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Lieutenant Commander Michael Lee

Species: Human
Age: 35
Height: 5’10
Weight: 163lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Place of Birth: San Francisco, Earth.

Fitness: 2
Coordination: 2
Intelect: 2
Presence: 2
Willpower: +1
PSI: 0

Atheletics (Parisee Squares)(Tai Chi) 2(3)
Life Science (Biology)(Virology) 3(4)
Culture (Human)(Chinese) 2(3)
History (Human)(Federation) 1(2)
Language: Federation Standard 3, Mandarin 2
World Knowledge (Earth) 1(2)
First Aid (Combat/Trauma) 3(4)
Medical Science (General Medicine)(Exoanatomy)(Toxicology)(Pathology)(Forensic Pathology)(Neurology) 3(5)
Personal Equipment (Medical Tricorder)(Containment Suit) 2(4)(3)
Shipboard Systems (Medical) 2(4)
Computer (Research) 1(2)
Dodge 1
Energy Weapon (Phaser) 1(2)
Law (Starfleet Regulations) 1(2)
Planetside Survival (Desert) 1(2)
Vehical Operations (Shuttlecraft) 1(2)
Physical Science (Chemistry)(Vector Analysis) 1(2)
Planetary Science (Ecology) 0(3)
Command (Combat Leadership) 1(2)
Planetary Tactics (Small Unit) 0(1)
Gaming (Chess)(Poker) 1(2)

Code of Honour –2 (Hippocratic Oath)
Code of Honour –4 (Starfleet)
Bold +1
Innovative +1
Species Friend +2 (Bynar)
Famous Incident +2 (Bynar Crisis)
Rival –3 (Admiral Guise)
Personality: Lee is a dedicated officer and doctor, who while realizes his duty is to save lives, he is also aware of the necessity to do so within the stricture of Starfleet regulations and the chain of command. Mike in off duty hours is quite friendly and has a good sense of humor. He also has a sharp wit which he uses on those he considers as being foolish.

Background: Michael was born in San Francisco on Earth in the cities china town district. Where he grew up with an older sister and brother. Their parents were both successful at what they did. Michael’s father was a renowned archeologist who worked on a number of projects both on and off Earth. While his mother was a concert pianist who played with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra. Mike grew up well in this home, and had by the end of his secondary education decided on joining the Fleet to see the galaxy and make a difference, he was unsure at first about what he wanted to take originally thinking he would join science, but as much as the classes were fascinating Mike was not satisfied with being a passive observer to life, he wanted to be involved, so considering his major field of study was life science, he enrolled in Starfleet premed. Graduating at the end of his time there as a full medical doctor with a specialization in virii which he found fascinating in a somewhat morbid way.

Michael’s good grades got him an assignment to the Federation Center for Disease Control where he worked as a researcher at first but later a field doctor dealing with the various disasters that came their way. During this time Mike was called to Bynar with his team as the Bynar were suffering from some kind of strange disease that was causing them to shut down. After they exhausted most medical solutions they realized it must be something related to the cybernetics they had implanted. So they called on the leading researchers of cybernetic technology the Borg Technological Analysis Branch of Starfleet Engineering. Among those sent to help Lee’s team was Julius Delacour, and between the two of them they managed to determine the cause of the problem which was a highly advanced computer virus which effected both man and machine. Mike ultimately created a cure and was honored by the Bynar for his work. Unfortunately the computer virus was taken into custody by Admiral Guise of the BTAB and later reconfigured as a possible weapon for use on the Borg, against the protests of Lee and Delacour.

Once the Dominion war had begun Lee like many other detached medical personnel were drafted back into the regular fleet and sent to help out with the staggering number of casualties that came back from the battles. To Mike this time of his life was a blur of surgery and blood, that he has tried very hard to get past in his life after the war, but has not forgotten the lessons he learned there and feels it made him a better doctor for it. After the war Mike stayed with the hospital ship Kelly until he was transferred to the Valiant in exchange for their Chief Medical officer, Dovos. Mike was glad for the chance to work with Delacour again and has come to love the Valiant and it’s crew and is making plans to stay a good long time.

