing a leaked intelligence document.

More than 2,000 British-based Islamic terrorists are believed to be plotting attacks, according to a government threat assessment prepared this month that The Sunday Telegraph said it had seen.

"The scale of al-Qaida's ambitions toward attacking the U.K. and the number of U.K. extremists prepared to participate in attacks are even greater than we previously judged," the newspaper quoted the document as saying.

It said the document was being circulated between the Home Office, defense ministry, MI5 intelligence agency and Scotland Yard's Anti-Terrorist Branch.

The Home Office declined to comment on the report, but said in a statement that security arrangements are under constant review.

"As (MI5 Director-General) Eliza Manningham-Buller has stated publicly, the threat of terrorism in the U.K. is very real and includes the intent to kill people and damage our economy," the statement said.

Manningham-Buller said in November that 1,600 people were suspected of involvement in terrorist plots against British targets.

Four suicide bombers killed 52 commuters in July 2005 transit attacks in London and security officials say they have foiled at least six other plots. Officials expect the number of plots to increase this year, newspaper said.

Posted by at 3:56 AM CST
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The Bush Administration is out of control and is rogue...!
U.S. developing contingency plan to bomb Iran: report

Sat Feb 24, 7:52 PM ET

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Despite the Bush administration's insistence it has no plans to go to war with
Iran, a
Pentagon panel has been created to plan a bombing attack that could be implemented within 24 hours of getting the go-ahead from
President George W. Bush, The New Yorker magazine reported in its latest issue.

The special planning group was established within the office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in recent months, according to an unidentified former U.S. intelligence official cited in the article by investigative reporter Seymour Hersh in the March 4 issue.

The panel initially focused on destroying Iran's nuclear facilities and on regime change but has more recently been directed to identify targets in Iran that may be involved in supplying or aiding militants in
Iraq, according to an Air Force adviser and a Pentagon consultant, who were not identified.

The consultant and a former senior intelligence official both said that U.S. military and special-operations teams had crossed the border from Iraq into Iran in pursuit of Iranian operatives, according to the article.

In response to the report, Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said: "The United States is not planning to go to war with Iran. To suggest anything to the contrary is simply wrong, misleading and mischievous.

"The United States has been very clear with respect to its concerns regarding specific Iranian government activities. The president has repeatedly stated publicly that this country is going to work with allies in the region to address those concerns through diplomatic efforts," Whitman said.

Pentagon officials say they maintain contingency plans for literally dozens of potential conflicts around the world and that all plans are subject to regular and ongoing review.

The article, citing unnamed current and former U.S. officials, also said the Bush administration received intelligence from
Israel that Iran had developed an intercontinental missile capable of delivering several small warheads that could reach Europe. It added the validity of that intelligence was still being debated.

The article also included an interview conducted in December with Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, who said that while he had no interest in initiating another war with Israel, he was anticipating and preparing for another Israeli attack sometime this year.

Israel launched a cross-border offensive against Hezbollah in Lebanon last July.

Nasrallah also said he was open to talks with Washington if such discussions "can be useful and influential in determining American policy in the region," but they would be waste of time if the purpose was to impose policy.

Posted by at 3:37 AM CST
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Wow, there's enough here to fuel a Clancy/Ford novel/screen film!
Ed: Absolutely no one there has said anything at all about a frozen Turkey being thrown into an engine!

Cheney plane leaves Singapore after minor repairs

By Caren Bohan 11 minutes ago

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Vice President
Dick Cheney, who visited Asia-Pacific allies Japan and Australia last week, left Singapore on Sunday afternoon after his plane underwent minor repairs and refueled.

"This was the pre-planned, scheduled fuel stop," said Cheney's spokeswoman Lea Anne McBride. "We were not diverted," she added, following a comment by Australia's Prime Minister John Howard that Cheney's plane had been diverted to Singapore because of a problem.

McBride said there had been an issue with the electricity on the plane. Because of that, "a call was placed back to Sydney with the status," she said, adding the electrical problem did not cut off Cheney's ability to communicate with the rest of the world.

The plane, which left Sydney's international airport at about 9 a.m. on Sunday (5 p.m. EST (2200 GMT) Saturday), arrived at Singapore's Paya Lebar air base at about 2 p.m. Singapore time (0600 GMT), and took off again nearly two hours later.

Cheney did not get off the plane in Singapore.

"The small mechanical problem has been fixed," a U.S. embassy spokeswoman in Singapore said.

The problem had posed no safety issues and the aircraft was fine, the White House said earlier.

Cheney had been visiting Australia as part of a trip to thank Washington's
Iraq war allies Japan and Australia.

Concern about the flight first arose after Cheney's plane had stopped en route to the runway. A mobile stairway was sent out to the plane but a door in the plane opened and an unidentified figure appeared in the hatchway and waved the stairway off, a Reuters photographer said.

The door was then closed and the plane proceeded to the runway and took off.

McBride said the incident was "absolutely unrelated" to the electrical issue, adding the plane stopped because a passenger had alerted officials an item of luggage had been left in a vehicle. It was decided the item should be sent on another plane.

Cheney arrived in Sydney late on Thursday. Anti-war protesters who accuse him of being one of the main architects of the Iraq war scuffled briefly with police on Thursday and Friday.

A total of 11 people were arrested but his visit was otherwise uneventful.

(Additional reporting by Will Burgess and Paul Tait in Sydney; and Koh Gui Qing in Singapore)

Posted by at 2:51 AM CST
Updated: Sunday, 25 February 2007 3:08 AM CST
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Saturday, 24 February 2007 damned dirty Humans!
Jaguar kills zookeeper in Denver

By Keith Coffman 32 minutes ago

DENVER (Reuters)- A male jaguar killed a zookeeper at the Denver Zoo on Saturday and employees put the animal down, police said.

"I can confirm that a female worker was killed and we're still conducting an investigation," Denver Police spokesman Sonny Jackson said.

According to a statement posted on the zoo's Web site (, the 6-year-old jaguar attacked the unidentified worker inside its enclosure late Saturday morning. Armed employees entered the enclosure to retrieve the injured woman when the cat threatened them.

"The jaguar approached staff trying to assist the zookeeper and it was shot and killed," the statement said.

The mauled worker was transported to a local hospital where she was pronounced dead, Jackson said. Her identity and age were not released.

The zoo was closed after the incident, but the public was never in danger, zoo officials said.

The 140-pound jaguar, named Jorge, came to the Denver Zoo from the Santa Cruz Zoo in Bolivia in March 2005 after he was orphaned in the wild. This month, the zoo announced it had obtained a 16-month-old female jaguar to breed with Jorge.

Posted by at 6:32 PM CST
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I don't seek to validate Christianity, why should I seek to validate Mormonism! It's always about control and material success!
Pressure on Romney to firmly address Mormon faith

By Jason Szep 23 minutes ago

BOSTON (Reuters) - As he seeks to become the first Mormon U.S. president, Republican Mitt Romney faces a dilemma in courting conservative Christians who often dismiss his religion as a cult but now could decide his political fate.

Should he address his religion head-on in a speech, as John F. Kennedy did in 1960 to Texas Baptists while campaigning to become the first Roman Catholic U.S. president?

Or should he resist debate over a religion that evangelicals, who are key to winning the Republican primaries, often view with suspicion?

"It's a delicate balance, but I don't think the strategy of ignoring this is going to work," said Boston University professor Julian Zelizer. "At the moment he seems not to accept it as a legitimate issue and hopes that it goes away."

The Harvard-educated former Massachusetts governor has cast himself as a more conservative alternative to favorites John McCain (news, bio, voting record), an Arizona senator, and Rudolph Giuliani, the former New York mayor.

That pitch is complicated by his inconsistency on social issues such as gay rights and abortion rights, which he once supported but now opposes, and misconceptions about Mormonism and its history of racism and polygamy.

A heckler attacked Romney's faith recently in Florida, a powerful state in the nominating process. "Sir, you are a pretender. You do not know the Lord," the man said.

Romney, a former bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, replied: "One of the great things about this great land is that we have people of different faiths and different persuasions.

"And I'm convinced that the nation does need ... to have people of different faiths but we need to have a person of faith lead the country."


Damon Linker, a former professor at the Mormon-sponsored Brigham Young University in Utah and author of "Theocons: Secular America Under Siege," said Romney's response in Florida is exactly why he needs to address the issue.

"The religious right wants a candidate's religious views to be at the center of their identity and political agenda. If you are going to do that, then the candidate's religious views have to be open for scrutiny," he said.

The Salt Lake City, Utah-based church is one of the world's fastest-growing and affluent religions.

It bans alcohol, caffeine and tobacco, maintains that no one goes to hell, the dead can be baptized and God speaks through living apostles and prophets such as the church's current president, Gordon Hinckley.

"What would it mean to have a Mormon as president who would believe that in an office building in downtown Salt Lake City there is a man who is the living mouthpiece of God on earth who speaks with the authority of God?" Linker asked.

Romney, 59, has called polygamy "bizarre" and does not drink, smoke or swear. He is married to his high-school sweetheart, Ann -- which sits better with conservative Christians than Giuliani's two failed marriages and McCain's divorce.

Romney is the fifth Mormon to seek the White House. His father, former Michigan governor George Romney, ran in 1968 and the church's founder, Joseph Smith, was shot to death by a mob during his 1844 presidential campaign.

But not since Kennedy has a candidate's religion been such an issue. In a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, 35 percent of respondents said they would be "less likely" to vote for a candidate who is Mormon.

Kennedy made a point of easing concerns about his deference to a foreign Catholic prelate, and offered to resign if he was ever forced "to either violate my conscience or violate the national interest."

Richard Land, a top official in Southern Baptist Convention in Tennessee, said Romney would be wise to follow suit.

"I don't think the Mormonism issue is a deal-breaker, certainly not for most evangelicals," he said. "But I do think he needs to address the issue." Romney's wife, too, has urged a Kennedy-esque speech. "I'm actually anxious for that to happen," she told ABC News.

A Romney spokesman said no such speech was scheduled.

Posted by at 10:49 AM CST
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Daily improvements to defenses is SOP. Always!
Britain lobbying to be U.S. base site

Ed: Daily improvements to defenses is SOP. The phony in General's stars more fond of his pension and reputation in Lebanon screwed it up back in the eighties, (maybe under Republican orders to do so with the intent to piss-off the public in order to pass funding for expensive space based defense projects...!)

By ROBERT BARR, Associated Press Writer Fri Feb 23, 3:24 PM ET

LONDON - Prime Minister
Tony Blair is lobbying the United States to consider locating part of its anti-missile system in Britain, his office said Friday.

The United States has also announced discussions with Poland and the Czech Republic about building parts of the missile defense infrastructure in those countries.

"We have certainly been engaged in conversations with the U.S. about this," said a spokesman for Blair, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"The objective of these conversations was to make sure that the U.K. is kept in consideration to be one of the locations for the system should the U.S. press ahead with the system.

"It is purely about being part of the conversation. These discussions are at a very early stage," the spokesman said.

A Russian general has warned that Poland and the Czech Republic risk being targeted if they host U.S. missile defense bases, though the United States has insisted the system does not threaten Russia.

Posted by at 5:14 AM CST
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U.S. Army refiles charges against war objector, cockroaches are unstopable unless you've got a very bright light!
U.S. Army refiles charges against war objector

Sat Feb 24, 12:51 AM ET

SEATTLE (Reuters) - The U.S. government refiled charges on Friday against an Army officer who refused to fight in
Iraq after his first court martial ended in a mistrial.

The Army charged First Lt. Ehren Watada with one count of missing movements and four counts of conduct unbecoming an officer. Watada, 28, faces a dishonorable discharge and up to six years in a military prison if convicted on all counts.

Earlier this month, a military judge declared a mistrial in the first known court martial of a U.S. Army officer for publicly refusing to serve in Iraq. The mistrial was based on a ruling that Watada had unknowingly signed a document that amounted to a confession of guilt.

At the time, Watada's lawyer said a retrial would constitute double jeopardy, which forbids a defendant from being tried twice for the same crime, and would seek to have a second case thrown out. There is no date set for a retrial.

The suit was refiled at Fort Lewis Army base south of Seattle.

Watada has admitted to not boarding a plane headed to Iraq with the rest of his unit and making public statements criticizing the war as illegal and accusing
President George W. Bush's administration of deceiving the American people to enter into a war of aggression.

The defense made the argument that since the war is illegal, the order to deploy to Iraq is also illegal and following it would make Watada party to war crimes.

Posted by at 4:51 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, 24 February 2007 6:18 PM CST
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Cheney said on Saturday that the United States and its allies must not allow Iran to become a nuclear power.
Cheney warns of Iran's nuclear ambition

By Caren Bohan 2 hours, 27 minutes ago

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Vice President
Dick Cheney said on Saturday that the United States and its allies must not allow
Iran to become a nuclear power and raised concerns about Tehran's actions and "inflammatory" rhetoric.

The stern comments from Cheney, who is known for his hawkish views, followed Tehran's refusal to heed a U.N. deadline to halt uranium enrichment and a vow by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to stand up to the rest of the world and not show weakness by acceding to the West's demands.

"They have made some fairly inflammatory statements," Cheney said of Iran at a joint Sydney news conference with Australian Prime Minister John Howard. "They appear to be pursuing the development of nuclear weapons."

"We are deeply concerned and have made it very clear we're deeply concerned about Iran's activities," he said.

Iran insists that it is not trying to acquire nuclear weapons and its enrichment activities are for peaceful purposes.

In addition to Iran, the two leaders touched on issues ranging from the
Iraq war to China and Australian Guantanamo Bay inmate David Hicks.

Howard pressed his insistence on a speedy trial for Hicks.

The prime minister also offered warnings about Iran, saying that a sudden withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq would only bolster Iran's clout and influence in the Middle East.

"I can't think of a country whose influence and potential clout would be more enhanced in that part of the world than Iran's would be," if the United States and its allies were to be forced to exit Iraq, Howard said.

"That would be a nightmare scenario," he added.

Cheney said he was concerned about Iran's "fairly aggressive" role in the Middle East, not just its decision to ignore the U.N. deadline.


He said "all options are on the table" on Iran. The Bush administration has long maintained that it is focused on diplomacy but tacitly acknowledges that the military option has not been ruled out.

Still, the administration's tough comments on Iran have been met with concern by some in the U.S. Congress and have even rattled financial markets.

Cheney said that a peaceful resolution to the nuclear standoff with Iran was "still our preference."

The Weekend Australian newspaper reported on Saturday that Cheney had endorsed U.S. Republican Senator John McCain (news, bio, voting record)'s view that the only thing worse than a military confrontation with Iran would be a nuclear-armed Iran.

Cheney, who stopped in Australia after a visit to Tokyo, had harsh words about China in a speech on Thursday, citing concerns about its rapid military build-up.


Howard took a decidedly softer tone on China, saying Australia takes a "realistic" view of Beijing's government but also values its close ties with the country.

Anti-Iraq war protesters have scuffled with police during Cheney's visit. The war has become a growing problem for Howard's conservative government, which has slumped in opinion polls ahead of elections due in the second half of 2007.

Cheney underscored that he had no intention of trying to press Howard for a bigger troop contribution in Iraq because such decisions were up to Australia.

He said that Hicks was "near the head of the queue" to be tried and that every effort was being made to move the legal process forward. But he said the Bush administration's hands were tied to some extent because it could not interfere with the U.S. military commission that is to try Hicks.

"We're not allowed to call over and say when are you going to be through, or what are you going to decide?" Cheney said. "But I do expect in the not too distant future that piece of the process will get resolved."

After wrapping up their talks, Cheney and Howard, who have been friends for years, headed off to go boating in the harbor. Cheney is to leave Australia on Sunday.

(Additional reporting by Paul Tait in SYDNEY)

Posted by at 4:20 AM CST
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It's becoming a rhetorical question; which is more FREE and Democratic, Canada, or Jordan?
Jordan's King says peace hopes dimming

Fri Feb 23, 4:09 PM ET

JERUSALEM - Jordan's King Abdullah II said in remarks broadcast Friday that prospects for Mideast peace were dwindling, and the latest window of opportunity might be the last.

"We find ourselves at this very important crossroads ... that I do feel really is the last opportunity for peace for all of us," Abdullah told
Israel's Channel 2 TV, in an excerpt from an interview to be broadcast in full on Saturday.

"I think that the opportunities that we have are diminishing, the frequency of conflict is rising rapidly in the Middle East," the king said.

With renewed international interest in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict following Israel's war last year against Hezbollah guerrillas, "this is the golden opportunity that is in front of all of us," Abdullah said.

Ending Israeli-Palestinian hostilities would, in turn, lead "to a greater stability between Israelis and Arabs," he added.

Earlier this week, Abdullah urged the U.S. to keep trying to broker a final Israeli-Palestinian accord. Jordan signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1994.

Meanwhile, the leader of the Palestinian militant group Hamas said on Friday that his faction will not budge from its commitment to Israel's destruction. Hamas' political leader Khaled Mashaal blamed the U.S. for the failure of the international community to lift the crippling financial embargo on the Palestinians.

The future of peace efforts has been called into question by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' recent power-sharing pact with Hamas. Western powers, led by the U.S. and backed by Israel, have said they won't lift international sanctions against the Palestinians unless the new unity government explicitly recognizes Israel, disarms and recognizes existing Israeli-Palestinian peace deals.

The outline of the new government's platform only mentions "respect" for existing peace pacts.

Posted by at 12:32 AM CST
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Friday, 23 February 2007
Hey, why not wait till everyone involved is really, really dead!?
FBI may reopen cold cases

By CHRIS TALBOTT, Associated Press Writer 2 hours, 57 minutes ago

JACKSON, Miss. - The
FBI is considering reopening dozens of cold cases involving slayings suspected of being racially motivated in the South during the 1950s and '60s.

An announcement could come as early as Tuesday, according to a law enforcement official who spoke with the Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the plans have not yet been finalized.

In addition to the FBI's own investigations, the Southern Poverty Law Center submitted its own list last week of 74 potential unsolved slayings that involved white-on-black violence.

Thirty-two of the deaths happened in Mississippi. The others were in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Kentucky and New York.

Mark Potok, director of the Intelligence Project for the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center, said each case was researched in the late 1980s when the group was putting together a civil rights memorial. But it is unclear if each could be considered a civil rights case, he said.

"The truth is we don't know," said Potok, whose group investigates hate crimes. "In each case there was some evidence to suggest that these were racial murders, but it absolutely was not proven. Had we been able to nail them down, their names would've been literally chiseled into the civil rights memorial that sits outside our building here."

U.S. Attorney Dunn Lampton in Jackson reviewed the list of Mississippi killings for the Associated Press on Friday and said based on the limited amount of information available that none would qualify for federal prosecution under civil rights statutes. But he said many could still be prosecuted on a local or state level as murders.

The deaths outlined by the center happened in a variety of ways, from police-involved shootings to trysts with white women broken up by gunfire.

In most cases, the statute of limitations under federal civil rights laws will have run out, Lampton said. In others, charges could not be brought because the accused already have faced charges and been cleared by a jury.

Last month, FBI Director Robert Mueller said the bureau was aggressively seeking to solve cold civil rights cases, vowing to "pursue justice to the end, and we will, no matter how long it takes, until every living suspect is called to answer for their crimes."

Most recently federal prosecutors brought kidnapping and conspiracy charges against James Ford Seale, 71, who allegedly participated in the 1964 kidnappings and murders of Charles Eddie Moore and Henry Hezekiah Dee in southwest Mississippi.

Seale was arrested Jan. 24 after the U.S. Justice Department reopened its investigation and learned that he was still alive. He has pleaded not guilty and is due for trial in April. The case qualified for federal prosecution because the captors allegedly took Moore and Dee across the state line into Louisiana while they were still alive.

In 1994, Mississippi won the conviction of Byron de la Beckwith for the 1963 sniper killing of NAACP leader Medgar Evers.

In Alabama, Bobby Frank Cherry was convicted in 2002 of killing four black girls in the bombing of a Birmingham church in 1963. In 2001, Thomas Blanton was convicted.

Edgar Ray Killen, an 80-year-old former Ku Klux Klansman, was convicted last June of manslaughter in the killings of three civil rights workers in Mississippi in 1964.


Lara Jakes Jordan in Washington, D.C., contributed to this report.

Posted by at 9:50 PM CST
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The high art of fashioning spears to kill Bush Babies, too easily translates into farming, storing grain, and standing armys...!
DeGeneres brings gentler tone to Oscars as host

By Steve Gorman Thu Feb 22, 8:10 PM ET

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - After two years of ceremonies emceed by anti-establishment provocateurs, the
Oscars on Sunday turn to a kinder, gentler comic and TV talk show host with a flair for putting those around her at ease.

Ellen DeGeneres, who made broadcast history 10 years ago as the first openly gay lead character on U.S. prime-time television, is headed for one of Hollywood's most prestigious assignments as only the second woman to be solo host of the
Academy Awards.

She follows in the footsteps of
Whoopi Goldberg, who broke the Oscar-hosting gender barrier with emcee turns in 1994, 1996, 1999 and 2002.

But in terms of style, the easy-going DeGeneres, host of the weekday talk show "Ellen," could not be more different from Goldberg or her two immediate Oscar predecessors,
Jon Stewart and
Chris Rock, all of whom are known for a more edgy, irreverent brand of humor.

"It's the same thing I do when I do my show," DeGeneres, 49, told TV Guide magazine recently. "It's really just setting that tone, and for me, being funny without being condescending or mean-spirited."

And in keeping with her trademark preference for slacks and suits over dresses, DeGeneres plans to appear in a variety of tuxedos designed by the leading names in fashion.

DeGeneres already demonstrated a knack for striking that difficult balance between satire and sanctimony as host of the twice-delayed Emmy Awards in November 2001, in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks and U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan.


She famously opened that show joking that terrorists "can't take away our creativity, our striving for excellence, our joy. Only network executives can do that." She went on to say she was an ideal host because: "What would bug the Taliban more than seeing a gay woman in a suit surrounded by Jews?"

This year's Oscar telecast producer, Laura Ziskin, called DeGeneres a "brilliant host" who can "keep the evening moving and play the night and play the room, which is critical."

Her choice also seemed to mark an end to Oscar producers' preoccupation with picking hosts -- such as Rock and Stewart -- thought to be especially appealing to younger TV viewers who have increasingly shied away from the Oscars.

Rock's performance two years ago struck many as too testy. He irked some academy members with a monologue in which he told the assembled movie elite that "there's only four real stars" and the rest were "just popular people." Stewart also drew mixed reviews last year, while the show's U.S. TV audience fell to a three-year low, 38.8 million viewers.

This year, Ziskin is reaching out to the under-50 crowd by featuring a greater number of young presenters, including Jessica Biel, Jack Black, Kirsten Dunst, Anne Hathaway, Tobey Maguire and the new James Bond, Daniel Craig.

She also hopes to make the Oscars more compelling by urging winners to avoid one of the show's great pitfalls -- acceptance speeches that sound like laundry lists of thank-yous.

To that end, Ziskin has asked prospective winners to use their 45 seconds on stage "to entertain, or to enlighten or move us." She encourages them to save their check-lists of gratitude for a new backstage feature, the "Thank-You-Cam," one of many new Oscar tie-ins this year to the Internet.

Another new feature, Ziskin said, will be a four-minute film prepared by documentary maker Errol Morris that pays tribute to this year's Oscar contenders with a montage featuring 140 of the 177 nominees.

"It's all about the nominees and winners, the recipients of the Oscars," Ziskin Said. "They make or break the show."

Posted by at 6:37 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, 24 February 2007 5:47 PM CST
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Behold, The Planet of The APES!
Hunting chimps may change view of human evolution

By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor Thu Feb 22, 12:50 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chimpanzees have been seen using spears to hunt bush babies, U.S. researchers said on Thursday in a study that demonstrates a whole new level of tool use and planning by our closest living relatives.

Perhaps even more intriguing, it was only the females who fashioned and used the wooden spears, Jill Pruetz and Paco Bertolani of Iowa State University reported.

Bertolani saw an adolescent female chimp use a spear to stab a bush baby as it slept in a tree hollow, pull it out and eat it.

Pruetz and Bertolani, now at Cambridge University in Britain, had been watching the Fongoli community of savanna-dwelling chimpanzees in southeastern Senegal.

The chimps apparently had to invent new ways to gather food because they live in an unusual area for their species, the researchers report in the journal Current Biology.

"This is just an innovative way of having to make up for a pretty harsh environment," Pruetz said in a telephone interview. The chimps must come down from trees to gather food and rest in dry caves during the hot season.

"It is similar to what we say about early hominids that lived maybe 6 million years ago and were basically the precursors to humans."

Chimpanzees are genetically the closest living relatives to human beings, sharing more than 98 percent of our DNA. Scientists believe the precursors to chimps and humans split off from a common ancestor about 7 million years ago.

Chimps are known to use tools to crack open nuts and fish for termites. Some birds use tools, as do other animals such as gorillas, orangutans and even naked mole rats.

But the sophisticated use of a tool to hunt with had never been seen.

Pruetz thought it was a fluke when Bertolani saw the adolescent female hunt and kill the bush baby, a tiny nocturnal primate.

But then she saw almost the same thing. "I saw the behavior over the course of 19 days almost daily," she said.


The chimps choose a branch, strip it of leaves and twigs, trim it down to a stable size and then chew the ends to a point. Then they use it to stab into holes where bush babies might be sleeping.

It is not a highly successful method of hunting. They only ever saw one chimpanzee succeed in getting a bush baby once. The apes mostly eat fruit, bark and legumes.

Part of the problem is this group of chimps is shy of humans, and the females, who seem to do most of this type of hunting, are especially wary. "I am willing to bet the females do it even more than we have seen," she said.

Pruetz noted that male chimps never used the spears. She believes the males use their greater strength and size to grab food and kill prey more easily, so the females must come up with other methods.

"That to me was just as intriguing if not even more so," Pruetz said.

The spear-hunting occurred when the group was foraging together, again unchimplike behavior that might produce more competition between males and females, she said.

Maybe females invented weapons for hunting, Pruetz said.

"The observation that individuals hunting with tools include females and immature chimpanzees suggests that we should rethink traditional explanations for the evolution of such behavior in our own lineage," she concluded in her paper.

"The multiple steps taken by Fongoli chimpanzees in making tools to dispatch mammalian prey involve the kind of foresight and intellectual complexity that most likely typified early human relatives."

Posted by at 5:59 AM CST
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