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Lieutenant Tara Jhale

Species: Centaurian
Age: 28
Height: 5’8
Weight: 130lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Place of Birth: Velen, Alpha Centauri

Fitness: 2
Coordination: 2
Intelect: 3
Logic: +2
Presence: 2
Empathy: +1
PSI: 0

Physical Science (Physics) 4(5)
Artistic Expression (Sculpting) 2(3)
Culture (Centuarian) 2(3)
History (Centuarian)(Federation) 1(2)
Language Centaurian 2, Federation Standard 1
World Knowledge (Alpha Centauri) 1(2)
Propulsion Engineering (Impulse Drive)(Warp Drive) 3(4)
Material Engineering (Starship Design)(Structural/Spaceframe)(Personal Equipment) 3(4)
Personal Equipment (Construction Equipment)(EVA Suit) 2(3)
Systems Engineering (Transporter/Replicators)(Computers)(Weapons) 3(4)
Computer (Simulation/Modeling) 1(2)
Vehical Operations (Shuttlecraft) 1(2)
Athletics (Grav-Ball) 1(2)
Dodge 1
Energy Weapon (Phaser) 1(2)
Law (Starfleet Regulations) 1(2)
Planetside Survival (Forest) 1(2)

Sexy +2
Innovative +1
Code of Honour (Starfleet)-4
Promotion (Lieutenant) +3
Impulsive –1
Department Head (Chief Engineer, USS Valiant) +2
Famous Incident: (‘Gold Fleet’) +2
Famous Incident: (Battles of Betazed) +3
Commendation: +1 (Grankite Order of Tactics)

Skill: 10
Initiative: +4
Openess: +1
Total: 15
Courage Points: 3
Personality:Hands on, describes Tara Jhale's philosophy of life. If there is something important happening she wants to be there either lending a hand or some advise. Many new engineers on the ship feel as though she doesn't trust them to work on their own, but when the chips are down all the engineering crew is glad that Tara will jump in to help where she is needed instead of shouting orders as others are want to do.

She is a bit timid around the subject of romance, and is a bit of tom-boy and knows it. Still she can be quite attractive and charming when she wants, it's just she's usualy too covered in sweat and grease to worry about such things.

Background Tara Jhale grew up on Alpha Centauri in the small town of Velen, the daughter of two artists of minor renown in the region. As most children on Alpha Centauri, Tara was taught the arts, something that she was resistant to until one day she came across an image archive of Federation Starships. From there she began to design and model starships which her parents and teachers encouraged. After her secondary education on Centauri, Tara applied to the Academy and was accepted.

In the Academy Tara had no question about what she wanted to do with her career, she wanted to build Starships for real. So she trained in engineering with an eye to join the ASDB or at least the assembly division. After four years she was indeed accepted in to the ASDB. There she was

When the Borg came to earth in 2372, Tara was the first person recruited by then Commander Delacour when he assembled what would be called ‘Gold Fleet’ (so named because the crew was almost entirely Engineers). She did well keeping the ¾ completed Valiant – B together during the battle. So well that when the battle was over the Valiant was still completed, if a few months behind schedule. After it’s completion she went on to build the Sao Paulo another Defiant class vessel before Captain Delacour came calling again. This time he was being officially put in charge of the USS Valiant – C (the B having been destroyed in action) and wanted her to be his Chief Engineer. She made out her transfer papers with in an hour of having been offered the job and did not regret it. She had come to love the ‘on-the-edge’ work of shipboard engineering during the Borg incursion, and wanted more. She got it, as she and her team of Engineers kept the Valiant together during many battles in it’s time, as well Tara was awarded the Silver Palm for her efforts designing the Type II-B torpedo, which was configured to seek the Breen’s energy weapon as a stop-gap measure to allow Federation and Romulan ships to engage the Breen to aid the Klingons.

Tara has stayed with the Valiant since the end of the war, because of her love of shipboard engineering and continues to serve with distinction.