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Baby's First Christmas 1999

We went home to 'our people' (as my sister Laura says) in Iowa over the holidays.

Alexis sleeping (as usual) with her first dolly. This is how she stayed through most of the unwrapping.

Alexis' very first birthday party. Dallas turned 2 and her Godfather holds her here...don't cry Alexis.

Ellen, Mom and Laura

The Winter Family:

Uncle Bill (Ellen's Godfather) holds Alexis and to the right Bob, Sandy and Makenna reading Arthur

Ellen's niece Callie (Kay Maria)

Kaitley Grace also enjoys her first Christmas (Ellen and Kaitley)

Alexis' first Christmas outfit

Aunt Mary, Aunt JoAnn (Ellen's Godmother) and Mom (Jane)

The Angove family

Mike and Lori with baby Alexis....