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Lieutenant Kathleen Morrison

Morrison was the Assistant Chief of Operations on the USS Galileo until the attack on it by Rapid Response forces while in Walled Space. She then helped the now Captian Hansen, and Commander Daystrom to secure the Talon class scout ship the USS Soogn and aided in the rescue of the Galileo's crew. After returning from the Backlash operation, with the newly named USS Backlash in tow, Captian Hansen asked that Kathleen be transfered to his ship as Chief of Operations, a job she has accepted and succeeded in. Currently she is an excelent and very social member of the crew and had taken up the hobby on tormenting the Helm Officer Commander Daystrom, but stopped for unknown reasons not long ago.

Rank: Lieutenant
Age: 24
Height: 5'7
Weight: 132lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Place of Birth: Mars, Reyerson Dome
Fitness: 2
Coordination: 3
Reaction: +1
Intelect: 2
Perception: +1
Presence: 2
Willpower: +1

Science (Biology) 1(2)
Athletics (Tennis) 2(5)
Culture (Human) 2(3)
History(Human) (Federation) 1(2)
Language Federation Standard 3
World Knoledge (Mars)(Abandar V) 1(2)
Administration (Logisitics) 2(4)
Science (Computer Science) 1(3)
Shipboard Systems (Operations)(Sensors) 2(4)(5)
Systems Engineering (Communications) 1(2)
Vehical Operations (Shuttlecraft) 2(3)
Computer (Data Alteration/Hacking) 1(2)
Dodge 1
Energy Weapon (Phaser) 1(2)
Law (Starfleet Regulations)(Interstellar) 1(2)
Personal Equipment (Tricorder) 1(2)
Planetside Survival (Plains) 1(2)
Unarmed Combat (Starfleet Martial Arts) 1(2)
Space Science (Astrogation) (Astronomy)(Stellar Cartography) 1(2)
Merchant (Marketplace Haggling) 1(2)
Engineering (Warp Feild Theory) 1(2)

Athletic Abillity +2
Impulsive -1
Cannot Kill -1
Innovative +1
Bold +1
Commendation Silver Palm, Order of D'era
Personality: Depending on who you ask Kathleen Morrison is many different things. Her instructors would call her dedicated. her friends mischivous, her subordinants demanding, but Kathleen herself would say, satisfied but driven. Kathleen is many thing to many people but most would call her a friend, and that drive to make friends with everyone she meets is the most striking thing about Morrison.
Background: Kathleen Morrison, has always been driven. She took up tennis as a hobbie when she turned ten years old and by the time she was 17 she had already achieved the top prize the sport had to offer, a gold medal in the Centauri games. Just like she planned it. After he win she joined Starfleet with an eye to be the Chief of Fleet Operations. She excelled in her classes and coached the Academy's tennis team to victory every year she was present. Once she graduated, Kathleen's drive mixed with her skills both social and professional earned her quick promotion and good assignments. When the offer to be assistant Chief of of Operations on the USS Galileo came up she took a gamble that this ship would help her career. The gamble has so far paid off, earning her a brevet promotion, the silver palm and attention in the eyes of Starfleet. All of which she wanted. Though she has also found good friends, ones she'd be loath to leave behind if a better assignment was offered to her.
Quotes: "Flip you for it?"; "Captian can I ask Ambassador Spock if his brain was really stolen?"
