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The Weekly Roomer: Current Events II
Friday, 9 March 2007
NBC salivates and Ailes gets bogus award because he stayed up past his bedtime...
Danger shouldn't stop journalists, newswoman says

By Paul J. Gough Fri Mar 9, 12:07 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Hollywood Reporter) - A CBS News correspondent badly injured in an Iraqi bomb attack that killed two members of her crew said Thursday that it was still crucial that journalists cover the war despite the dangers.

Kimberly Dozier was critically wounded and James Brolan and Paul Douglas killed when a car bomb exploded last May while they traveled with U.S. troops in a Baghdad neighborhood. Dozier and ABC News correspondent Bob Woodruff, who was critically wounded in January 2006 by a bomb were among those honored Thursday night at the Radio and Television News Directors Foundation First Amendment dinner at the Ritz Carlton in Washington, D.C.

"I've been asked (by executives) if it's worth it (covering
Iraq) ... I think we don't have a choice. We still have to go out on the ground," Dozier said. "We have to try to find the truth for our audiences back home and our leaders back home."

Dozier and Woodruff have both made miraculous recoveries from their injuries. Doctors feared that Dozier, for instance, would never walk again. Dozier hinted that she might return to a war zone someday.

"I hope to join you, not right away, but sometime soon," Dozier said.

Woodruff said that he and Dozier -- as well as Douglas, Brolan and Doug Vogt, who was hurt in the same blast as Woodruff -- were proof that reporting was not without risk. And he couldn't say why he and Dozier and Vogt were spared.

"I still don't think we'll ever, ever understand," Woodruff said. "But I know that we were very, very lucky." Woodruff called for journalists to spend more time "covering the planet" in a world where it's crucial to know about international stories and the U.S. can scarcely afford to ignore them.

Fox News chairman/CEO Roger Ailes received the First Amendment Leadership Award for, among other things, his tireless efforts to save correspondent Steve Centanni and cameraman Olaf Wiig last August after they were kidnapped in Gaza. Centanni was on hand to present the award to Ailes and said he and Wiig owed their lives to Ailes behind-the-scenes, around-the-clock efforts that included Ailes' willingness to even go to Gaza.

"If our captors had known who they were up against, they never would have kidnapped us," Centanni said.

Reuters/Hollywood Reporter

Posted by at 11:56 PM CST
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Why Democrat envolvement with Fox News inthe first place?
Ed: The problem with Democrat Candidates is they often think they should win votes from people who seek their truth from Fox News, as though Fox would continue to be relevant if Candidates would ignore such pathetic citizens and seek the millions who hate government and feel it is unresponsive to their needs.

Democrats cancel Fox News debate

By Dan Whitcomb 34 minutes ago

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Nevada Democratic Party officials said on Friday they were canceling a presidential debate co-sponsored by Fox News, following a joke chairman Roger Ailes made about Democratic candidate Barack Obama (news, bio, voting record).

In a letter sent to Fox, Nevada State Democratic Party Chairman Tom Collins and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (news, bio, voting record) said Ailes "went too far" with comments made the night before.

The letter makes no reference to a crusade by the liberal activist group to boycott Fox, which it calls a "right-wing mouthpiece." Democratic presidential candidate
John Edwards dropped out of the debate on Thursday, citing in part Fox's participation.

The letter also does not specify which comments by Ailes lead to the decision, but a Democratic source told Reuters it was a joke Ailes made about Obama and
President Bush during a speech on Thursday night.

"We cannot, as good Democrats, put our party in a position to defend such comments," Collins and Reid said in the letter. "We take no pleasure in this, but it the only course of action."

Fox News Vice President David Rhodes responded with a written statement criticizing the Democrats for caving in to

"News organizations will want to think twice before getting involved in the Nevada Democratic Caucus, which appears to be controlled by radical fringe out-of-state interest groups, not the Democratic Party," David Rhodes said in the statement.

"In the past, has said they 'own' the Democratic Party. While most Democrats don't agree with that, its clearly the case in Nevada," he said.

The joke by Ailes came during a speech to the Radio and Television News Directors Foundation First Amendment Dinner on Thursday night and -- while playing on similarity between Obama's name and Osama Bin Laden -- appears to be directed more at Bush than the senator.

"It's true that Barack Obama is on the move," Ailes said during the speech. "I don't know if it's true that President Bush called Musharraf and said 'Why can't we catch this guy?"'

During his remarks, Ailes also took indirect swipes at both and Edwards, saying pressure groups were now urging candidates to "only appear on those networks and venues that give them favorable coverage."

Though he didn't refer to Edwards by name, Ailes said "any candidate of either party who cannot answer direct, simple, even tough questions from any journalist runs a real risk of losing the voters."

Posted by at 11:24 PM CST
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Try this. Make DC one with Maryland so citizens may enjoy full rights.
Appeals court overturns D.C. gun ban

By BRETT ZONGKER, Associated Press Writer 2 hours, 34 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - A federal appeals court overturned the District of Columbia's long-standing handgun ban Friday, rejecting the city's argument that the Second Amendment right to bear arms applied only to militias.

In a 2-1 decision, the judges held that the activities protected by the Second Amendment "are not limited to militia service, nor is an individual's enjoyment of the right contingent" on enrollment in a militia.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that the city cannot prevent people from keeping handguns in their homes. The ruling also struck down a requirement that owners of registered firearms keep them unloaded and disassembled. The court did not address provisions that prohibit people from carrying unregistered guns outside the home.

The decision marks the first time a federal appeals court has struck down a portion of a gun law on Second Amendment grounds.

"Today's decision flies in the face of gun laws that have helped decrease gun violence in the District of Columbia," Mayor Adrian Fenty said. The city will likely appeal for a hearing of the full appeals court before any appeal to the Supreme Court, he said.

Washington and Chicago are the only two major U.S. cities with sweeping handgun bans. Washington's ban on owning handguns went into effect in 1976 and is considered the toughest in the nation, according to the National Rifle Association. While courts in other parts of the country have upheld bans on automatic weapons and sawed-off shotguns, the D.C. law is unusual because it involves a prohibition on all pistols.

In 2004, a lower-court judge told six city residents that they did not have a constitutional right to own handguns. The plaintiffs include residents of high-crime neighborhoods who wanted the guns for protection.

But on Friday, Judge Laurence Silberman, writing for the majority, said, "The district's definition of the militia is just too narrow. There are too many instances of 'bear arms' indicating private use to conclude that the drafters intended only a military sense."

Judge Karen Henderson dissented, writing that the Second Amendment does not apply to the District of Columbia because it is not a state.

The Bush administration has endorsed individual gun-ownership rights, but the Supreme Court has never settled the issue. If the dispute makes it to the high court, it would be the first case in nearly 70 years to address the Second Amendment's scope.

"I think this is well positioned for review of the Supreme Court," said Jonathan Turley, a constitutional law professor at George Washington University.

Even as the appeals court overturned the city's 1976 ban on most handgun ownership, Silberman wrote that the Second Amendment is still "subject to the same sort of reasonable restrictions that have been recognized as limiting, for instance, the First Amendment."

Such restrictions might include gun registration, firearms testing to promote public safety or restrictions on gun ownership for criminals or those deemed mentally ill.


Associated Press writers Stephen Manning in Washington and David Dishneau in Hagerstown, Md., contributed to this story.

Posted by at 11:01 PM CST
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War on Lebenon premeditated?
Reports: Israel ready before Lebanon war

By JOSEF FEDERMAN, Associated Press Writer Fri Mar 9, 3:46 PM ET

JERUSALEM - Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has told an investigative panel that
Israel began planning for war in Lebanon months before last summer's conflict against Hezbollah guerrillas, countering criticism that he was caught off guard and acted too hastily in launching the military operation, officials said Friday.

The account, first reported in the Haaretz and Maariv dailies, gave the first details of Olmert's testimony to the commission investigating the government's management of the much-criticized war. The commission, whose findings could determine Olmert's political future, is expected to release a preliminary report in the coming weeks.

Although Olmert's office declined comment Friday on the reports, people close to the prime minister, speaking on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to talk to the press, said the accounts were accurate. Senior Israeli military officers disputed Olmert's reported version of events.

The 34-day war was triggered last July 12 after Hezbollah guerrillas crossed Israel's northern border, killed three soldiers and returned to Lebanon with two captured Israeli soldiers.

In his testimony on Feb. 1, Olmert told the commission that he held numerous meetings long before the war to discuss a possible conflict with Hezbollah, Haaretz said Thursday.

The first took place Jan. 8, 2006, days after Olmert replaced the incapacitated
Ariel Sharon as prime minister. Olmert said Sharon had asked the army to prepare a list of Lebanese targets after a failed kidnapping attempt by Hezbollah in November 2005, Haaretz said.

Olmert reportedly told the commission that the decision to respond to a kidnapping with a broad military operation was made at a meeting in March, four months before the war.

At the gathering, he said he asked military officials about their plans if a soldier was abducted. He looked at various proposals and decided on a plan that included air attacks and a limited ground operation, according to the reports.

According to the accounts, Olmert told the officers he did not want to make a snap decision in the case of an abduction. "When it happens, I want to be ready, not to start the discussions from the beginning under pressure," Maariv quoted him as saying.

Senior military officials disputed Olmert's account. "If there was a decision beforehand on how to respond, the army wasn't aware of it," said a commander who testified to the commission.

The commander, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was discussing confidential information, said the army knew that a kidnapping would require a severe response. "But only when the kidnapping took place, did they begin to think how to respond."

While the war initially enjoyed wide support, it has been widely criticized for failing to meet the government's two main objectives: returning the two captured soldiers and destroying Hezbollah. Soldiers returning from the battlefield also have complained of poor training, contradictory orders and a lack of food and ammunition.

Despite a heavy Israeli onslaught, Hezbollah fired some 4,000 rockets into northern Israel before a U.N.-brokered cease-fire took hold. Olmert also has been criticized for ordering a large ground assault shortly before the truce went into effect. More than 30 soldiers were killed in the last-minute offensive.

Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz, the army chief during the conflict, resigned in January after months of criticism. The final findings of the government commission, which reportedly are months away, could also determine the fate of Defense Minister Amir Peretz.

Public approval ratings of Olmert and Peretz have plunged since the war, which killed 159 Israelis including 39 civilians hit by Hezbollah rockets.

More than 1,000 people were killed on the Lebanese side, according to tallies by government agencies, humanitarian groups and The Associated Press. The count includes 250 Hezbollah fighters that the group's leaders now say died during Israel's intense air, ground and sea bombardments in Lebanon. Israel has estimated its forces have killed 600 Hezbollah fighters.

Posted by at 10:53 PM CST
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Wanna buy a used FEMA trailer?
FEMA is selling off used trailers

By JILL ZEMAN, Associated Press Writer Wed Mar 7, 8:46 PM ET

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - A year and a half after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, FEMA is auctioning off at fire-sale prices thousands of trailers used by storm victims, raising fears among mobile-home dealers that the government will flood the market and depress prices.

Mobile home dealers are finding that some potential customers would rather wait to make a deal on a used FEMA trailer than drop $25,000 to $40,000 for a brand-new one.

"People think they're just going to get to buy them for nothing," said Gale Crews, owner of Diamond State Mobile Home Sales in Hope, where FEMA is storing 20,000 trailers at the city's airport. Some of the FEMA trailers will sell for less than half of what they cost new.

Some critics of the
Federal Emergency Management Agency said the sale of emblematic of the way FEMA botched its handling of Katrina: FEMA ordered more trailers than it needed, it let many of them sit out in the open, exposed to the elements, and now, some fear, it is about to double-cross the trailer dealers.

FEMA spokeswoman Debbie Wing defended the agency, saying it "wanted to be prepared to house as many victims as possible" when it bought the trailers. She said the agency is now trying to lower its storage costs by reducing the number it is holding in reserve for the next disaster.

"We're being cautious not to flood the market," she said. "We appreciate the fact that these manufacturers sold us these units during the height of it."

FEMA spent $2.7 billion to buy 145,000 mobile homes and trailers after Katrina and Rita hit the Gulf Coast in August and September 2005, paying a bulk-rate price of about $19,000 per trailer, on average. FEMA now has 60,000 trailers in storage nationwide; several thousand of them — exactly how many is not clear — were never used.

The agency said it plans to sell the ones that suffered a lot of wear and tear from being used by storm victims. As for the never-used trailers, Wing said FEMA has no plans for the time being to sell those.

"Our efforts were not perfect. However, we created an emergency sheltering program that, with all its faults, provided shelter for unparalleled numbers of displaced evacuees," she said.

To dispose of the used trailers, FEMA is operating an auction through a government Web site. Wednesday evening, the agency had 47 trailers on sale from its Hope depot. Bids ranged from $5,191 for a 2006 Coachmen Spirit of America trailer with possible water damage and a missing stove grate, battery and other items, to $12,600 for a 2006 Sunnybrook RV Sunset Creek trailer with "no obvious exterior damage."

Hope has the largest stockpile of FEMA trailers, while others are stored at Selma, Ala.; Madison, Ind.; Cumberland and Frostburg, Md.; Carnes and Purvis, Miss.; Edison, N.J.; Jasper and Texarkana, Texas; and Fort Pickett, Va.

FEMA wants Hope to be a staging ground during disasters because it's close enough to the Gulf Coast to store trailers but far enough inland to be out of harm's way. The city is making the most of it, entering a $25,000-a-month contract with FEMA.

"They've got to be somewhere, and we've got the land and the infrastructure out there," Mayor Dennis Ramsey said. "It's economically good for the city."

Rep. Mike Ross (news, bio, voting record), D-Ark., said FEMA should send some of the Hope trailers to Dumas, where tornadoes hit Feb. 24. "This is a symbol of what is wrong with FEMA and why so many people have lost confidence in their very own government," he said.


On the Net:

Posted by at 3:40 PM CST
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I'm too astonished to comment!
"'Don't discuss polar bears": memo to scientists

By Deborah Zabarenko, Environment Correspondent Thu Mar 8, 5:27 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Polar bears, sea ice and global warming are taboo subjects, at least in public, for some U.S. scientists attending meetings abroad, environmental groups and a top federal wildlife official said on Thursday.

Environmental activists called this scientific censorship, which they said was in line with the Bush administration's history of muzzling dissent over global climate change.

But H. Dale Hall, director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, said this policy was a long-standing one, meant to honor international protocols for meetings where the topics of discussion are negotiated in advance.

The matter came to light in e-mails from the Fish and Wildlife Service that were distributed by the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Center for Biological Diversity, both environmental groups.

Listed as a "new requirement" for foreign travelers on U.S. government business, the memo says that requests for foreign travel "involving or potentially involving climate change, sea ice, and/or polar bears" require special handling, including notice of who will be the official spokesman for the trip.

The Fish and Wildlife Service top officials need assurance that the spokesman, "the one responding to questions on these issues, particularly polar bears" understands the administration's position on these topics.

Two accompanying memos were offered as examples of these kinds of assurance. Both included the line that the traveler "understands the administration's position on climate change, polar bears, and sea ice and will not be speaking on or responding to these issues."


Polar bears are a hot topic for the Bush administration, which decided in December to consider whether to list the white-furred behemoths as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act, because of scientific reports that the bears' icy habitat is melting due to global warming.

Hall said a decision is expected in January 2008. A "threatened" listing would bar the government from taking any action that jeopardizes the animal's existence, and might spur debate about tougher measures to cut the greenhouse gas emissions that spur global warming.

Hall defended the policy laid out in the memos, saying it was meant to keep scientists from straying from a set agenda at meetings in countries like Russia, Norway and Canada.

For example, he said, one meeting was about "human and polar bear interface." Receding Arctic sea ice where polar bears live and the global climate change that likely played a role in the melting were not proper discussion topics, he said.

"That's not a climate change discussion," Hall said at a telephone briefing. "That's a management, on-the-ground type discussion."

The prohibition on talking about these subjects only applies to public, formal situations, Hall said. Private scientific discussions outside the meeting and away from media are permitted and encouraged, he said.

"This administration has a long history of censoring speech and science on global warming," Eben Burnham-Snyder of the Natural Resources Defense Council said by telephone.

"Whenever we see an instance of the Bush administration restricting speech on global warming, it sends up a huge red flag that their commitment to the issue does not reflect their rhetoric," Burnham-Snyder said.

Posted by at 1:11 AM CST
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Wednesday, 7 March 2007
A Ernest, va con il dio, il mio amico grande! Salute!
Winemaker Ernest Gallo dies at age 97

By MICHELLE LOCKE, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 31 minutes ago

BERKELEY, Calif. - Ernest Gallo, who parlayed $5,900 and a wine recipe from a public library into the world's largest winemaking empire, died Tuesday at his home in Modesto. He was 97. "He passed away peacefully this afternoon surrounded by his family," said Susan Hensley, vice president of public relations for E.&J. Gallo Winery.

Gallo, who would have been 98 on March 18, was born near Modesto, a then-sleepy San Joaquin Valley town about 80 miles east of San Francisco. He and his late brother and business partner, Julio, grew up working in the vineyard owned by their immigrant father who came to America from Italy's famed winemaking region of Piedmont.

They founded the E.&J. Gallo Winery in 1933, at the end of Prohibition, when they were still mourning the murder-suicide deaths of their parents.

Using $5,900 they borrowed and a recipe from the Modesto Public Library, Ernest and Julio rented a ramshackle building, and everybody in the family pitched in to make ordinary wine for 50 cents a gallon — half the going price. The Gallos made $30,000 the first year.

"They started with virtually zero knowledge, they started with an idea and a drive that created the family empire that still exists and dominates today," said Peter Mondavi Jr., co-proprietor of Charles Krug Winery and a member of another influential winemaking family.

It grew to become the world's largest wine company by volume, a title since taken by Constellation Brands of New York. But Gallo remains second, selling an estimated 75 million cases under more than 40 labels.

"My brother Julio and I worked to improve the quality of wines from California and to put fine wine on American dinner tables at a price people could afford," Mr. Gallo told The Modesto Bee on his 90th birthday. "We also worked to improve the reputation of California wines here and overseas."

Ernest directed sales, devised marketing strategies and kept a short leash on distribution. Julio, who died in 1993, made the wine.

Gallo was no less tough on the people who worked for him as on those he battled for business. He also demanded total loyalty from his employees. In 1986, when he learned that two longtime Gallo executives were secretly planning to buy a winery of their own, he fired them on the spot.

Gallo was a courtly man with Old World manners. But in business he was tenacious, shrewd, aggressive, and secretive. He and others of the Gallo clan shunned publicity. The reason for the secretiveness, many of their former associates said, was the way his parents had died.

Fresno County records say their father, Joseph, shot their mother, Susie, to death in June 1933, then killed himself. That was two months before the founding of the Gallo winery.

Ernest Gallo was one of the country's wealthiest men, listed on the Forbes magazine list of the 400 richest Americans with a family worth of $1.3 billion.

His company employs more than 4,600 people and markets its wines in more than 90 countries.

Posted by at 7:33 AM CST
Updated: Thursday, 8 March 2007 11:24 PM CST
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Does it even work?
Russia questions missile defense plans

By MARIA DANILOVA, Associated Press Writer Tue Mar 6, 5:04 PM ET

MOSCOW - The United States has not adequately answered Russia's questions on its plans to build components for its missile defense system in former Soviet satellite states in Europe, Russia's top diplomat said Tuesday.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's remarks were the latest expression of irritation from Moscow over Washington's plans to base parts of the system in Poland and the Czech Republic.

Washington says the defense system is intended to defend against missile attacks from countries such as
Iran, not Russia. But Moscow has warned the system would disrupt the balance of power in the region and that it would take countermeasures.

"We are discussing this with our American colleagues and we are asking them to answer our questions, the concerns that we have, which are absolutely fair and justified," Lavrov told reporters.

"Meetings devoted to this are being held, briefings are being organized for us, quite useful ones, but we haven't received intelligible answers to the majority of our questions," he said.

Lavrov, speaking at the end of talks with his South Korean counterpart, stressed "the need to resolve such questions in a transparent, democratic way and not unilaterally."

He also claimed the United States was announcing plans to deploy the defense installations without first consulting the countries in question, citing Ukraine as an example.

Lt. Gen. Henry A. Obering, the general in charge of developing U.S. missile defenses, said last month the United States was looking for ways to involve Ukraine in its plans.

Ukraine has refrained from giving an official response to Washington's plans. Its leaders, however, have been sending mixed signals. The prime minister has warned it could hurt relations with neighboring countries, while the president has indicated tacit support for the plan.

Obering said last week that Washington might also seek to base an anti-missile radar site somewhere in the Caucasus — the strategic region consisting of ex-Soviet republics Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia that lies between the Caspian and Black seas.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mikhail Kamynin warned the three Caucasus states against considering any such offers, according to Russian news agencies.

All three countries have denied they were considering any such offers.

Posted by at 1:28 AM CST
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...and sofar as anyone knows,the system works because we have ...what proof?
Russia questions missile defense plans

By MARIA DANILOVA, Associated Press Writer Tue Mar 6, 5:04 PM ET

MOSCOW - The United States has not adequately answered Russia's questions on its plans to build components for its missile defense system in former Soviet satellite states in Europe, Russia's top diplomat said Tuesday.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's remarks were the latest expression of irritation from Moscow over Washington's plans to base parts of the system in Poland and the Czech Republic.

Washington says the defense system is intended to defend against missile attacks from countries such as
Iran, not Russia. But Moscow has warned the system would disrupt the balance of power in the region and that it would take countermeasures.

"We are discussing this with our American colleagues and we are asking them to answer our questions, the concerns that we have, which are absolutely fair and justified," Lavrov told reporters.

"Meetings devoted to this are being held, briefings are being organized for us, quite useful ones, but we haven't received intelligible answers to the majority of our questions," he said.

Lavrov, speaking at the end of talks with his South Korean counterpart, stressed "the need to resolve such questions in a transparent, democratic way and not unilaterally."

He also claimed the United States was announcing plans to deploy the defense installations without first consulting the countries in question, citing Ukraine as an example.

Lt. Gen. Henry A. Obering, the general in charge of developing U.S. missile defenses, said last month the United States was looking for ways to involve Ukraine in its plans.

Ukraine has refrained from giving an official response to Washington's plans. Its leaders, however, have been sending mixed signals. The prime minister has warned it could hurt relations with neighboring countries, while the president has indicated tacit support for the plan.

Obering said last week that Washington might also seek to base an anti-missile radar site somewhere in the Caucasus — the strategic region consisting of ex-Soviet republics Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia that lies between the Caspian and Black seas.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mikhail Kamynin warned the three Caucasus states against considering any such offers, according to Russian news agencies.

All three countries have denied they were considering any such offers.

Posted by at 12:44 AM CST
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Monday, 5 March 2007
It's whats for dinner!
Cloned beef: It's what's for dinner
The FDA declared it safe last year. And in a taste test, diners couldn't tell the difference.
By Karen Kaplan and Betty Hallock, Times Staff Writers
March 4, 2007

Cloned beef

The cloning genie is out of the bottle. It's going to happen in food distribution systems where people who eat the food could care less whether it's labeled this or that. It's just something that's going to keep them alive.

The cloned steak was served medium rare.

Inside the unusually hushed atrium of Campanile, the guests lifted slices of beef onto their plates. Executive chef Mark Peel had prepared the porterhouse with fleur de sel and cracked black pepper before pan-searing it with a little canola oil — a simple preparation to highlight the meat's natural flavor.

It was the centerpiece of a dinner party convened to taste the future of food.

After years of research, meat and milk from cloned animals and their offspring are moving toward supermarkets, restaurants and backyard barbecues. The Food and Drug Administration recently declared the fare safe to eat, although it took scientists 678 pages to make their case. They said the meat was so much like regular beef that special labeling would be unnecessary.

Thousands of consumers, unswayed by the promise of genetically superior steaks, have written the agency in opposition. Still, cloned products could become part of the food supply by year's end.

The general public has been shielded from cloned meat by a voluntary moratorium issued by the FDA in 2001. But six intrepid diners agreed to participate in cloned beef's debut on the culinary scene in a private dinner convened by The Times.

Several prospective diners declined the invitation.

Eric Schlosser, author of "Fast Food Nation" and self-described omnivore, said: "I'd rather eat my running shoes than eat meat from a cloned animal."

Spago chef Lee Hefter, who recently opened the Beverly Hills steakhouse Cut, agreed to host this dinner before abruptly changing his mind.

"I don't want people to think that I would ever use it," he said. "I don't want to condone cloned beef. I don't want to eat it. I don't want it in my kitchen."

But Evan Kleiman, host of the weekly radio show "Good Food" on KCRW, accepted the invitation in spite of her initial revulsion at the idea of eating cloned meat.

USC sociologist Barry Glassner, author of "The Gospel of Food: Everything You Think You Know About Food Is Wrong," was so enthusiastic he asked whether his wife could join the party.

In the kitchen, Peel laid out the porterhouse steaks on his stainless steel worktable, along with packages of ground chuck and sirloin, which he molded into thick patties and sprinkled with salt and pepper.

The cloned meat, provided by the Collins Cattle ranch in Frederick, Okla., was accompanied by corresponding cuts of conventional beef. All were prepared in identical fashion. Peel's idea was to conduct a double-blind taste test — a 21st century version of the Pepsi Challenge.

"I'm actively trying not to guess," he said as he prepared his cast-iron skillets and copper sauteuses. "I don't want to say, 'This one feels more supple, this one feels less supple.' My hypothesis is that they will be very close, if not identical."

As the dinner guests sampled caramelized onion tarts with feta cheese, Peel considered whether cloned beef was the most unusual thing he'd prepared since his landmark restaurant opened in Los Angeles 18 years ago.

"Yes," he said. "I think so."

First course: the science

THE guests took their seats at the well-appointed table and began munching on grissini and sipping glasses of Bandol red wine.

UC Davis animal geneticist Alison Van Eenennaam pulled out a photo of a stout, jet-black Chianina bull from Canute, Okla., named Full Flush — one of the most sought-after sires of recent times.

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Posted by at 10:01 PM CST
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Studying the Hole in the World...!
Missing: a huge chunk of the earth's crust

By Stefano Ambrogi Mon Mar 5, 11:22 AM ET

LONDON (Reuters) - A team of British scientists has set sail on a voyage to examine why a huge chunk of the earth's crust is missing, deep under the Atlantic Ocean -- a phenomenon that challenges conventional ideas about how the earth works.

The 20-strong team aims to survey an area some 3,000 to 4,000 metres deep where the mantle -- the deep interior of the earth normally covered by a crust kilometres thick -- is exposed on the sea floor.

Experts describe the hole along the mid-Atlantic ridge as an "open wound" on the ocean floor that has puzzled scientists for the five or so years that its existence has been known because it defies existing tectonic plate theories of evolution.

"We know so little about it," said Bramley Murton, a senior research scientist at Southampton's National Oceanography Center.

"It's a real challenge to our established understanding of what the earth's surface looks like underneath the waves," he told Reuters by telephone from the brand new, hi-tech British research ship RRS James Cook.

Mid ocean ridges are places where new oceanic crust is born, with red-hot lava spewing out along the seafloor.

What scientists are keen to know is whether the crust was ripped away by huge geological faults, or whether it never even developed in the first place.

The primary motivation for the project was to understand how the earth continues to evolve.

"The area that we are looking at is part of a mountain range that spans thousands of square kilometres, but we are beginning to realize that there are probably millions of square kilometres where the ocean floor is missing," Murton said.

The six week mission, led by geophysicist Roger Searle of Durham University and Chris MacLeod of Cardiff University's School of Earth, Ocean and Planetary Sciences, will recover sample cores of rock by drilling into the mantle using a rig lowered on to the sea floor.

Asked if the discovery posed a threat to the environment, Murton replied: "It's not problematic for the earth because it is a natural earth process -- but in terms of knowing how the earth works and how the world is put together it is important."

Murton also said the expedition would shed light on the composition of sea water amongst other initiatives.

Crust formation is a fundamental mechanism of the earth which affects the chemistry of the world's oceans.

Progress by the research team can be monitored via a live web link to the ship at:

Posted by at 9:29 PM CST
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Maybe the kids could have been motivated to fix the place.
Crews tear down Copenhagen youth center

By JAN M. OLSEN, Associated Press Writer 34 minutes ago

COPENHAGEN, Denmark - Demolition crews started tearing down a graffiti-sprayed brick building Monday, prompting tears and cries of protest from youths whose eviction from the makeshift cultural center led to three nights of rioting.

Workers wore face masks under their helmets to conceal their identities as an excavator tore into the so-called Youth House.

As dust from the demolition filled the air, angry youth yelled obscenities at police who had cordoned off the area around the building. Others hugged and cried.

Riot police kept a growing crowd away from the demolition site. Six people were arrested in the area for refusing to obey police orders, or trespassing, but no violence was reported.

"They are breaking my heart. I cannot stand it," said Birgitte, a black-clad 21-year-old woman with dreadlocks. She refused to give her last name, saying using one name was the norm among the people frequenting the building.

A police anti-terror squad evicted squatters from the building on Thursday, triggering three nights of clashes with youths that turned parts of the city into a battle zone.

More than 650 people, including scores of foreign activists, were arrested and at least 25 were injured as protesters hurled cobblestones at riot police and set fire to cars and trash bins in Copenhagen's worst riots in 14 years.

The Youth House served for years as a popular cultural center for anarchists, punk rockers and left-wing groups. The squatters considered it free public housing, but courts ordered them out after the city sold the building to a Christian congregation.

Ruth Evensen, leader of the small congregation that bought the Youth House in 2001, said the four-story structure had to be torn down because it was "a total wreck" and posed a fire hazard.

"It would cost us a fortune to have it fixed," she said, declining to reveal the congregation's plans for the site.

Local left-wing lawmakers and a construction workers union tried to halt the demolition, citing health hazards caused by dust containing carcinogenic asbestos, but a demolition company representative denied there was any danger.

Environmental officials visited the site and gave the green light for the work to continue.

Those arrested in the riots included more than 140 protesters from Sweden, Norway, Germany and the United States, police said.

They said 189 people were remanded in custody, while 26 were released. Others were still awaiting court hearings.

A demonstration was planned Monday afternoon outside Copenhagen jail, where many of the alleged rioters were being held. Organizers encouraged participants to make noise by banging drums, playing loud music and blowing whistles in a show of support for those in jail.

The riots were Denmark's worst since May 1993, when police fired into a crowd of rioters protesting the outcome of a
European Union referendum. Ten protesters were wounded.

Posted by at 9:24 AM CST
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Question: Why does Coulter have her name written on the back of her belt?
Controversial columnist draws fire for gay slur

Sun Mar 4, 3:28 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Outspoken U.S. conservative columnist Ann Coulter is drawing fire from Republicans and Democrats alike after publicly using a derogatory gay slur in reference to Democratic presidential hopeful
John Edwards.

"Ann Coulter not only once again went out of her way to use a nasty epithet, she pushed her offensiveness up a notch," Amy Ridenour, president of the National Center for Public Policy Research, said on Sunday.

Coulter made the comments on Friday during a speech at the influential American Conservative Union's Political Action Conference, calling Edwards a "faggot."

"We conservatives have enough trouble overcoming the false things that are said about us without paying for a platform upon which we shoot ourselves annually in the foot," Ridenour, whose group helped sponsor the conference, said in a statement on the center's Web site.

Coulter said the comment was a joke and on her Web site she carried the speech with the comment, "I'm so ashamed, I can't stop laughing." She then said Edwards' campaign chairman's main job was "fronting for Arab terrorists."

Edwards, a 2008 presidential contender and the party's 2004 vice presidential candidate, said Coulter's comments were "un-American and indefensible."

"The kind of hateful language she used has no place in political debate or our society at large," he wrote in comments posted to his Web site on Saturday.

"I believe it is our moral responsibility to speak out against that kind of bigotry and prejudice every time we encounter it," Edwards added.

The candidate also posted a video of Coulter's comments, asking supporters to raise $100,000 in so-called "Coulter Cash" for his campaign to "fight back against the politics of bigotry."

Coulter's Friday speech raised objections from Republican presidential hopefuls Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record) of Arizona, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former New York
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani as well as Democrats.

In a statement on Sunday, Romney spokesman Kevin Madden said, "It was an offensive remark. Political discourse ought to be more substantive and thoughtful." McCain, the only contender who did not attend the event, and Giuliani called Coulter's words inappropriate, according to the New York Times.

"Ann Coulter's words of hate have no place in the public sphere much less our political discourse," Democratic Sen. Edward Kennedy (news, bio, voting record) of Massachusetts said in a statement released on Saturday.

Several conservatives were also quick to denounce Coulter's comments in a variety of online columns.

Coulter is no stranger to controversy.

At the same conference last year, she used the word "raghead" -- a slur against Muslims -- in referring to U.S. homeland security policies. In a column published in the National Review after the September 11 attacks she urged an invasion of Muslim countries and forced conversion to Christianity.

Posted by at 9:17 AM CST
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Sunday, 4 March 2007
Ossenfuse, pilot, Nicaragua
We are having difficulty locating any information about this subject. Why?

Posted by at 5:34 AM CST
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The Dems JUST DISCOVERED the WAR is worse than a Dead End! Gosh! Who Knew?
Congress' Iraq struggle evokes Vietnam years

By Susan Cornwell Sat Mar 3, 8:39 AM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A large portrait of Mike Mansfield, dogged Democratic foe of the Vietnam war, hangs near the Senate chamber where a new generation of Democrats is trying to stop another unpopular conflict -- in

But Democrats who look back at Mansfield's experience may not be encouraged. As Senate majority leader from 1961-1977, he tried many times publicly and privately to end U.S. involvement in Vietnam.

Congress spent years debating a slew of resolutions and funding limits on the Indochina war but failed to stop it or cut off funding for all combat operations until after the United States pulled its ground troops out of Vietnam in 1973.

"I think Mansfield's experience shows that political persuasion can only go so far if a president refuses to be persuaded," said Don Oberdorfer, who wrote a biography of the Montana lawmaker who died in 2001.

"Mansfield considered the war in Vietnam to be the greatest tragedy of his times and his inability to head it off, his greatest failure," said Oberdorfer, a journalist and professor at Johns Hopkins University's Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies.

Decades later, Congress again is skirmishing over how to bring Americans home from a war the public largely opposes but that the president insists is a noble mission and many lawmakers say cannot be abandoned.

The four-year-old war in Iraq has revived constitutional arguments about the limits of congressional and presidential powers. Congress declares war and controls funding, but
President George W. Bush is commander-in-chief of the U.S. armed forces.

The Democratic-controlled House voted last month to denounce Bush's Iraq troop buildup. The Senate, despite having a 51-49 Democratic majority, bogged down on procedural rules and failed to follow suit.

Some House Democrats now want to attach conditions to the nearly $100 billion spending bill for military operations in Iraq, to be debated later this month. But others do not want to do anything that could be construed as undermining support for U.S. troops abroad.


"There were 31 kicks of the cat with Vietnam. We're on kick number three here," Democrat David Obey (news, bio, voting record) of Wisconsin, chairman of the House Appropriations Committee that oversees spending, said on Wednesday as he and his colleagues sought consensus on their next move on Iraq.

During the Indochina conflict, Congress considered 21 proposals to restrict funding for military operations between 1970 and 1973, but only five were enacted, according to a report by the Congressional Research Service (CRS).

A 1971 provision, for example, prohibited using any appropriated funds to reintroduce U.S. ground troops into Cambodia.

There were also proposals that urged the president to withdraw forces, terminate military operations, seek congressional authorization for military operations and set a date for U.S. troop withdrawals.

Richard Nixon was drawing down U.S. troops from 1969 onwards but set no goal for total withdrawal. Only after U.S. ground forces withdrew following 1973 peace accords did Congress cut off combat funds, to keep Nixon from reintroducing U.S. troops and to stop the bombing of Cambodia, the CRS said.

In 1975, after Congress refused to send more aid to South Vietnam, Saigon fell to the North Vietnamese.

"In a sense, the Vietnam experience just reiterates the obvious. Foreign and national security policy are nearly impossible to make from Capitol Hill," said Bradford Berenson, who was a White House associate counsel in Bush's first term.

Some see it differently.

"Vietnam did come to an end because of an act of Congress," when it refused to send more aid to South Vietnam, said Walter Dellinger, who was acting solicitor general, the government's chief advocate before the Supreme Court, under then-President
Bill Clinton. "It could have ended a lot earlier."

One senator said current congressional pressure may have produced some results by helping goad the Bush administration into agreeing to attend a regional conference on Iraq to which
Iran and
Syria are also invited.

Bush has resisted dialogue with the two countries, which the administration accuses of fueling violence in Iraq.

"There's something going on here," said Sen. Jack Reed (news, bio, voting record), a Rhode Island Democrat who opposes the Iraq war. "Maybe we're not the catalyst but we're certainly part of it."

Posted by at 1:47 AM CST
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