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Commander Adam T. Daystrom

Age: 27 (12)
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 160lbs
Place of Birth: New Kyoto Orbital Colony, Jupiter (Galiera Orbital Colony, Jupiter)

Fitness: 3
Coordination: 3
Dexterity: +1
Reaction: +2
Intelect: 3
Perception: +1
Presence: 2
Willpower: +1
Psi: 1

Administration (Logistics) 2(3)
Artistic Expression (Guitar) 1(3)
Athletics (Running) 2(3)
Behavioral Modification (Hypnotism) 2(3)
Computer (Hacking) 1(2)
Culture (Human) 2(3)
Dodge 1
Energy Weapon (Phaser) 2(4)
Engineering - Material (Robotics)(Strucutral/Spaceframe) 1(3)(2)
History (Human)(Federation) 1(2)(2)
Language - Federation Standard 3
Language - Klingon 1
Law (Starfleet Regs) 1(2)
Life Sciences (Biotech)(Genetics) 1(2)(2)
Personal Equipment (Tricorder) 1(2)
Planetside Survival (Forest) 2(3)
Receptive Telepathy 2
Shipboard Systems (Flight)(Sensors)(Tactical)(Communications) 2(4)(4)(3)(3)
Space Sciences (Astrogation)(Stellar Cartography) 1(2)(2)
*Spiritualism 3
Starship Tactics (Starfleet)(Cardassian) 1(2)(2)
System Engineering (Sensors) 1(2)
Unarmed Combat (Starfleet Martial Arts) 1(2)
Vehicle Operation (Shuttle) 2(3)
World Knowledge (Jovian Cylinders) 1(2)

*: Spiritualism is a skill created by the player and GM to represent Adam's quest to define his existance in relation to a normal human's.

Promotion +2 (Lt.)
Brevet Promotion +2 (Cdr.)
Quick Draw
Phobia Severe Rare (Borg)
Medical Problem Minor (cellular destabilization)
Dark Secret (genetic construct)

Personality: Adam has learned to keep to himself, mostly due to the danger of being revealed, and partly because other people, through no fault of their own, have a habit of removing what little control Adam has over his own life. He has become concerned over how many versions of his history exist. A recent attempt at opening up to an individual (Cdr. Kathleen Morrison) failed terribly, and it may be some time before Adam can try again. He keeps very few friends, but he puts a great deal of trust in those he can call friends, for he has no other choice. As a pilot, he demonstrates skill without being cocky.

In an incident that brought to life each crewmember's innermost desires, Adam was a natural born human on a shoreleave that coincided with the shoreleave of his wife Jessica, who brought along their two young children Shirow and Leona. They celebrated Adam's 35th birthday before his shoreleave was cancelled and he was called away on duty.

Background (Starfleet Records): Adam was born on New Kyoto, a colony cylinder orbiting Jupiter and constructed before the Federation was formed. After a relatively comfortable childhood spent entirely in New Kyoto, he attended Starfleet Academy and graduated as a helmsman along with then-Cadet James Benson (tactical). Their cadet cruise on the USS Sarratoga was cut short by the First Solar Borg Incursion, and each managed to make their way to escape pods as the Sarratoga was destroyed at Wolf 359. A short rehabilitation period certified Adam for duty once more. He had one tour patrolling the Cardassian border, then an exploratory mission aboard the USS Horizon. When the Horizon lost life support and offloaded its crew to an uninhabited world between the Federation and Cardassian borders, Adam left Starfleet and remained planetside, assumedly until the Cardassian takeover of that world. Six years after leaving the fleet, having missed the Dominion war, Adam returned to active duty and was assigned to an exploratory vessel, the USS Galileo. Its near destruction in the sector formerly known as Walled Space transferred him to the USS Epimethius testbed vessel. When Captain (then Commander) James Hansen captured the USS Sutter from rogue Starfleet Intelligence elements, he requested that Adam be taken aboard as the chief helm officer for the newly renamed ship, USS Backlash. The chief counsellor of that ship logged that he dealt abnormally well with meeting his alternate self from the mirror dimension.

Background (Starfleet Intelligence, late 2276): Our operative Duran Abandar reports that Adam T. Daystrom was genetically altered shortly after birth in an attempt to correct several unspecified defects. The process succeeded in correcting those defects, but resulted in a cellular instability requiring daily injections to remain intact.

Background (Daystrom Instituite):
Advanced Research Project Report
Year End 2368
Project 29: Adam Unit A3 CLOSED

A3 was the most successful of the 15 beings created by the Adam project to create an artificial organic human. Most of the 15 ceased function before or shortly after activation from the maturation chamber. One comitted suicide two years after emergence, and another can exist only in a laboratory environment.

A3 spent much of his time exploring his nature and the nature of the human mind. He determined that he could learn little when confined to the laboratory and subjected to constant tests. On the fourth anniversary of his emergence, A3 escaped.

A3 is not perfect. His cellular structure is unstable and requires daily injections of a stabilization compound. Some chemicals, notably alcohol (injested) and raw replicator base material (contact) cause his structure to destabilize rapidly. Destabilization manifests itself as intense nausea, followed by liquification of internal organs, loss of active mental functions, and death.

His location is unknown. The manner of his demise would attract attention, though, and since we have not heard of such an event, we can assume he is still alive.

Dr. Anavel Uraki
Daystrom Institute Juno Facility
Sol V - Cylinder 71 "Galiera"

Background (The Truth): Adam is a genetic construct. Some confuse this with being a clone, which would be a copy of some other being or beings. The Adam Project DNA was designed from the ground up to be a perfectly average human. The project failed with only a few survivors, none of which could survive without some kind of chronic medical treatment. As soon as he could, Adam escaped to another colony cylinder near Jupiter, #25 "New Kyoto". Barely able at first to deal with the 1.2 Earth gravities of the New Kyoto underground, he made a few friends in data acquisition and alteration circles (read: some good hackers) who created a fictional background and citizenship for him. He then signed up to become a Starfleet officer, mostly to get away from Sol.
The Borg incursion and the explosive end of his cadet cruise left a profound mark on Adam, who to this day remains extremely cautious of those with cybernetic implants, even more so than most Federation citizens.
When the USS Horizon was disabled, Adam found himself on a beautiful planet teeming with life, and decided to leave Starfleet to go find out who he really was. There he met a primitive race of telepathic rat-creatures who communicated by transmitting mental images. He lived near them for several years, violating the Prime Directive several times over by teaching one of the rat-creatures just what was out there. When the Cardassians took over that region of space, Adam went planet-hopping, searching for a similar place to explore.
Adam heard little of the Dominion war. Shortly after its end, Adam rejoined Starfleet and was assigned to the USS Galileo, which lead to his current assignment.

Quote: "I didn't ask you to get involved. I don't even know who you are! So I'm sorry if I don't seem appreciative for all you've done for me."

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