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Lieutenant Janice Aaron

Species: Human
Age: 31
Height: 5’8
Weight: 142lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Place of Birth: L’ruva

Fitness: 3
Vitality: +2
Coordination: 3
Reaction: +1
Intelect: 2
Presence: 2
Willpower: +2
Empathy: -1
PSI: 0

Primitive Weapontry (Knife)(Bat’leth)2(5)(4)
Energy Weapon (Distruptor)(Phaser) 3(4)(5)
Culture (L’ru)(Federation) 2(3)
History (L’ru)(Federation) 1(2)
Language: L’ru 2, Federation Standard 1, Klingon 1
World Knolledge (L’ruva) (Earth)1(2)
Behaviour Modification (Resistance) 1(2)
Planetside Survival (Forest)(Swamp) 3(4)
Athletics (Climbing)(Grav-Ball) 1(2)(3)
Computer (Research) 1(2)
Dodge 1
Law (Starfleet Regulations) 1(2)
Personal Equipment (Tricorder) 1(2)
Security (Security Systems) 2(3)
Shipboard Systems (Tactical)(Helm)(Sensors) 3(4)
Systems Engineering (Security) 1(3)
Unarmed Combat (Starfleet Martial Arts)(Karate)(Aaron-Do) 2(3)(4)(5)
Vehical Operations (Shuttlecraft) 1(3)
Planetary Tactics (L’ru)(Romulan)(Klingon)(Dominion) 3(4)

Alien Upbringing +1
Code of Honour (L’ru)* -3
Hides Emotions –2
Rival (Admiral Edward Jellico) -2
Rival (Doctor Dovos) -2
Calm +1
Promotion: (Lieutenant) +3
Ally: (Lt. Commander Worf) +2
Intolerant: Orions –1
Famous Incident (Battle of Betazed) +3

* To ensure the survival of your ‘pack’ at all costs, fight when your honour is challenged, never yeild to a weaker foe.

Skill: +3
Openess: 0
Agression: +2
Initiative: 0
Discipline: +2
Total: 7
Courage Points: 5

Personality: Feirce and feral have both been words used to described Janice Aaron. She exudes confidence and ferocity unmatched by all but a few Klingons and presents a face of calm even in the most horrific scenes. All of this has given her a reputation feared by the crew of the Valiant, but her continued good work and dedication to duty keep her assigned to it. Janice spends most of her off duty time alone or in the ‘gym’, but has recently been convinced by Lt. Nobuyuki to teach Karate classes on Thursdays. Drawing only the most daring (or masocistic) martial arts enthusiasts.

Background: Born to Lewis and Jane Aaron a pair of Starfleet researchers who were stationed at the L’ruva culutral surveilance station. Not long after her birth, the station suffered a cascade failure in it’s holo-emitters and revealed it’s self to an entire village of L’ru, who in panic and rage over-ran the duckblind’s minimal defences and killed the ‘demons’ inside it. The only exception was Janice who in the L’ru tradition was spared and made part of the pack in hopes a demon trained in the ways of the L’ru would protect them from futher demon attacks.

There in her pack she learned how to survive and how to hunt and fight. As she grew older she became a warrior and joined the L’ru on their hunts and in their battles. And when some more demons returned she was one of the first to face them. Though it seemed these ‘green demons’ as they were called were much more dangerous than those from whom Janice or J’rran’ss came. As things went on Janice led a number raids on the ‘green demons’ causing them harm and destroying their mighty metal-beasts which dug up the earth and spit fumes to the heavens. She even learned how to use their fire sticks which spat the most deadly kind of fire, made from small metal boxes which fit in their weapons handles.

Then her people returned. They came from the heavens and took the ‘green demons’ away. One of them saw her. He was a tall man, with dark hair and skin, who looked much different from her but somehow was simular. She looked at him for a long while before she came from the trees to meet him. He somehow spoke L’ru and told her that she was a human and she would be taken home. Then a light surrounded her and she was in an entirely new world.

It was eight years later that she with Lieutenant Worf’s sponsorship and the proud history of service of her family behind her she applied to the Academy, a move opposed by then Captain Edward Jellico, who was serving on her admission review board. He described her to her face as little more than a savage, better suited to a cave than a starship. She simply nodded, and thanked the Admiral for his appraisal, before pointing out that such comment befitted a dweller of that cave more than it did a Starfleet Captain. Her cool head won her praise from the other two members of her panel and the enemity of Jellico for the rest of her career.

Janice did well in the Academy though found it hard to understand her fellow students out-look. Still even quiet and insular she passed all her courses and entered the Fleet where she served as a Security officer on the USS Okinawa and later the USS Blackthorne, both tours were short ones as she tended to have a hard time relating to her crewmates and pined longingly for L’ruva, and decided to return.

She did not get the opertunity. The Dominion war began before she could get clearance for her return to her adopted homeworld. Though she did get an opertunity ot serve on the Klingon vessel, Kavach, a somewhat old K’vort Cruiser commanded by the young son of Admiral Kre’tok. There she found herself more at home, and comfortable with the atmosphere of warrior spirit on the ship. Though that too would come to an abrupt end. As the Kavach was destroyed durring a Dominion raid on a convoy it was gaurding. Fortunately the USS Valiant was nearby and rescued the crew before it’s destruction. While she helped her crew capture one of the Jem’Hadar fighters that had persued them, she did not join them in crewing it and taking it into Dominion space for a daring, but ultimately suicidal raid on a Dominion cloning facility. Instead at both Lt. Bishon and Captain Delacour’s invitation she stayed on the Valiant where she has served since as Chief of Security.

Quotes: “Yirah, sir,” (Translation: I yeild, sir. This is her version of “Aye sir,” since L’ru do not follow orders they, yeild to instructions of their betters)