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Lieutenant Xela Jzoor

Species: Benzite
Age: 30
Height: 5’10
Weight: 150lbs
Eyes: Brown
Place of Birth: Soliban, Benzar

Fitness: 2
Strength –1
Viatality +2
Coordination: 2
Intelect: 3
Presence: 2
Willpower +2
Empathy –1

PSI: 0

Administration (Logistics) 2(4)
Material Engineering (Personal Equipment) 1(2)
Culture (Benzite) 2(3)
History (Benzite)(Federation) 1(2)
Language Bezite 2, Federation Standard 1
World Knowledge (Benzar) 1(2)
Computer (Research)(Programming) 2(3)
Personal Equipment (Tricorder)(Communicator) 2(3)
Space Science (Stellar-Cartography)(Astrophysics) 3(4)(5)
Planetary Science (Planetology) 2(3)
Physical Science (Computer Science) 2(3)
Shipboard Systems (Sensors)(Communications) 3(4)
Dodge 1
Energy Weapon (Phaser) 1(2)
Systems Engineering (Sensors) 1(3)
Law (Starfleet Regulations) 1(2)
Planetside Survival (Plains) 1(2)
Vehical Operation (Shuttlecraft) 1(2)
Athletics (Grav-Ball) 1(2)

Curious +1
Resistant +4
Competitive -1
Obsessive Tendencies -3
Patron +2 (Doctor Tolosa of the Bezite Conclave of Science)
Innovative +1
Rival -1
Code of Honour –2 (Code of Scientific Accuracy)
Promotion: Lieutenant +3
Department Head: +2 (Chief of Science)
Famous Incident: +3 (Battles of Betazed)
Commendation: +1 (Grankite Order of Tactics)
Skill: +7
Discipline: +4
Initiative: +1
Openess: -1
Total: 11
Courage Points: 3
Personality: Dedicated to scientific accuracy and to expanding both her own knowledge and that of her friends and associates. Xela often speaks at length on most topics she is discussing going into what the ungrateful call ‘tedious detail’, but the truth is in the details and it is her job as Science officer to find the truth, so despite protests she continues on the path of her choosing. Though as a consideration for her non-Benzite comrades, she has forgone direct intervention in regards to inefficiency aboard ship, since members of the crew have objected (such as Dovos) to such ‘interference’. Though Xela still offers many suggestions, which seem to be taken well.

Background: Xela has spent most of her life with her people. Unlike the other crew members of the USS Valiant, Xela never planned to leave her world to become a member of Starfleet, she instead pursued a career in the Conclave of Science and to do so joined the Benzite Navy in as a communications and sciences officer with hopes that her work in exploration would bring her renown among the Conclave. It worked when her ship discovered a world caught in a temporal rift and was phasing in and out of our reality. Her detailed study of this planet’s ecosystems and the principles behind it’s situation got the attention of one of the directors of Astrophysics, Doctor Tolosa, who has corresponded with Xela since that incident, and the two often discuss complex theorems in their field.

When the Federation entered the Dominion War, many members of the Benzite Navy joined Starfleet voluntarily or by conscription. Xela was of the last category, not all that excited about risking all in a war with an aliens species, she had not volunteered for duty but as numbers dwindled in the Fleet and there was a lack of science officers the Benzite Fleet transferred her to Starfleet, where she was assigned to the USS Valiant as science officer, after a month long orientation session.

Aboard the Valiant she found the crew very different then what she was used to. She had to learn to ‘guess’ and to ‘summarize’ as well as ‘improvise’. The latter she found most interesting and has become good at it. Even winning the Grankite Order of Tactics for her help in developing the Type II-B torpedoes that sought out Breen energy signatures. As of the end of the war, Xela remains aboard the Valiant in hopes of learning more from her crewmen as well as hoping to make them see the value of efficiency and accuracy.