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Captian Julius Delacour

Race: Human
Age: 34
Height: 6’1
Weight: 175lbs
Hair: Drk Brown
Eyes: Brown Place of Birth: Utopia Planitia, Mars

Fitness: 3
Coordination: 3
Intelect: 3
Presense: 2
Willpower: +1
Empathy: +2
PSI: 0

Athletics (Grav-Ball) 3(4)
Physical Science (Physics)(Computer Science) 2(3)
Culture (Human) 2(3)
History (Human)(Federation) 1(2)
Language: Federation Standard 2, French 1
World Knowledge (Mars) 1(2)
Computer (Simulation/Modeling)(Programming) 3(4)
Dodge 1
Energy Weapon (Phaser) 2(3)
Propulsion Engineering (Warp Drive)(Impulse) 3(4)
Material Engineering (Starship Design)(Structural/Space Frame) 3(4)
Systems Engineering (Replicator/Transporter)(Computer)(Weapons)(Power) 2(4)(3)(3)
Law (Starfleet Regulations)(Federation Law) 2(4)(3)
Personal Equipment (Tricorder) 1(2)
Planetside Survival (Desert) 1(2)
Shipboard Systems (Engineering) (Command) 2(3)(4)
Vehical Operations (Shuttlecraft)(Work Bee) 2(4)(3)
Administration (Logistics)(Beaurcratic Manipulation)(Starfleet)(Starship) 3(4)
Command (Milltary Training)(Starship)(Combat Leadership) 3(4)(5)(4)
Knowledge (Borg Cube)(Borg Technology)(Dorho Sector)(Romulan Technology) 0(3)(4)(2)(2)
Strategic Operations (Borg)(Defense-in-Depth)(Romulan) 3(4)
Starship Tactics (Federation)(Dominion)(Borg) 2(3)
Diplomacy (First Contact) 2(3)
Instruction (Exocultural) 1(2)

Sexy +2
Code of Honour –4 (Starfleet)
Innovative +1
Contact +1 (Commander Elizabeth Shelby)
Contact +2 (Captain Jean Luc Picard)
Contact +2 (Commander Ben Sisko, now missing)
Promotion Captain +8
Patron +2 (Admiral Hayse)
Medal of Honour +2 (for Gold Fleet incident)
Famous Incident +2 ('Gold Fleet')
Bold +1
Department Head: Command +2
Famous Incident +3 (Battles of Betazed)
Favour Owed +1 (Admiral Kre’tok)
Commendation: +1 (Grankite Order of Tactics)
Ally +2 (Ilora Zel)
Famous Incident: +1 (Contact with the Halasians)
Famous Incident +3 (Battle of the Rift)
Cultural Flexibility +1
Ally +5 (Admiral Gillespe)

Rival –1 (Former Lieutenant George Delacour)
Rival -3 (Admiral Guise)
Romantic Attachment -1 (Lt. Cmdr Tara Jhale)
Romantic Attachment: -3 (Ilora Zel)
Rival -1 (Doctor Dovos)
Sworn Enemy -2 (Centurian Ryjarra)
Skill: +35
Intiative: +14
Discipline: +2
Openess: +11
Total: 62
Courage Points:5

Personality: Julius as a man is a gentleman and quite an easy person to like, who hides very little of his emotions when he speaks and commands attention by his presence. As a Captain, he is an easy man to please as long as the job is done, and he is willing to look the other way if it bends regulations, but will not bend the General Orders for the sake of practicality. He prefers an ‘in the trenches’ type of command style and likes to be on at least semi-casual address basis with his crew unless it makes them uncomfortable.

Background: Julius Delacour grew literally in the shadow of Utopia Planitia, where his family lived, his father was a Assembly Engineer at the orbiting shipyards, but transported home every night for supper. Julius and his brother George, were good friends and both did well in school planning to follow their father’s footsteps into Starfleet but as Officers. And by their eighteenth birthday they had done it.

In the Academy both did well except that Julius seemed to here shine more than George did, as well Julius’ charisma won him many friends, which George coveted and in the end the this jealousy led the end of their speaking relationship. Dispute his bad relations with his brother, Julius did well in the Academy and in the end graduated from the Advanced Engineering Department, and was immediately accepted for assignment to Anteres yard to help develop new warp systems for the shuttlecraft being built there. This would have been a happy time for Julius were it not that he received word en-route to Anteres that his father had died in an accident at Utopia Planitia. Julius returned for the funeral and stayed with his mother for a month before proceeding to his assignment.

At Anteres, Julius did well and was soon promoted after the team in which he worked developed a new system of warp drive that would be used in the next line of shuttles being produced at the yard. From there he was sent to help set up the new Habeshian Shipyard over Trill, where he worked until the Battle of Wolf 359. At that point he was transferred to the Borg Technological Analization Project, where he helped study the logs of the USS Enterprise and the logs of the ships involved in the battle to develop new weapons to combat the any further Borg incursions. There he was well liked and his opinion was often sought on a variety of projects, and made a number of friends. Also he made an Enemy, Admiral Guise, an El Aurian who hated the borg intensely, and advocated the use of their technology to defeat them. Julius among others disagreed, some to the point of launching official protests but Guise had enough pull to keep them from ever coming to more than that.

After years of study of information on the Borg, Julius proposed a new self-replicating defense perimeter to replace the current one surrounding Mars’ orbit to combat the borg. It was approved and they began to build it under his supervision. As well Julius kept in touch with the project groups and like the scientific community kept the flow of information open between them. Once the Mars defense grid was finished, he moved on to help assemble some of Ben Sisko’s Defiant class vessels, who were being produced quickly to help defend the Federation from potential Dominion or Cardassian attack as well as to be ready for a Borg invasion.

It turned out that a the Borg would be the first to strike. A single cube made an attack on Earth, and was faced by a number of the Federation’s most advanced warships and continued to move forward. Sensing the urgency of the situation, Delacour and others in the shipyards took out ships which were almost finished to join the fight. This was Julius’ first taste of Command, despite the lack of impact he had on the battle, and the damage sustained he enjoyed the opportunity if not the situation and enrolled in command school in hopes of someday getting his own Command. This wish was aided by Admiral Paris, whom Julius’ vessel the USS Valiant (Defiant Class) rescued from the bridge of his vessel as it exploded around him.

Julius’ wish would come true sooner than he thought, upon graduating Command School, the Dominion War caused a lack of Commanders for the vessels currently completed. So with some pushing by Delacour’s part he managed to get command of a Intrepid Class vessel which was yet to be completed or named in Utopia Planitia. One he would call the Valiant after his first Command which had been lost in the war.

Dispite his inexperience, Julius and the crew of the Valiant did well in the war, becoming involved in the battles for Betazed, and developing a torpedo modification that homed in on the energy signature of the Breen anti-energy weapon. As well Julius earned the respect of a Klingon admiral named Kre'tok, for allowing his son to take a captured Jem'Hadar fighter to regain his honour. In payment for this, Kre'tok gave Delacour his D'k'Tagh, with the instruction that if he or any of his family need a favor from the house of Kre'tok, to bring the dagger to them and they will do it. Delacour displays this dagger in his ready room.

Since the end of the war Julius has yet to recieve promotion to the rank of full Captain but it has not effected his performance performing a major scientific mission in the Draconis Expanse, and then joining elements of the 15th, 22nd and 27th Fleet in the Dorho War. And most recently being assigned to the Dorho Sector post war, as part of a diplomatic/tactical task force sent into the sector to both find a vessel dubbed the 'Mystery Ship' and stablize the sector by engaging in diplomatic contact with the worlds there. Also Julius has begun a serious relationship with the ambassador assigned to his vessel Ilora Zel. Which went horribly wrong at durring the Halasian first contact when Ilora killed to get Julius back. Afterwards, she broke off their relationship because she was scared about what else she might do because of how she felt about him. He was heartbroken at losing her but understood her reasons. The break up unfortunatley made his promotion to full Captain, of little pleasure. Though the phrasing of Ilora's request to be reassigned making it seem they had mutually agreed to the split to avoid conflict of intrest, did much to help his assessment. Julius now knows that the extra pip he wears with pride comes at a very high price, and has redoubled his efforts to be the best Captain he can because he knows this is the only future he has left now that Ilora has left to him.

"Commander the idea of you commanding those armours scares me"

"Really?! I mean that would be excelent" - Upon hearing that Ilora agreed to have a dinner date with him.