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Lieutenant (JG) Seraphim “Sera” Fitzgherald

Species: Human
Age: 24
Height: 5’4
Weight: 132lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Place of Birth: Chicago, Earth

Fitness: 2
Coordination: 2
Intelect: 2
Perception +1
Presense: 2
Willpower +1
PSI: 0

Athletics (Jogging)(Grav-Ball) 2(3)
Physical Science (Computer Science) 2(5)
Culture (Human) 2(3)
History (Human)(Federation) 1(2)
World Knowledge (Earth) 1(2)
Administration (Starship) 3(4)
Shipboard Systems (Mission Ops) (Sensors)(Communications) 3(4)
Systems Engineering (Communications) 1(2)
Vehical Operations (Shuttlecraft)(Fighter) 3(5)(5)
Computer (Programming) 3(4)
Dodge 1
Energy Weapon (Phaser) 1(2)
Law (Starfleet Regulations) 1(2)
Personal Equipment (Tricorder) 1(2)
Planetside Survival (Jungle) 1(2)
Unarmed Combat (Starfleet Martial Arts) 1(3)
Space Sciences (Astrogation)(Stellar Cartography)(Astronomy)(Astrophysics) 1(2)
Planetary Science (Planetology)(Geology) 1(2)
Command (Starship) 1(2)

Patron (Captain Harrison Fitzgherald) +2
Rival (Lisa Winters) +1
Code of Honour (Starfleet) -4
Pacifisim (Cannot Kill) -1
Impulsive -1
Curious +1
Bold +1
Patron +2 (Lt. Commander Gil Oben)
Promotion (Lieutenant Junior Grade) +1
Departement Head (Operations) +2
Romantic Attachment (Taren) -2

Skill: +1
Agression: 0
Openess: 0
Intiative: 0
Discipline: 0
Total: 1
Courage Points: 5

Personality Sera comes across as very young to most officers in the Fleet, especialy since she had managed to be one of those few who missed out entirely on the Dominion War so has managed to avoid much of the scaring from it. Still she is confident in her own skills and believes in those who put her in the position of Chief of Operations were right to do so, and does her best to prove it every day. Sera is outgoing in social situations but deeply dedicated to doing her job when on duty.

Background Sera grew up as a Starfleet child. Her father Harrison Fitzgherald worked at Starfleet Command, and transported to their family home in Chicago every night. Ever since she could understand what Starfleet was, Sera wanted to join up, so she applied herself to her studies at secondary school and managed to make it past the tough entrance examinations to enter the Academy.

At the Academy, Sera focused on computers and shuttle piloting, and eventualy when the time came decided to specialize in Ops, along with her friend Lisa Winters a consumate party girl. Sometime later, Winters almost washing out of the Academy, cheated on a test and when caught in an act of fear and jealousy said Sera had helped her do it. Fortunately Sera was found to be innocent as Lisa confessed a few days later but their friendship was ruined, and they have disliked each other since. Also Sera had made the somewhat strange and optimistic choice of going for Exploration training instead of Tactical as most were doing in her last years at the Academy. This turned out to be a good choice, since before Sera’s class graduated the Academy the Dominion War was over. And he training as an explorer made her the obvious choice to join the Ops department of the USS Valiant as they were about to embark on a series of science missions.

On the Valiant Sera proved to be a good officer, quickly learning the ropes of being an Ops officer and gained the gamma bridge shift for her efforts. As well she was able to save Xela Jzoor and Janice Aaron from being traped in the Beta Quadrant by a rapidly colapsing wormhole which she managed to pilot her way through seconds before it’s colapse. After the Dorho war and the shuffle of the crew caused by the events surrounding it’s end Sera has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant (jg) and give command of the Ops department.