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Lieutenant Commander Re'k Danar

Proper Name: Re'k of Danar Town
Race: Xenexian
Age: 34 Fed.Std. Years
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190lbs
Place of Birth: Danar Town, Xenex

Fitness: 2
Vitality +1
Coordination: 2
Dexterity: +1
Intellect: 2
Presence: 2

Psi: 0

Skill Specialization Level
Athletics Running 1 (2)
Command Combat Leadership 2 (3)
Computer Simulation & Modeling 1 (2)
Culture Xenex 2 (3)
Diplomacy Intergalactic Affairs 1 (2)
Dodge   1
Energy Weapon Phaser Rifle
2 (3)
Heavy Weapons [choose] 1 (2)
History Xenex 1 (2)
Language (Federation Standard)   1
Language (Xenexian)   2
Law Starfleet Regulations 1 (2)
Personal Equipment Communicator
1 (2)
Planetary Tactics Small Unit 2 (3)
Planetside Survival Desert
1 (2)
Primitive Weapon Knife
2 (3)
Shipboard Systems Communications
1 (2)
Starship Tactics Dominion
2 (3)
Stealth Stealthy Movement 1 (2)
Strategic Operations Defense In Depth 2 (3)
Vehicle Operations Shuttlecraft 1 (2)
World Knowledge Xenex 1 (2)

Battle Hardened
Code of Honour (Rapid Response Team) -2
Contact (Anne Tatora, female Centauran diplomat) +1
Intolerant (Dorho) -1
Promotion (Lt.Cdr) +4
Vengeful (Dantari) -1
Zero-G Training +2

Personality: Re'k often has to demonstrate that he is not M'k'n'zy (Captain Mackenzie Calhoun, USS Excalibur), just as the second Klingon in Starfleet will have to prove they are not Worf, Son of Mogh, and the second Ferenghi will have to prove he is not Nog. But it's all to be taken in stride, and has its advantages. Notably, anyone who knows M'k'n'zy will hesitate to screw around with Re'k. Re'k himself has been making an effort to relax and be sociable, but it isn't easy for someone who's grown up needing to hide everything. He enjoys talking to Serena Nobuyuki in the forward lounge, but he has been put on report twice for not seeing her professionally in regularly scheduled counselling appointments.

Re'k believes that it is best to avoid conflict when possible; he's lived the alternative twice over. Re'k will not attack unprovoked. To do so is to become the Dantari. This isn't to say that Re'k will not strike first; if someone is threatening another or fingering their phaser holster, they're fair game.

Re'k has taken a liking to green tea. It lacks the boot-to-the-head kick of Old Zan's Starry Night, but also lacks the accompanying hangover, and doesn't double as airship fuel. 20th century Japanese society as a whole appeals to Re'k; a warrior nation reforms itself to become an important yet peaceful power.

Background : Re'k of Danar can identify with the Bajorans. He knows what life is like under an occupational government, and how little respect is shown towards the conquered labourers. Re'k is not M'k'n'zy. Re'k did not lead the rebellion, he did not slay a thousand Dantari in a single day, he did not win the war then fly off to the stars. Re'k joined the rebellion, became a deckhand on the airship Highwind, and was lucky enough to stay alive. When the war ended, he happily locked his sword away in his trunk and started building houses.

Then, in Danar Town, a man stole a pot from the town's metalsmith. Re'k was on his way to the metalsmith to get a new head for his sledge. The smith yelled after the man, who was running down the street. Re'k moved to block him, and the man raised the pan as if to hit Re'k.

Re'k instinctively bashed the man's head in with his broken sledge handle.

Re'k then realized that some warriors cannot be brought back in to society as people again. Re'k was such a person. While no one was directly offensive toward Re'k -- his foe had been a thief, after all -- no one was particularly comfortable around him, either.

So Re'k packed his things and flew off to the stars. The Federation embassy on Xenex was more than happy to help a warrior leave a planet in need of healing. And the Federation could use someone like him, anyway; the Cardassian War was finishing, but relations with the Klingons weren't going so well. And another Borg attack could be just around the corner.

Then, the Dominion. A single race with a ruling and warrior caste holding control over hundreds of conquered worlds. Dantari Mark II. The peace-loving Federation was about to become the next set of subjects.

Then, the Dorho. The same evil, a different face. Dantari Mark III. Re'k would help to free the oppressed worlds.

Re'k has found his place.


"Yes, it has been over 20 years since we kicked the Dantari off Xenex. And 30 years from now, maybe we will be able to make peace. Maybe the younger generation will accept peace more readily. But those of us who remember what life was like when the Dantari ruled... no, I am rather like your Captain Cork after the Klingon moon exploded. Hmm? Oh, Kirk then. No matter. You understand how I feel."

"I don't see the smith when my sword is sharp, I won't see the counsellor when I'm in good mental health. Now please, Miss Nobuyuki, another one of those 'green teas' please, I was talking about my father..."

"Gentlemen, the Valiant has lifted off again and is under attack from space. We're on our own, and from all accounts the Valiant might lose this one. Let's find those crash survivors, double time!"

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