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Lieutenant Trunten Bishon

Species: Deltan
Age: 30
Height: 6’1
Weight: 172lbs
Hair: None
Eyes: Brown
Place of Birth: Delta IV

Fitness: 2
Vaitality: +1
Coordination: 4
Intelect: 2
Presense: 3
Empathy: +1
PSI: 1
Focus: +1

Space Sciences (Astrogation) 2(3)
Athletics (K’lka)(Grav-Ball) 2(3)
Charm (Seduction) 2(3)
Culture (Deltan) 2(3)
History (Deltan)(Federation) 1(2)
Language: Deltan 2, Federation Standard 2, Romulan 1
World Knowledge (Delta IV) 1(2)
Energy Weapon 3(4)
Security (Security Systems)(Law Enforcement) 2(3)
Shipboard Systems (Tactical) 3(4)
Systems Engineering (Security)(Communications)(Weapons) 1(2)
Unarmed Combat (Starfleet Martial Arts) 2(3)
Computer (Simulation/Modeling) 1(2)
Dodge 2
Law (Starfleet Regulations) 1(2)
Personal Equipment (Tricorder) 1(2)
Planetside Survival (Flatlands) 1(2)
Vehical Operation (Shuttlecraft) 1(2)
Espionage (Traffic Analysis) 1(2)
Behavior Modification (Resistance) 1(2)
Starship Tactics (Starfleet) 2(4)
Strategic Operations (Defense-in-Depth) 1(2)
Gaming (Poker) 2(4)
Receptive Empathy 1
Planetary Tactics (Small Unit) 1(2)
Command (Combat Leadership)(Starship) 1(3)

Sexy +2
Innovative +1
Curious +1
Code of Honour: -1 (New Oath of Celibacy)
Obligation –1 (Starfleet Intelligence)
Code of Honour: -4 (Starfleet)
Promotion: Lieutenant +3
Intolerant –1 (Dorho)
Famous Incident +3 (Battles of Betazed)
Skill: +3
Agression: 0
Discipline: 0
Openess: +3
Intiative: +1
Total: 7
Personality: Trunten is a personable and friendly man with a mischievous streak that can be amusing and annoying in equal parts, though in serious situations he stows it in favor of an ‘all business’ attitude. As all Deltans Bishon is a sensual person and exudes a charm that most members of the opposite sex find very, very attractive, even so Trunten lives by his species celibacy code in dealing with outsiders though those with the proper ‘maturity’ are occasionally acceptable exceptions to this code.
Background: Trunten was born on Delta IV just before his parents departed on a long range exploration of the rim-ward edge of the Alpha Quadrant. Resulting in Trunten’s earliest memories being of being on-board a Starship. Trunten was happy there among the crew and learned a lot about the way ships worked and exploration, though unlike most Deltans he was not so interested in the sciences as they were and instead favored sports. So when their first tour was up, as a kindness to Trunten his parents sent him to live with his aunt and uncle on Delta IV where he could find expression for his desires. There Trunten never quite fit in as his views differed from most other Deltans but he was still happy and was accepted at least as curiosity by the other young Deltans.

At seventeen, Trunten joined Starfleet much to his family’s joy. There he did well and was very popular with most of the cadets, especially the female ones. He did well in class if not spectacularly, and when the time came to choose his department he chose the Security/Tactical track much to most people’s surprise, as most Deltan’s pacifist streak made them avoid that branch, none the less he was not stopped from entering and by this point his family was used to his strange behavior and choices and just accepted it as part of being ‘him’. Trunten did well in his classes and was renowned for his quick grace, giving him the reputation of being as ‘smooth as silk’ especially in combat classes. Though Trunten was intrigued by intelligence training and enrolled in the basic training program, as he didn’t know if he could really deal with the secrecy of a career in intelligence. There he learned Romulan, and how to analyze enemy transmissions, which struck his curious nature well.

After graduation Trunten was assigned to the USS Falcon, a small patrol ship on the Romulan border where the ship both kept the flow of contraband to a slow trickle but acted as the primary law enforcement agency for the region as well which made use of his personal skills. This did not last long as soon, the Dominion War began and Trunten, seeing that while border patrol was necessary it was not essential and applied to transfer to frontline duty. His Captain understood his request and added his recommendations, which got him a posting as the Chief of Sec/Tac on the USS Valiant. There Bishon found himself as a respected and relied upon officer and absolutely loved his fellow crew members to whom he became very attached, which forced him to work hard at his job to see as many as possible survived the war.

Once the war was over he stayed with the Valiant because he couldn’t imagine a place that felt more like a home to him. He served an additional two years there both doing stellar surveys and fighting in the Dorho War. Though he disappeared on a secret mission to pick up an intelligence officer on one of the Dorho’s worlds, and the Valiant was ordered not to attempt rescue as there had been an extended cease fire which Starfleet did not want to threaten for the sake of Bishon and Ralae Emberskin, who had gone on that mission.