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Lieutenant (jg) M’Ri “Emily” McLaren

Species: Human/Vulcan
Age: 30
Height: 5’6
Weight: 134lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Place of Birth: London, England, Earth

Fitness: 2
Strength: +1
Coordination: 2
Intelect: 3
Logic: +1
Presence: 3
Willpower: +1
Empathy: +1
PSI: 0

Athletics (Jogging)(Swimming) 2(3)
Social Science (Political Science) 2(3)
Culture (Human)(Vulcan) 2(3)
History (Human)(Federation)(Vulcan) 1(2)
Languages: Federation Standard 2, Vulcan 2
World Knowledge (Earth)(Vulcan) 1(2)
Administration (Starfleet Personnel) 2(3)
Computer (Research) 1(4)
Dodge 1
Energy Weapon (Phaser) 1(2)
First Aid (Combat/Trauma) 2(3)
Law (Starfleet Regulations) 1(2)
Medical Science (Psychology) 3(5)
Personal Equipment (Medical Tricorder) 1(3)
Persuasion (Counseling) 2(4)
Planetside Survival (Desert) 1(2)
Shipboard Systems (Medical) 1(3)
Vehical Operations (Shuttlecraft) 1(2)
Diplomacy (Federation)(First Contact)(Interstellar Relations) 2(4)
Life Science (Biology) 1(2)
Unarmed Combat (Nerve Pinch) 2(3)
Artistic Expression (Violin)(Acting) 1(3)
Gaming (Kal’toh)(2D Chess) 1(3)

Mixed Species Heritage +6
Rival -1
Language Ability +2
Patron (Parents) +3
Code of Honour (Hippocratic Oath) -2
Code of Honour (Starfleet) -4
Pacifism (Self Defense) -3
Slow Healing -1
Passionate -1
Promotion (Lieutenant Junior Grade) +1
Department Head: (Counseling) +2
Sexy +2
Reprimand (Discipline) –1

Personality: M’Ri at first glance is a very British, human woman. She comes across as friendly with a high sense of propriety and duty. But as one gets to know her there are undertones of both Vulcan reserve and logical thinking as well as the much hidden Vulcan passion that in M’Ri’s case reveals it’s self in the case of romantic involvement leading to many messy past relationships. Though now she seeks to control that aspect of herself but has so far only met with limited success.
Background: Born on Earth to the Vulcan Trade Legate to Earth S’ian, and Tuomas McLaren a renowned peacemaker in the Tholian Accords, she lived as close to a privileged life as one gets in the Federation. This served to offset her frequent health problems which plagued her due to a defect in her genetics, a result of which was a far more human appearance but also resulted in a complicated internal structure and a unique blood chemistry containing both Human and Vulcan elements. Still her hindrances aside M’Ri excelled in her early environment of shuffling between Earth and various other worlds, but it was lonely and left her with few long term friends with the exception of her parents, which forced her to mature quite quickly.

Then in her twelfth year of life her family moved to Vulcan on a semi-permanent basis. There she learned much of that side of her joint heritage and strongly reinforced what her mother had taught her about logic to that point. She continued on there until she turned 17 and graduated her secondary education, where she applied and was accepted to Oxford, where she studied for four years doing pre-med with a minor in psychology. As it turned out she found psychology more interesting than other medical sciences and so before continuing any further on her medical training enrolled in Starfleet Academy’s counseling program.

There she found herself enjoying the companionship and comradery of the Fleet, something absent in her life until then. She also made a good friend, her roommate Serena Nobuyuki, a traditionalist Japanese woman who like M’Ri was training to be a counselor. Though Nobuyuki and M’Ri often had vastly different views on how their duty should be performed both women got on well in social situations and even enjoyed debating their view points on their profession. Though they were close during the academy, their relationship became distant and sporadic after graduation and both move out into the galaxy to pursue their careers.

M’Ri’s assignment out of the Academy was Starbase 417 on the Cardassian border where at first she aided the Diplomatic Corps in trying to secure alliances with neutral powers along the border but once the war with the Dominion began in earnest she was quickly used to help counsel the wounded personnel that were on the station after being rotated back from the front lines. She performed her job well with only the blemish of a reprimand for insubordination when she slapped the station’s XO for a too forward advance. After the war she remained on 417 again in a more diplomatic capacity but quickly tired of it and wanted a change of assignment and had put in several requests for Starship assignment. Unfortunately there were still plenty of Counselors after the war and her requests were denied until she was offered a position on the USS Valiant by Julius Delacour. He chose her because of her friendship with the ship’s former counselor Serena Nobuyuki, who had died in a skirmish with the Romulans, the thinking being that the crew would be more willing to accept someone who knew Nobuyuki and felt their loss. While devastated by the loss of her old friend, M’Ri accepted the position, which she was warned would be ‘interesting’ by her superiors in Starfleet Medical.