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The Senior Staff

Captian* James Hansen, CO USS Backlash.

Commander Ross Talbot, First Officer, USS Backlash.

Lieutenant Adam T. Daystrom, Helm Officer USS Backlash.

Lt. Commander Duran Abandar, Intelligence Officer, USS Backlash.

Lieutenant Kathleen Morison, Chief of Operations, USS Backlash.

Lieutenant Vanessa Hathaway, Chief of Security, USS Backlash.

Lt. Commander Marcus London, Chief Engineer, USS Backlash.

Lieutenant Jennifer Hollick, Chief Medical Officer, USS Backlash.

Lieutenant Titus Hammond, Chief Science Officer, USS Backlash.

Lieutenant Loni Biran, Chief Counsellor, USS Backlash.

Lt. Commander Lewis Williams, Intelligence Officer, USS Backlash.

Note: To see the Chain of Command and departmental responsibilites click here
