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“Welcome Aboard”

Focus: Ralae Emberskin, and the NPC crew of the Valiant.


The USS Valiant-C gets a new Assistant Chief of Operations, a Caitian named Ralae Emberskin. The Valiant herself has just come back to the Dorho Theater from a brief repair and resupply stop at the Anteres shipyard. Including a number of special suits made to give Starfleet an edge in close combat with the Dorho.

After a brief introduction to the ship and crew, by Lieutenant Oben, and Nobuyuki. They are called to rescue a downed ship in Dorho space. They go and upon arrival land as per Ralae’s suggestion, where they are attacked by a large Dorho warship in orbit. Fortunately the Valiant escaped and returned fire nearly crippling the enemy vessel. From there the Valiant manages to recover the lost personnel and make good their return to Federation Space. Durring which Ralae participates and nearly singlehandedly repels a simulated boarding of the Valiant by using the holo-matrix around the ship as well as the fire surpression system (to knock out enemy personnel) getting the attention of the Captain and Chief of Secuirty.

“Truth pt 1”

Focus: Ralae Emberskin, Lieutenant Trunten Bishon.

Special Guest Star: General Van Hise


After an extended stay over Kehjah Prime. Ralae, is chosen for a special mission into Dorho Space by Lieutenant Bishon. The mission is explained by General Van Hise, who seems dissatisfied with the current situation of non-agression in the Dorho War, but carries out Command’s orders to act as non-agressively as possible. As Ralae and Bishon are told to pilot a modified Peregrine fighter into Dorho Space, where they will go to the planet Krehla and pick up a Federation agent who has requested retreival. The General hopes that the agent has information as to why the Dorho have suddenly abandoned their offensives against the Federation, something that is totally unlike any previous Dorho tactics.

The trip and arrival to the Krehla are uneventful but when the spy’s beacon is detected and beamed to the ship it turns out it is a stun explosive and it goes off knocking both Ralae and Trunten out.

“Truth pt 2”

Focus: Ralae Emberskin, Lieutenant Trunten Bishon.


Ralae wakes up in a jail cell with some unknown alien. Who identifies himself as true Dorho. Ralae makes and escape attempt from the prison and is killed by a Dorho Grunt.

Bishon is held and tortured before encountering the former Romulan Ambassador to the Dorho Sector in the prison and the two make an escape to the ship that Ralae and Bishon came in. Bishon wants to wait but the Romulan informs him that he had heard that a month ago a Federation spy was killed trying to escape, a Caitian by all reports. Conceeding that it was likely Ralae and with a heavy heart Bishon takes them off Krehla. Almost to Federation space the Dorho catch up and shoot down the fighter...